Faculty Outreach Activities 2024-25

FOA 2024-2025 FOA 2023-24 FOA 2022-2023 FOA 2021-2022 FOA 2020-21  FOA 2019-20 FOA 2018-19 
Dr. S Vasumathy Hariharan
Professor - Finance
  • Served as an External Doctoral Committee Member for a candidate at SASTRA University, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, on 8th October 2024, providing suggestions for improving the proposed study during an online session conducted via Google Meet.

Dr. Neetu Ganapathy
M.Sc., MDBA & Ph.D
Associate Professor - Systems
  • Conducted a Webinar on the topic "Communicating Effectively in the Virtual World"  for new joinees on June 21, 2024
  • Attended 'The Dalai Lama Global Vision Summit 2024'  which was hosted online by Lion's Roar from June 13th to 17th
  • Participated in the International Yoga Day celebrations organised by CII Mysuru CSR, HR/IR and Women Networking Forum on June 29, 2024 held at Infosys, Mysuru.

Dr. M. Sriram
MBA, FCMA, M.Com, MPhil, Ph D
Associate Professor - Finance
  • Attended the second BoS (Board of Studies) meeting as a University nominee at School of Management, Jawaharlal College of Engineering and Technology via online mode on February 7, 2025.
  • Conducted Ph D viva voce examination as an external examiner at School of Commerce and Management, Srinivas University,Mangalore on January 8, 2025.
  • Invited and reviewed a case titled 'Mytek Corporation- Valuing a Startup' for Asian Journal of Management Cases (ABDC-C, SCOPUS, ABS-1) published by Sage on December 9, 2024.
  • Invited as a resource person for the one week ATAL AICTE sponsored FDP on 'Entrepreneurship and Startup Ecosystem' organized by School of Business and Management, Christ University, Bengaluru on 8th October 2024.
  • Nominated as subject matter expert in Management and a member of BoS by APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University, Trivandrum in Department of Management Studies, Jawaharlal College of Engineering and Technology, Palakkad on 5th October 2024 for a period of three years.
  • Reviewed a case titled 'Bhagavatha Kaingarya Sabha: Tours for Service or Profit' for Asian Journal of Management Cases (ABDC-C,Scopus-Q3 and ABS-1),SAGE Publishers.
  • Delivered a talk on 'Changing Paradigm in Management Education- Essential Managerial Skills' on 9th September,2024 as part of the orientation program at Department of Management Studies, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
  • Reviewed a manuscript titled 'Exploring the application of F&O Hedging Strategies in Corporate and Personal Finance- A Thematic Review and Future Research Agenda for Cogent Business and Management Journal (SCOPUS Q1, Taylor and Francis) on 3rd September,2024.
  • Attended Board of Studies (BoS) via online held at Jansons School of Business, Coimbatore on 24th August,2024.

Dr. Venkatraja B
MA, Ph.D
Associate Professor - Economics
  • Was invited by Hindustan College Mysore as a Chief Guest to inaugurate the  5-day Faculty Development Program on "Advanced Research Skills and Methodologies for Academic Excellence" on 13th January 2025. Also delivered a session on "Research Methods and Techniques". 
  • Nominated as a member of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Vivekananda College, Puttur (Autonomous) with effect from January 1, 2025. 
  • Was a Resource Person for half-day sessions on research publication in journals and issues of plagiarism at Christ (Deemed to be University), Bangalore on November 30, 2024. These sessions were part of ICSSR sponsored national-level Faculty Development Program. 
  • Invited as a Resource Person for the workshop on"Effective Research Writing and Journal Publication" by Alva's College, Moodbidri, Mangalore on October 10, 2024.
  • Delivered an invited talk on "New Age Skill Imperative for Youth" at Marimallappa College of Business Management Mysore on October 4, 2024.
  • Was invited as a Resource Person for a Research Development Program on "Best Practices of Academic Research" by JSS Law College, Mysore on September 27, 2024.
  • Being a member of the Governing Council of Parivarthana Business School, Mysore, attended the Governing Board meeting on September 20, 2024. 
  • Participated in the 47th Annual General Meeting of Bangalore Chamber of Industry and Commerce (BCIC) held in Bangalore on August 2, 2024. 
  • Was invited to deliver a Valedictory Speech to the academic collaboration launch event of Vivekananda College (Autonomous) Puttur on June 12, 2024. Spoke on – changing dynamics of the academic eco-system and leveraging the benefits of academic collaborations. 
  • Delivered a talk to the Faculty and students of Narendra PU College, Puttur on the topic – “New Age Skill Imperative for Youth” on May 23, 2024.
  • Was invited for a round table discussion with the Management of Vivekananda College of Engineering and Technology, Puttur on May 15, 2024. The discussion was on strategic aspects of upgrading and branding of the Management Program.  
  • Was invited as a Chief Guest to the annual day program of Vivekananda College of Engineering and Technology, Puttur on May 6, 2024. Spoke on the role of new-age technology, skills and youth in economy and business.
  • Reviewed a manuscript for Management and Labour Studies, a journal of Sage Publication. 

