
Conference Speakers

Inaugural function

Mr. C K Suresh
Director, ATMA Foundation
Inaugural function

Mr. Eswara Rao
Vice President Works at JK Tyre & Industries Ltd.
Valedictory function

Dr. Dharma Prasad
CEO, Prosetta Bioconformatics
Distinguished speakers

Dr. Mahesh Rao
CEO, Aashaya Design Solutions

Mr. Ravichandra Bekal
CHRO, Wurth Elektronik India Pvt. Ltd.

Dr K Anantha Gowda
CHRO,Nandi Economic Corridor Enterprises Limited

About the conference

Sustainability has become the most crucial parameter in doing business today and the business world is consciously making an effort towards adopting sustainable policies and practices.  Formulation of the Sustainable Development Goals, by the United Nations, have been a significant move in this regard. Human resource management plays a significant role in contributing towards achievement of the present goals of an organization, in improving its holistic performance, and in supporting the organisation’s future goals for long term sustainability with innovation, governance, and so on.

In the above backdrop, Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD) is organizing the 11th International Conference on “HR for Organizational sustainability”, on 21 and 22 December 2023, under the aegis of BCIC (Bangalore Chamber of Industry and Commerce) – SDMIMD Centre for Management Excellence. The conference aims to address various people-related challenges, in the present business situation.

Along with the presentations from a number of national and international speakers during the two days of the conference, the conference will provide an opportunity to the participants to share their viewpoints on management issues, through presentations of research articles and experience sharing documents.