MDP on Red Flags in Financials and Financial Analytics – June 16, 2022


1. To sensitise the concept of ‘red flags’ in financial statements
2. To apply basic techniques to unearth abnormalities on reported financial statements
3. To introduce basic predictive tools for detecting fraud/ financial health of companies

Course Objective

1. Understanding basic terminologies in financial statements
2. Identifying red flags in financial statements
3. Introduction to predictive analytics for detecting frauds/ financial health of companies

Target Audience

Investment analysts, heads of equity research firms, working professionals, scholars and faculty from finance and accounting area.

Faculty Resource: Dr.M.Sriram & Dr.K.Riyazahmed
Email: &
Mobile: 9036096366 & 9790548895

Mode of Delivery: Offline

Registration Fee: Rs. 1,000

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