Talk on ‘Recent changes in the banking system’

Mr. Uppily Ramabadran, Deputy Vice President – TPP & CFD Operations, IndusInd Bank, Chennai, delivered an invited talk on ‘Recent changes in the banking system’ on August 21, 2015. The talk primarily focused upon recent innovations within the field of banking comprising of both Retail Banking as well as Investment Banking practices. Mr. Uppily shared his real-time experiences in handling diverse roles at IndusInd Bank. 

Talk on ‘Corporate Governance’ by Nottingham Faculty

Prof Jayalakshmy Ramachandran, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Nottingham University Business School, Malaysia, delivered an invited talk to the I year students on ‘Corporate Governance’ on August 22, 2015. Prof. Jayalakshmy highlighted the significance of corporate governance and how it could impact the business in long run with focus on aviation industry. Prof. Jayalakshmy provided insights about corporate governance by comparing the corporate governance practices and issues in firms like Delta Air, Finnair, Singapore airlines, South African Airways and Kingfisher airlines. 

Invited talk by Dr. Gagan Kukreja, Ahlia University, Bahrain

Dr. Gagan Kukreja, Faculty of Accounting at the Ahlia University, Kingdom of Bahrain. delivered an invited talk on “Corporate Governance and role of Accounting Professionals” on August 21, 2015 to the students of SDMIMD. In his talk, Dr Gagan highlighted the role that must be discharged by Auditors – External and Internal, in order to prevent and minimize the cases of fraudulent activities by corporations in their desire to maximize earnings often at the peril of shareholders and others. 

Prof. Mazibar Rahman’s talk on Accounting Rules & Conventions

Dr. Mohammad Mazibar Rahman, Lecturer – Dept. of Accounting, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science & Technology University, Bangladesh delivered an invited talk on ‘Accounting Rules & Conventions: a comparison between the accounting standards in India and Bangladesh’ on August 22, 2015 to the students of SDMIMD. Prof. Mohammad discussed the similarities and dissimilarities of the accounting conventions and practices as practiced in Indian and Bangladesh. 

Talk on Essential Skills for Young Managers by BUiD Professor

Dr. Elango Rengasamy, Professor-Finance, British University in Dubai, addressed final year PGDM students on the topic of ''Essential Skills to be Possessed by Managers of 21st Century" on August 21, 2015 at MDP Hall. Dr. Elango’s presentation emphasized on decision making skills and inter-personal relations as the two top prioritized skills among others budding managers must to possess. ‘The right attitude is the necessary condition to channelize one's skills towards glory’ thus said Dr. Elango

Talk by Astha Aravind

Prof. Ashta Aravind, Banque Populaire Chair in Microfinance, Burgundy School of Business, France   delivered a talk on various facets of microfinance. He initiated the talk by highlighting his research orientation which initially was in the area of hard core finance, subsequently moving to behavioral finance and CSR. During his visits to various countries, particularly in Africa, he realized that the poor have to be helped to become entrepreneurs to emerge from the poverty trap.
One mechanism of doing this is by providing quality credit. But the poor often face the problem in accessing the same due to their inability to provide collateral coupled with their limitation in repayment of loan in large installments. There are three institutional approaches that provide credit to the poor- Mainstream financial institutions, money lenders and microfinance institutions. Prof. Ashta Aravind highlighted the advantages and constraints in each of these modes. Giving the example of Mohammed Yunus of Bangladesh, a noted pioneer in the area of microfinance, he highlighted how microfinance can help the poor. In this context, he also mentioned the SKDRDP initiative. He also spoke on various dimensions of providing quality credit to poor, managerial issues in these institutions and dimensions of micro-lending.  