Dr. L Gandhi
M.A., M.B.A., M.Phil., UGC-NET & Ph.D
Associate Professor - OB/HRM
  • Attended a Conclave on the Institution of Happiness organized by QS I -Gauge on 14th November 2024.
  • Invited to attend the Board of Studies (BoS) meeting convened by the MBA department of  SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore on 18th July 2024.
  • Invited as a resource person to conduct an FDP on  Personal and Professional Development on 12th, July 2024, for the Faculty members of  St.Philomena's College (Autonomous),  Mysore.
  • Invited to attend the Board of Studies (BoS) meeting convened by the MBA department of SDM College of Engineering and Technology (SDM CET), Dharwad on 31st May 2024.
  • As an External Examiner, conducted a Ph D Viva-Voce examination held at GRD College of Science and Commerce (Bharathiar University), Coimbatore on April 26, 2024.

Dr. Keerthan Raj
MBA., M.A (Eco.,) AMT., Ph.D.
Associate Professor - Marketing 
  • Participated and presented a paper on 'Bibliometric Analysis of Stock Market Participation: Exploring the Influential Research Constituents and Themes" in the 5th International Conference on Business, Digital Transformation, Innovation, and Sustainability (ICBDTIS2024) organised by Gulf University, Kingdom of Bahrain & EuroMid Academy, Turkey in Manama Bahrain on October 30th & 31st, 2024.
  • Has been invited to deliver a seminar at the technical session on the topic, “Tourism Marketing - New Challenges & opportunities”, on 3rd Oct., at the 15th ITHC International Conference, held at the Business School, University of Wolverhampton, UK from October 2nd to October 6th, 2024, via online mode.
  • Has reviewed an international research publication manuscript numbered  SRJ-09-2024-06** - titled “People with Disabilities Labor Market Integration: A Systematic Literature Review” for the Journal of Social Responsibility, Emerald Publishing House on 7th October, 2024, a Scopus Q1 Journal. 
  • Has been invited as a Subject Matter Expert - External Member of the Board of Studies of Alvas Institute of Technology & Management, Dakshin Kannda, for the academic years commencing - AY 2024 onwards, and have been attending their meetings and advised on the program framework, content of all courses, evaluation and assessment, pedagogy, and related aspects. 
  • Has been invited to chair the paper presentation in the International Conference in Management, Engineering, Science & Technology held on 11th September 2024, at Vivekananda College of Engineering & Technology, Puttur, D.K.

Dr. Kannadas S 
MBA, M.Phil, FDP (IIM K), FDP (IISc), Ph.D
Associate Professor - Finance
  • Participated in the  Seminar on “Tax Deduction at Source: Recent Developments and Practical Issues” conducted by BCIC.
  • Nominated as a Board of studies member of Management studies at Rajarajeshwari college of engineering, Bangalore.
  • Reviewed a manuscript titled, "Investigating the influence of Overconfidence and Optimism on Risk-taking Behavior and Efficiency in the Perspective of Non-Financial Firms"  for Future Business Journal    published by Springer Nature, Switzerland.
  • Reviewed a manuscript titled "Crowdfunding for Innovation: A Comprehensive Empirical Review" for Future Business Journal, published by Springer Nature, Switzerland.
  • Invited as an external panel member for university viva-voce examination for final year MBA students of NITTE, Bangalore
  • Delivered a talk on Sustainable Finance at St. Philomena's College, Mysore. Emphasized the role of finance in fostering environmental and social well-being. Key points included aligning financial activities with sustainable development goals, responsible investing, integrating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors into investment decisions, the significance of green bonds and impact investing, and the challenges and opportunities in transitioning to a sustainable economy. The session concluded with a call to action for financial institutions, investors, and policymakers to prioritize sustainability, followed by a Q&A session with professors and postgraduate-level students.
  • Participated in the Workshop on Data Science and Artificial Intelligence conducted by Brij Disa Centre for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence at the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad from 9th April to 15th April 2024.

