Home 2015-16


International Student Exchange Programs – 2015-16

‘Study Abroad Immersion Program’ for Maryland University Students

SDMIMD hosted a ‘Study Abroad Immersion Program’ for 4 students from the University of Maryland, USA in January 2016.  The program scheduled between January 16 and 18, 2016 2016, was interspersed with several activities such as industry visit and special sessions by faculty members. 

The industry visit to J.K. Tyres Ltd., Mysuru; included a talk about the plant and the company by the HR-Manager of JK Tyres Ltd. Visit to Infosys Technologies, Mysuru was the part of the schedule. 

The special sessions from the faculty members were handled by Dr. N.R Parasuraman, Director, SDMIMD, on ‘financial markets’. He talked as to how and why the volatility of the stock markets affect the economy of various countries. This was followed by Round-table discussion by a team of 4 students lead by Prof. Sugant R from the area of Marketing. A presentation-cum-round table discussion regarding the current start-ups scenario in India, focused on the pros and cons of start-ups ensued. 

The visiting team of students was lead by Dr. Srikantaiah ‘Kanti’ Tavarakere, Professor at the University.

International Symposium 2016

‘Social Business is not philanthropy or CSR. It is an effort to solve the social problem and making society sustainable. Every social business is entitled to give two returns in Social Business – financial return and social returns’ thus said Paul Thomas, the Founder and Director of ESAF Microfinance and Investments Pvt Ltd (EMFIL), during the keynote address delivered at the ‘International Symposium on Microfinance in India’ organized by SDMIMD in coincides with the visit of International Students from the Mays Business School, Texas A&M University, Texas, USA.

Highlighting the programs of the Micro-credit enterprise development program, Mr. Thomas shared the achievement of the micro finance sector in social, training, women empowerment, counselling and other bunch of other services. 

Following the talk by Mr. Paul Thomas a special video talk on ‘Intelligence, Ability and Social Responsibility’ was delivered by Mr. K. Ramkumar, Executive Director, ICICI Bank, which was very well received by the audience.

Earlier, in his welcome address Dr. N.R. Parasuraman, Director of SDMIMD brought out the challenges confronting management students in Finance with fast-changing global volatility like the present Chinese yuan crisis, and the rise of special social schemes like microfinance which seeks to do what conventional banking has been unable to.

Dr. Julian Gasper, Director, Center for International Business Studies & Clinical Professor of Finance, Mays Business School, Texas A&M University; students from Texas A&M and SDMIMD, faculty members and invites were present.

Visit of Shanghai Students

As a part of the exchange arrangement that SDMIMD has with the University of Shanghai, 17 students from SHU MBA, headed by their Deputy Chief Program Officer Ms. Jieting Xing were at SDM IMD Mysuru for a week. In accordance with the rationale of the Study Tour, the aim of which is to foster an understanding of academics supported with industry visits, the team from Shanghai University underwent special sessions by the SDMIMD faculty and also visited seval industrial units in and around Mysore. TVS Motors, Infosys and Skanray Technologies Pvt Ltd., were some of the companies that were visited.  In these companies, the students were able to get an idea of best practices and could compare these with the corresponding management styles in China.

Special classes were held on topics such as Quality, Business Communications, Indian IT industry, Business Negotiations, Human Resources Management, Financial indicators of Indian Stock Markets & Indices and Dimensions of Leadership.

The visit culminated with the Shanghai team interacting with the local press to give a broad overview of their perspective regarding India, its industry people and specifically about SDMI MD Mysuru.