Marketing has evolved over the last 75 years from a production orientation concept to the usage of digital technologies (4.0), the emergence of Marketing 5.0: technology for humanity, as envisaged by Philip Kotler et al., has paved the way for a completely holistic approach to marketing and is bound to reshape global strategies.

As we venture further into the era of technology, the landscape of marketing is undergoing a transformative evolution driven by the rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), Augmented reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), machine leaning (ML) technologies and Mixed Reality (MR), all together termed as Next Tech is aimed to emulate the capabilities of human marketers. It is the application of these human mimicking technologies to create, communicate, deliver and enhance value across the customer journey that is expected to be the driver of changes in marketing practices. In the realm of technological advancement 5.0 calls for retaining humanity at the center piece of all activity.

In the above backdrop, Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD) is organizing the 6th International Conference on “ Marketing in the AI Era : Marketing 5.0 – Reshaping Global Marketing “, on 17th January, 2025, under the aegis of BCIC (Bangalore Chamber of Industry and Commerce) – SDMIMD Centre for Management Excellence.

This conference will serve as a platform to share insights, learn from industry practitioners and exchange innovative ideas, that will not only enhance operational efficiency and customer satisfaction but also ensure that businesses contribute positively to the global sustainability and inclusivity agenda. The conference will delve into thought-provoking sessions, presentation of immersive research work, interactive sessions, and provide an opportunity to learn from each other, forge new partnerships, and commit to a future where technology in marketing for the human good are the cornerstones of global success. The purpose of this conference is to bring together research and practice

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