International Student Exchange Programs – 2016-17
Prof. Minhaj was invited by ESC Pau, France to teach a course on Business Analytics
As part of the exchange arrangement that SDMIMD has with University of Pau, Prof. Mohamed Minhaj of SDMIMD, Mysuru was recently invited by ESC Pau to teach a course on Business Analytics to their MBA students. The course handled by Prof. Minhaj was part of the Digital Innovation and Analytics stream. The other faculty members involved in the Analytics stream included Dr. Lee Schlenker, Senior Professor at ESC Pau, Director of SAS, France and Training Director of NationBuilder, Europe. The course was well received and the approach used was highly appreciated. During his stay at Pau, Prof. Minhaj was invited by the Prince (Mayor) of Laas to discuss the use of technology for community development and was also conferred with the status of Ambassador of Principaute de Laas.
Visit of University of Montevideo Student
As a part of the international exchange arrangement, SDMIMD hosted a group of students from the University of Montevideo, Uruguay, South America, who participated in a week long academic exchange program. They were accompanied by a faculty member, Dr. Carlos Folle, Professor of Strategy and Marketing, in that university. The group enjoyed the ambience and hospitality of SDM IMD in Mysore, and actively participated in a variety of activities exclusively arranged for them.
The faculty of SDMIMD conducted special sessions to the students related to courses like Finance, Operations, Marketing, Human Resources, Information Technology, Managerial Communication, and general management. The class sessions were held in the morning every day and in the afternoon, the students were taken on an industry or corporate visit. They visited a few industries in Mysore, and had a good exposure to the corporate culture in India, and management practices. They also visited the Mysore office of Shri Kshethra Dharmasthala Rural Development Project, popularly known as SKDRDP,. The students got all the information about the social responsibility initiatives and rural development by interacting with the executives and personnel from the project group. Further, the students worked on group projects by collaborating with the second year PGDM students of SDMIMD, under the guidance of the faculty.
The program was overall coordinated by Dr. R. Jagadeesh, Dean – Academics, and Professor of Operations Management.
‘Outstanding Teacher Award’ to Dr. Neetu Ganapathy
The Shanghai University in China has chosen Dr. Neetu Ganapathy, Associate Professor, SDMIMD, for the ‘Outstanding Teaching Award’ of 2016. This award is given in appreciation for her teaching at Shanghai University last year. The award recognizes excellence in teaching practices, teaching effectiveness and the ability to inspire students. She was chosen from amongst several international visiting
International Symposium 2017
A batch of 23 from Texas A&M University, Texas visited the Institute as a part of the Symposium on January 9, 2017. Of the 23, 22 were students who were guided by Dr. Julian Gaspar. ‘Samprati’, the event organization club of the college arranged a warm welcome for the Texas students. As a first step towards providing them the comfort, in new
Exchange Program visit of Dr. Neetu Ganapathy to Shanghai University
Dr. Neetu Ganapathy was invited by the Shanghai University in Shanghai, China to teach a course on Cross-Border Managerial Communication between September 3,
Considering the diversity in today’s workplace, the course aimed at sensitizing managers to the need to be aware of the differences that exist between people from different cultures. It focussed on helping managers to understand the need to develop cross-cultural communication competence, get to know other cultures, use the right verbal and non-verbal communication techniques, develop a cross-cultural adaptation strategy and negotiate on cross-cultural teams. The pedagogy comprised of lectures, case discussions and role plays.
Class for Shanghai University Students
Director Dr. N.R. Parasuraman delivered the class for Masters Students in University of Shanghai, China, on May 15, 2016. The session on specific aspects of interest rates, loans and how these could be calculated using MS-Excel.
Academic Interaction with University of Shanghai
Discussion with senior academics of the University of Shanghai, China, regarding furthering of tie-up schemes with SDMIMD. The tie-up for student and faculty exchange program with University of Shanghai is in operation from 2008.