Foundation Day Lecture 2015

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‘Mr. Vivek Kulkarni, IAS (Retd.) & Founder – Brickwork Group  delivered the Foundation Lecture at the Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD) Mysore on August 18, 2015. The lecture was full of personal experiences and anecdotes on his career in civil services, the entry of the Information Technology sector in India and particularly Karnataka, and what it takes to be successful.
In his talk, Mr. Kulkarni deliberated upon the various Government of India initiatives in which he played a pivotal role as Principle Secretary for IT & BT for Government of Karnataka. Some of the initiatives discussed were Mahiti, Joint venture between Government of Karnataka and Carnegie Global Tech, Bangalore IT.com, and Student Internet.com. The success stories of Student Internet.com and Yuva.com in which 50,000 students from various parts of Karnataka were trained under the tutelage of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam stood as a perfect example of the innovative practices initiated by Mr. Kulkarni
Speaking on the entrepreneurship avenues in India, Mr. Kulkarni stated that the environment is ripe for initiating the startup culture in India. Taking the example of BigBasket.com, he said ample opportunities are available for the startups in E-Commerce with venture capitalists sitting with flush funds waiting to invest in promising opportunities so long as there is an evidence of a promising business acumen. 
He called upon students to be a continuous learners and recollected the quote of Lawrence Summers, the former president of Harvard University - ‘I think, increasingly, anything you learn is going to become obsolete within a decade, and so the most important kind of learning is about how to learn.’

69th Independence Day Celebration

‘On this day the first thought which comes to the mind is that of our martyrs and patriotic leaders and many soldiers who have laid down their lives fearlessly to give us back our freedom. Let us all pray a tribute to these great men and women in our hearts for their unselfish act of valor, without which we wouldn’t have been celebrating our 69th independence day’ said Prof. Nilanjan Sengupta, and Professor OB & HR, during the speech delivered after hoisting the Tricolor National Flag at SDMIMD, Mysuru. 
Prof. Sengupta called upon students saying ‘even today so many our countrymen languish under abject poverty and are denied the basic amenities of life. We are the lucky few who have been blessed with many of comforts and facilities. And, hence, we should pause and reflect on this issue. In our own ways, we can explore and see how we can contribute to make the lives of our less fortunate countrymen more meaningful and less painful’. The brief function concluded with the distribution of sweets and community breakfast.

Librarians’ Day Celebration

‘Purpose of education is not the accumulation of information; its ultimate tenacity is to make students autonomous learners. In this process, teachers are expected to facilitate in the knowledge construction process of every learner’ said Dr. C.G. Venkatesha Murthy, Professor of Education, Regional Institute of Education (RIE), NCERT, Mysuru., while delivering a brainstorm session ‘Paradoxical web of Information, Knowledge, Reading and Learning’ to the MBA students of SDMIMD. The session was organized as a part of Librarians’ Day celebration on August 14, 2015. 
Speaking about the process of learning Dr. Murthy said learning is the act of acquiring new or modifying and reinforcing, existing knowledge, behaviour, skills, values or preferences. It involves analysing and synthesizing different types of information, which demands critical reading ability. So, learning is more a process than a mere product. 
Earlier, Dr. N.R. Parasuraman, Director, SDMIMD addressed the gathering and highlighted the importance of library in teaching-learning and research activities. Dr. Sunil M.V. Librarian welcomed the audience and provided an overview about Librarians’ Day. Faculty members, students and staff were the participants for this brainstorming session. 

Malaysia Conference 2015

SDMIMD, Mysore and J.A. Alpha Business Research & Publishers jointly organized the 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and Social Sciences during August 7-9, 2015 at Hotel GTower Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on the theme Financial Inclusion! The Road Map!
Dr. Mohd Zaini B Abd Karim, Department of Economics, University Utara Malaysia, delivered the Keynote Address on “Efficiency of firms: Implications for Malaysia” during the inaugural session of the Conference. The technical sessions on Emerging Trends in Research Practices by Prof. Sugumaran Narayanan, Midwestern State University, USA, and Prof. Lee Mick Swartz, University of Southern California, USA, on Executive Compensation: Trends and Legislation, were well received
The panel discussion on ‘Ensuring Academic Integrity and Preventing Plagiarism - The Role of an Academician’ was another key event of the conference. Dr. Ullas Rao, SDMIMD, India; Ma. Riza Manalo, University of Negros Occidental-Recoletos, Philippines; Dr. Shuo YAN, Bocconi University, Italy; and, Dr. Mei Foong Wong, Tunku Abdul Rahman University College, Malaysia; were the panel experts. Dr. Elango Rengasamy, Professor-Finance, British University in Dubai, the International Exchange Program Institute of SDMIMD, moderated the panel discussion.  
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