Dr. K Riyazahmed
B.Com (CSCA), MBA, Ph.D. (UGC-NET)
Assistant Professor - Finance
  • Reviewed a manuscript examining the financial distress prediction of companies in the United States and China using interpretable ML models for the Technology and Management division of the 85th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM) on July 25, Copenhagen, Denmark. (Feb 2025).
  • Nominated by IVEY Publishing for 'Outstanding Case Writer' (Global Level) in the Case Centre 2024-2025 Case Competition for the cases Yes Bank: financial distress (2023) and Reliance Industries: Economic Value-Added Analysis (2023). Both Yes Bank and Reliance cases are listed in the Harvard Business Review (HBR). Yes Bank case is translated and made available in Chinese by IVEY (Yes银行:财务困境)
  • Case nominated by IVEY Publishing for the EFMD case competition 2025 in the Finance and Banking category (Global Level). The case 'Silicon Valley Bank: Bargain Buy or a Bankrupt?' is listed in Harvard Business Review (HBR). 
  • Acted as an associate editor for a manuscript examining the impact of infrastructure and technological innovation on financial inclusivity in BRICS countries for SN Business and Economics (SNBE) published by Springer Nature, Switzerland, in January 2025. 
  • Acted as an associate editor for a manuscript examining stock market bubbles and volatility index impact on the economic growth of Germany for the SN Business and Economics (SNBE) published by Springer Nature, Switzerland. 
  • Delivered a shared speaker session on behalf of the institution during the AACSB Asia Pacific Annual Conference, which took place from November 6–8, 2024, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The institute's AI activities were the principal subject of discussion.
  • Reviewed a research paper for SN Business and Economics, published by Springer Nature, Switzerland, that used ARDL Panel data analysis to examine how non-performing loans and other macro factors affected African banks' profitability.
  • Reviewed a research manuscript that analyzed "the impact of macroeconomic factors on Bank Total Assets under Changing Market Conditions" for the journal SN Business and Economics (SNBE), published by Springer Nature, Switzerland. 
  • Reviewed a manuscript analyzing the 'impact of the propensity to plan on financial well-being and behavior' for Business Perspectives and Research, published by Sage Journals for KG Somaiya Institute for Management. (ABDC, SCOPUS, UGC)
  • Reviewed a manuscript examining the impact of financial literacy on financial well-being for Global Business Review, published by Sage Journals, on behalf of IMI, New Delhi. (ABDC, SCOPUS, UGC Listed) 
  • Invited as a subject expert member of the doctoral advisory committee (DAC) for a research scholar working on fintech adoption under the Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), Bangalore. 
  • Acted as an associate editor for a manuscript analyzing various models of volatility and investments during a stock investment bubble in Germany for SN Business and Economics (SNBE), published by Springer Nature, Switzerland. 
  • Reviewed a manuscript investigating the predictability power of lagged currency pairs and lagged weighted currency pairs for SN Business and Economics (SNBE), published by Springer and Nature, Switzerland. 
  • Invited to handle a manuscript as Associate Editor (AE) for the Journal SN Business and Economics (SNBE), published by Springer Nature, Switzerland. The manuscript examined the possibilities of hedging nickel and copper commodities using bitcoin and gold.
  • Reviewed a manuscript investigating the 'Impact of the subprime crisis on the capital structure of the listed and unlisted entities in France' for the journal SN Business and Economics (SNBE), published by Springer Nature, Switzerland. 
  • Reviewed a manuscript examining the impact of the reset feature on convertible debentures concerning securities traded on the Korean stock exchange for the 'Asia Pacific Financial Markets journal' published by Springer Nature, the official journal of the Japanese Association of Financial Econometrics and Engineering (JAFEE) (Scopus & ABDC Listed)
  • Acted as Associate Editor (AE) for a manuscript examining the volatility spill over of the African Stock Markets for SN Business and Economics (SNBE), Switzerland. 
  • Invited to conduct a workshop for faculties and researchers on the topic "Artificial Intelligence in Research and Leveraging AI for Case Study Writing" by Christ University, Bangalore (Yeshwanthpur Campus) on July 3, 2024. 
  • Reviewed a manuscript examining the impact of auditor’s characteristics on merger and acquisition decisions in the Chinese economy for Sage Open, Published by Sage Publications (Scopus Q1).
  • Acted as an Associate Editor (AE) of a manuscript analyzing the impact of hedging selected metals using bitcoin and gold for SN Business & Economics (SNBE) published by Springer Nature, Switzerland.
  • Reviewed a manuscript investigating the implementation of blockchain technology in finance for SN Business and Economics, published by Springer Nature, Switzerland.
  • Invited as a resource person for the first technical session on the subject of "Predictive Analytics in Finance and Commerce" as part of Sarada Vilas College, Mysuru's 'Five-day International Faculty Development Programme on Recent Developments in Research and Research Methodology in Social Science (6 - 10 June 2024)- Online'
  • Reviewed a manuscript examining the impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) on the economic growth and investment requirements of Rwanda for SN Business and Economics (SNBE), published by Springer Nature, Switzerland. 
  • Reviewed a manuscript examining the impact of credit risk on the financial sustainability of the commercial banks in Ghana for SN Business and Economics journal, published by Springer Nature, Switzerland. 
  • Reviewed a research paper investigating the speed of adjustment of corporate debt by companies operating in Latin American countries for SN Business and Economics (SNBE), published by Springer and Nature, Switzerland.  
  • Reviewed a manuscript that investigates the presence of behavioral biases in Indian stock exchanges for the Asia-Pacific Journal of Management Research and Innovation (ABR), ISSN: 2321-0729, published by Sage Journals. 
  • Invited to the pre-doctoral advisory committee (DAC) expert panel by the Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), Bangalore, on May 3, 2024.
  • Reviewed a manuscript examining the regulatory aspects of generative AI for the Journal of Information Policy (ISSN 2381-5892) published by The Pennsylvania State University Press, indexed in Scopus (Q2). 
  • Served as an associate editor for a manuscript that analyzed fiscal federalism in African countries for SN Business & Economics (SNBE), published by Springer Nature, Switzerland.   
  • Invited as a guest speaker by the GR Damodaran Academy of Management, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, for a talk on 'Financial Inclusion' held on April 22, 2024.

