Student Achievements

SDMites Won the Runners Up in Crizellenz 2013

It takes courage to stretch your self-imposed limits, expand your comfort zone and make the impossible, possible. All great achievers have come through such a daring act continuously challenging their prevailing standards of performance. SDMites made it possible again in Crizellenz 2013 - the annual two-day B-School fest held at Christ University, Bangalore on January 18 and 19, 2013. SDMIMD students team was featured the best of management talents which bagged prizes in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Marketing and Finance events by displaying the leadership qualities, innovative approach and creative aptitude. Nair Dhannya Balakrishnan & Dilip Jaiswal won first prize in the CSR event. Swapnil U. Mahajan & Jitendra Lalwani bagged the second prize in the Marketing event. Gaurav D. Jhunjhunuwala & Ashish Jain won the second prize in the Finance event. The team effort made SDMIMD to emerge as Runners Up in Overall Champions by competing with over 30 MBA colleges from all over India.

Short movie by SDMites Wins Prize

Prize Winners The short film 'The Missed Class' based on the Gandhiji's principles - to recapture and relive the spirit and principles of Gandhiji, has won prize for SDMites. The Movie was made by Omkar Rajyaguru, Himanshu Singh Gurjar, Ashwin S. Prasad, Varun Kumar and Anshu.

A Reformer cannot afford to wait till others are converted. He must take the lead & venture forth alone, even in the teeth Universal Opposition story revolves around a little boy & his father. What happens when he takes the lead alone even in the teeth of universal opposition?

Awards Won
  1. First Prize in the ‘National Social Harmony Film Contest’ at Xavier Institute of Management Bhubaneswar (XIMB) 2012
  2. Secured Second Position in short film making competition ‘Mareechika’- Mudra Institute of Communications Ahmedabad (MICA) 2012
  3. Awarded Best Movie in Dual Thought's state Level Short Film Competition 2012
  4. Secured Second Position in Short Film (B- School Category) in IMT Nagpur 2012

SDMites Won First Place in Research Paper Competition

Aseem Sanjeev

The research paper by Mr. Sanjeev S and Mr. Aseem A. Kabir entitled “Movement marketing: marketing 3.0 approach in Indian context” has won the FIRST place in Connaissance 2012 : the National Level Research Paper Presentation on the theme Reshaping India for 2020 organized by Christ University Institute of Management, Bangalore held on December 3, 2012. SDMites Sanjeev and Aseem won First place competing with NITIE, Mumbai; IIM, Ranchi; Manipal University; and other premier B-schools.

Special Appreciation from SPI

Software Paradigm International (SPI), Mysore has awarded the special appreciation for the assignment submitted by SDMites. The assignment for the Product and Solution Division of SPI was carried out by Mr. Pankaj Kesarwani, Mr. Pote Shashank Shirish, Mr. Madhurh Malhotra, Ms. Nikita Ajwani and Ms. Siddhi Agarwal of PGDM 2011-13.

SDMites Won First Place at XIM-B

A short film titled The Missed Class on Gandhian principles by SDMites Omkar Rajyaguru, HimanshuSingh Gurjar, Ashwin S. Prasad and  Varun  Kumar of PGDM 2012-14 has won the First Place in Short Film Making Competition held at XIM-Bhubaneswar.  The team stood first amongst many prestigious B-schools participating from across the country.

SDMites won prize in the Paper writing competition

Two students from PGDM 2012-2014 batch Ms. Shilpa S Menon & Mr. Nadeer Muhammed S presented a paper titled 'Sustainable competitive strategies through social media in hospitality industry' and won second prize in the Paper writing competition "Envision 2012" conducted by XIM- Bhubaneswar.

SDMIMD Students present research paper

11007 Aseem A Kabir and Sree Gowri Rao of PGDM 2011-13 participated in National Conference on "Emerging Challenges for Sustainable Business”, at IIT, Roorkee, June 01 & 02, 2012. The students presented a research paper on “Advertising Tactics for Sustenance in Business”. The paper was well appreciated by the session chairs of the conference. 11114

SDMites Won Prize in Anti-Drug Ad Making Competition


Mr. Syed Mamoon Hasan and Mr. Sagar R. Chimurkar of PGDM 2011-13 Batch, have won 2nd prize for their video in Anti-Drug Ad Making Competition – Parivartan organized by Sydenham (SIMSREE), Mumbai. They won the prize by beating many teams including IIM Kozhikode, MICA, IMT Nagpur, SIMC, ITM and several others.

Click here to view video


SDMites won Overall Championship @ Kurukshetra 2012

kurukshetra SDMites won an OVERALL Championship at Kurukshetra 2012 – the B-School Management Event organized by Manipal Institute of Management, Manipal on February 13 and 14, 2012. The success achieved by PGDM 11-13 Batch in the several events in Kuruskshetra 2012 has contributed to the overall championship for SDMIMD. The events included the Off Rodies won by Elizabeth Betsy Joy;Finance Event by Mayank Jindal & Soumya M V; the runners-up of the HR Event Riteshsingh Rathore & Shashank Pote and IT Event Ashiq Nk & Rahul M K. and also extraordinary efforts of participants Marketing by Binit Kumar Jha, Nirnay Prakhar, Priyanka Prashad & Vijeth Anburmath: Best CEO by Jacob Thomas; B-Plan by Aseem A Kabir, Jayakrishnan Nair, Kaushik S & Vinay Kalal; B-Quiz by Sahil Sinha & Pankaj Naik; HR: Brunda M & Shwetha K B. All these awards culminated into the Overall Championship.

SDMites won Impressa and Dwandwa competition at IFMR, Chennai

ifmr Students from SDMIMD participated in the Debate competition - Dwandwa and B Plan Event - Impressa organized by IFMR, Chennai on 4th Feb 2012. Manu Govind and Nikita Ajwani of PGDM 11-13 won the second place in Dwandwa – which included series of elimination round. Another team from PGDM Batch 10-12 comprising of Vikram Arora and Aroon Sheshadri participated in Dwandwa and Vikram Arora won 'Best Interjector' Award. SDMites also won a consolation prize in the ‘Impressa’ event. The team consisted of - Vinay Bothra, P. N. Rameez, Parth Poddar, Rohit Roy and Siddhi Agrawal of PGDM 11-13.
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