About the Conference
Most countries of the world, of late, are experiencing dilemmatic growth trajectory. On the one hand GDP growth appears to be rapid and on the other hand the fruits of growth are not reaped equally by all. Instead growth benefits are appropriated by only a small fraction of the economy. Further, it is evident from recent economic crisis of Japan, China, Russia & other oil economies that such growth does not sustain for long.

The major and immediate challenge of the current century is to generate inclusive, balanced and sustainable growth. In order to create a better and sustainable future, Governments, Corporates and NGOs will need to work collectively and playing their respective roles most effectively. Organisations will also be required to innovate in several areas in order to offer products and services at affordable price range, to a large size market segment.

In this backdrop, it becomes essential to provide a stimulating platform for academicians and practitioners representing the Economics, Finance, Development Studies and related disciplines to reflect, deliberate, and suggest measures that are needed both at macro and the micro level to elevate India and other backward economies to higher and sustained growth trajectory.

From this perspective, Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD) is organizing the international conference on “Inclusive Economic Growth and Sustainable Development” on November 18-19, 2016.
Copyright 2016 Conference, SDMIMD Mysore. All rights reserved.