Library primarily serves the SDMIMD community consisting of faculty, staff, students and alumni. Limited services are also open to external users.
Broadly, the variety of services we offer are:
Conventional Services
- Referening
- Selective Dessimination of Information (SDI)
- Database search and support
- Literature collection for research and organizing
- Email alert services - Journal Alert, B-School Event Alert, Competition Alert, Conference Alert, etc.
- Photocopying (Xerox)
- Document delivery
- Transactions such as loan, reservation, renewal and general enquiry
- The online catalogue helps check the availability of resources, reseravation and renewal process
Research and Reference
- Providing a requested information
- Recommending the most appropriate resources to consult
- Providing guidance on the use of Information Products
- Assistance with data gathering and analysis
- Support in compilation of bibliography and references
Course Support
- Library staff work closely with faculty to deliver course content such as journal articles, case studies, book chapters, online resources to students. These resources are shared on the copyright policy of Library.
- Library is managing the information gateway to access the course supportive materials. Institute for Management Development Knowledge Center (IMDKC) available on Intranet for the community provides access to the information resources of Library, the course recommeneded materials through MOODLE, the course outlines, time table, student attendance, institute policies and other materials needed for course curriculum.
- As a research driven institution, SDMIMD Library maintains an archive of intellectual capital such as student project reports, faculty working papers, lectures by key speakers, among others. General access to these works is restricted, and needs prior permission from an authorised person, depending on the nature of the work.
Academic Support
- Library supports the academic community by providing the necessary information and materials for their research and curricular activities.
- It supports the academic events conducted by the faculty members like conferences, seminars, workshops and executive program. The compilation of proceedings, email alert service to the academic forums and databases, coordinating the PR activities of the event, providing the course supportive information materials, etc. are listed in this service.
- The Library support team extends its helping hand in bringing out the publications of SDM Research Center for Management Studies (SDM RCMS) and institute's peer-reviewed scholarly journal SDMIMD Journal of Management (SDMIMD JOM).
Extended Support
- e-Learning initiative: Library extends its support to the academic community in sharing of course outline, course materials (articles, case studies, micro-documents, reports, etc) and course related information. Further, it supports the evaluation component by conducting online quiz and monitoring the assignment submissions. Library has adopted Open Source eLearning Management System - MOODLE for this service.
- Institute Website: Institute website is the key source of information for the external world. Library ensures that SDMIMD's web presence is updated, attractive and informative. Library is managing the institute website on Open Soruce Content Management System (CMS) - Drupal. Library acts as a centralized repository for the information about the happenings at SDMIMD.
- The knowledge portal of SDMIMD - Institute for Management Development Knowledge Center (IMDKC) - is managed by Library. IMDKC is the information gateway to access information and knowledge needed. The user community provides access to the information resources of Library, the course recommeneded materials through MOODLE, the course outlines, time table, student attendance, institute policies and other materials needed for course curriculum.
- Monthly eNewsletter: Library team publishes SDMIMD Monthly Newsletter in electronic form. The happenings at SDMIMD, achievements by SDMIMD community, publications by academic members, initiatives, upcoming events and key announcement are the content shared in the Monthly Newsletter. The publication reaches 4500+ monthly by email.