Abstract Submission:
The abstract should not be more than 500 words. It may contain the proposed title of the paper, study rationale and coverage, objectives, methodology and significance. An abstract should accompany 5 keywords. Submit abstract on or before September 21, 2024.
Full Paper Submission:
The full paper should be less than 6,000 words. It may have an abstract, 5 key words, an introduction, literature review, study objectives and methodology, analysis & discussion, conclusion and scope for further study followed by references. The format is only indicative and the author may customise it to the requirement. The accepted abstract’s full paper must be submitted on or before: October 21, 2024.
Review Process
The abstracts/ full papers submitted for the possible presentation at the conference are subject to a blind review process. The review is on a rolling basis. The decision of the reviewers will be final and binding. Acceptance/comments of the reviewers of the abstract/full paper will be communicated to the corresponding author within a week of the receipt of the abstract/paper.
Author Guidelines:
- Abstract & full paper must contain the name of the author/s, complete address, email id and mobile number.
- Citations & references should comply with the APA style of referencing. For details on APA referencing style, please visit http://www.apastyle.org.
- Submission must be in MS-Word format (no other format will be accepted) with all four sides 1 inch margin. Should be typed in calibri (body) with a letter font size of 11. Paper title in 16 and all sub-headings in 12. Keep line spacing at 1.15.
- Submit abstract/full paper via email to: iec2024@sdmimd.ac.in