Industry Visit to UJJIVAN Small Finance Bank, Mysuru

The industrial visit (part #1) to UJJIVAN Small finance bank, mysuru and SKDRDP Mysuru office was organized by the Institute for the benefit of One-Year PGPM students. The PGPM students accompanied by course instructor Prof.Kannadas visited both the facilities on March 23rd, 2019. The industry visit started with the visit to  UJJIVAN Small finance bank, mysuru.  The Branch manager Mr.Padma Prabha elaborated the origin and developments of the bank and introduced the departmental heads to the students during the post-lunch session, the students visited each and every departmental heads i.e. loan appraisal to recovery management and were given details about the protocol followed by the bank. Students have collected the required details and left to SKDRDP office. In SKDRDP office, students were given the inputs about the origin and evolution about the SKDRDP Projects. Mr.Vishwas, branch project officer and Ms.Vishala, Principal and Mr.Shiva kumar, SKDRDP official explained about each and every projects with the assistance of visual projections. Students were taken to each and every training facilities within the premises to make them understand the procedure the followed. The industry visits were very helpful to the students in relating the classroom interactions about the microfinance and micro lending with the actual practice. It was a very good learning experience for the group.