Workshop on New Directions in HRM Tools and Techniques

A One-day Pre Conference Workshop on ‘New directions in HRM tools and techniques’ was organized at SDMIMD on December 3, 2015. The workshop was designed to provide a general overview on contemporary tools and techniques in the field of Human Resource Management and covered contemporary topics, such as, emotionally intelligent leadership, IT is managing HR, Data analysis in HRM, and, Quality tools in people management. The workshop attracted nominations from various educational institutions and corporate. 
Dr. Mousumi Sengupta, Dr. Nilanjan Sengupta, Prof. Mohamed Minhaj, Prof. Rajendra Todalbagi, and, Dr. Srilakshminarayana, G. conducted the workshop sessions. The workshop organized as part of 4th International Conference on “Managing Human Resources at the workplace” scheduled on December 4 & 5, 2015, was coordinated by Dr. Sunil M.V.

Talk on 'ERP' by Mr. Sanjai of SAP

Mr. Sanjai K, Head, Asia Pacific & Japan, SAP Solution Delivery Center, was at SDMIMD on December 3, 2015 to deliver invited talk on ERP. The talk focused on cloud, big data analytics and the future of ERP. Mr. Sanjai interacted with the students and shared his insights on emerging trends in the ERP space with them.

Pratigam 2015 – SDMites Alumni Meet

SDMIMD Alumni Meet - Pratigam for the year 2015 started with an invocation by Mr. Sharath Deshpande of PGDM 2015-17 batch. Dr. H. Gayathri, Deputy Director welcomed SDMites and stated that Alumni are pillars of an institution. Dr. Gayathri called SDMites as ‘Valued Ambassadors’, committed for extending support formally and informally towards the growth of the institution. Dr. N. R. Parasuraman, Director in his address stated that the alumni are the stakeholders of the institute. In this address, Dr. Parasuraman gave a glimpse about the situation of B-Schools in the country and shared the activities of SDMIMD. He appreciated the effort of SDMites in making one among the Top 50 B-Schools in the country by B-School Surveys and for CRISIL A** rating. In his speech, Dr. Parasuraman highlighted the increase in quality research output from faculty, process for EFMD and ACBSP international accreditations and the activities of the institute. Mr. Arun Padaki, President of Alumni association called upon SDMites to organize meet regularly at different chapters and share ideas through official portals of the institute available on social media. Mr. Padaki opined that such meets and idea sharing will help in launching new initiatives for and of the institute. 
The inaugural session was followed by interactive session with current students. The post lunch session had the alumni meeting and discussing the way forward for the alumni to make their presence and contribution felt for the growth of the Institute Overall Pratigam 2015 was a memorable Alumni Meet.  

SDMIMD recognized for its academic rigour

Higher Education Review (HER) has ranked SDMIMD as "Management College of the Year 2015" under 'College for Academic Rigor' category. A consistently revised curriculum that has been complemented by frequent guest talks and other events have made SDMIMD to secure top position in Academic Rigor. SDMIMD's belief in imbibing Indian values and ethos to the students by building the right attitude, modesty, ethics and constant interaction with the social sector, has added to the academic qualities. These qualities have made SDMIMD a regular destination for many campus recruiters in the country.   SDMIMD has been  listed among 'Top 20 B-Schools' for the 'Management College of the Year 2015' in the October 2015 issue of HER.  

Guest lecture by Dr. Enrico C. Yee, Jr.

Dr. Enrico C. Yee, Jr.,  Chair, Department of Business Administration, College of Governance and Business, University of South-eastern Philippines addressed SDMIMD students on the principles and practices of Corporate Finance. He detailed the current practices adopted by Companies in Philippines. Dr. Enrico suggested that the principles of managing funds by companies can also be adopted by students to manage one's finances. His talk a brief account on the type of industries operating in Philippines, the Government's policies on FDI, the opportunities and challenges of doing business in Philippines.

Guest lecture by Mr.JOHNSON Olawale David

Mr. JOHNSON Olawale David, Department of Economics, Covenant University, Nigeria, in his talk to SDMIMD students said that Nigeria has proven that though she was seen as corrupt, mismanaged, and seemingly hopeless, she can rise above the negativism to become the largest economy in Africa with over $574 billion in Gross Domestic Product. With over 80% of its fiscal revenue from Crude Oil, the recent fall in oil price means that the largest economy in Africa could be in dire strait. Haven maintained a growth rate of about 6%, many have argued that Nigeria's growth has not carried Nigerians along as inequality of wealth distribution is extreme. With similarities in terms of large population and economic structure, Nigeria and India have grown to be great trading partners. He affirms that India is Nigeria's largest trading partner importing the largest amount of Nigeria's crude oil. He emphasized that, as developing economies with the hope of leapfrogging the stages of development, the two countries must create jobs, strengthen their macroeconomic framework, improve their investment climate, complete structural reforms and so on.

Talk by Dr. Rao from Botswana University

Dr. K.S. Madhava Rao, Professor of Statistics, Botswana University, Botswana delivered talk on "Probability model for market sentiments” on November 21, 2015. Dr. Rao focused his talk on the probability model for market sentiments of equity prices/indices and addressed statistical issues related to model. Dr. Rao elaborated how the model developed by him could be used to analyse stock market sentiments.  Further, he empirically demonstrated the analysis of BSE benchmark SENSEX and NSE benchmark NIFTY with respect to the model. On the whole, the speaker threw light on the new methodology to measure volatility index. 

Invited Talk by Dr. Md. Shah Alam of Bangladesh

Dr. Md. Shah Alam, Professor, Rajshashi University, Bangladesh delivered a lecture to the students on November 20, 2015 on the topic of “Incentives for Attracting Foreign Direct Investment in Bangladesh.”. Developed nations will not invest in developing nations like India or Bangladesh unless there was a personal interest or motive.” Since production costs are very low in developing nations like India and Bangladesh, developed nations set up production units and make investments in such countries. To attract more FDI to Bangladesh, fiscal incentives such as corporate tax holiday of 5 to 7 years, and reduced tariff on import of raw materials are extended. This is in addition to several financial incentives by the Bangladeshi Government.  Additional facilities like granting of 100 percent foreign equity in identified sectors, unrestricted exit policy are also being implemented. Despite the Government incentives, FDI inflows to Bangladesh are still inadequate.

B-School Partner for NHRD Conclave

The academic events at SDMIMD has always focused on far-reaching impact on management education and business. To continue this in the out-reach activity SDMIMD collaborated with the National Human Resource Development (NHRD) Network as 'B-School Partner' in organizing 19th NHRD Conclave at New Delhi during November 19 & 20, 2015. The event was a platform for interacting with HR professionals. The B-School Partner Stall of SDMIMD at the conclave attracted the participants for information exchange.

SDMites stood 2nd in ‘Effectus’ @ XIMERA 2015

Nabeel Iqbal Mogral and Kidiyoor Nihal Saheb of PGDM 2015-17 bagged second place in the Operations Management event 'Effectus' organized as a part of XIMERA 15 - the National level B-School Management fest. The ‘Effectus’ comprised of seven rounds, SDMites secured second place betting 15 teams from various B-schools cross India. XIMERA 15 was organized by Xavier Institute for Management and Entrepreneurship (XIME), Bengaluru, during November 6 & 7, 2015 at Bengaluru
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