Inauguration of the 5th International HR Conference
SDMIMD has organized the 5th International Conference on “Managing Human Resources at the workplace” on December 9 & 10, 2016. The inauguration ceremony was held today at the institute auditorium. Dr. N. R. Parasuraman, Director, SDMIMD welcomed the participants and guests. He outlined the significance of HRM in developing organizational competitiveness. Dr. Mousumi Sengupta, Conference Chair, spoke about the role of HRM as a strategic business partner in developing and maintaining organizational sustainability. Dr. Ashly Pinnington, Dean-Research from British University in Dubai, delivered the key note address. In his speech, he spoke about the globalization and its effects on the developments in HRM areas and business schools. He compared the state of art business schools 50 years ago and the present scenario in the Business schools. He mentioned the contribution of these business schools to our future and predicted that the Business schools will become networked, stratified and segmented. He also spoke about work-life balance, HRIS, Big Data Analytics, Industrial relations, Talent management and Ethical HRM. His speech included views on employer branding, change management, corporate social responsibility & HRM. Dr. Nilanjan Sengupta, Conference Co-chair, proposed the vote of thanks. More than 250 participants from India, and countries, such as, Bangladesh, Nigeria, and UAE, are participating in the conference.