Visit of Mr. Jeffrey Alderman, President, ACBSP

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Mr Jeffrey Alderman, President and CEO, Accreditation Council for Business Schools & Programs (ACBSP), USA, visited the Institute on Thursday, August 31, 2017. SDMites had an opportunity to hear from the ACBSP President and interact.

Mr. Alderman during his talk elucidated on what accreditation signifies and particularly what the ACBSP accreditation means. He said, ‘There are only 7% business schools in the world to have this accreditation and you, the students of SDMIMD, are fortunate that you are getting to study in such a prestigious institute.’

Mr Alderman, while talking about the standards of ACBSP that are used for the accreditation process, briefly talked about the evolution of these and continuous revision. To give students a glimpse of the corporate world he shared some of his personal work life experiences which emphasized on time management to build a good career.

The talk concluded with an active question and answer session. While answering the difference between Indian B-School Students to the rest, Mr. Alderman said, ‘Indian students have an IT advantage. Be it in my own organisation or somewhere else – one thing I noticed common in Indian students is that they are good at information technology and that puts them ahead of the rest of the  competitors.’

Later, Mr. Alderman addressed the Faculty and Staff Members, and was interviewed by students for their online magazine “Dimensions”.