Dr. Sunil M.V
M.A., MLISc., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor - Systems & General Management
  • Conducted sessions titled "AI in Citation Management and Reference Generation" and "Ethics and Responsibility in the Use of AI" on Friday, January 24, 2025, as part of the 2-Day Faculty Improvement Program (FIP) Seminar on “AI Tools for Academic Research & Writing," organized by the Department of Studies in Library and Information Science at the University of Mysore in collaboration with the Malaviya Mission Teachers Training Centre, Mysore, funded by the Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA). 
  • Panel member at the TERI-IGNOU-UNESCO Seminar on "Ethics in AI: Framework for Academic and Research Institutions in India" held on January 22, 2025. The panel discussion was on  "Frameworks and Resolutions for Ethical AI Research".
  • Delivered the invited talk on "Self Branding and Promotion" to the final-year engineering students of the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, National Institute of Engineering (NIE), Mysore on December 9, 2024. 
  • The Government of Karnataka has nominated me as the Member of Mysore District Library Committee of the Department of Public Libraries, Mysore, for the year 2024-25. 
  • Delivered sessions on "Ethics in Social Science Research" and "Data Cleaning, Coding, Types, Reliability & Validity in Social Science Research" at the ICSSR Sponsored Research Methodology Workshop on Social Sciences on November 27, 2024 at Christ University, Bangalore. 
  • Invited as a guest to inaugurate the Research Development Cell of Government First Grade College, Siddarthanagar, Mysore, and delivered the talk "Art of Writing and Publishing Research Papers in Scholarly Journals" on November 26, 2024. 
  • Invited as Chief Guest for the National Library Week celebration organized by Mysore University Library, University of Mysore, Mysore, on November 25, 2024, and delivered a talk on the topic "From Books to Bytes: A Librarian's Journey with Technology."
  • Delivered the Technical Session on 'Bridging the Gap between Technology and Transparency: The Role of AI' during the 2-Day National Seminar on Reshaping the World through Artificial Intelligence organized by Vidyavardhaka Sangha, Mysore, on November 8, 2024, at Sri. K. Puttaswamy First Grade College, Mysore. 
  • Invited to be the External Valuator for the MBA IV Semester—Technology in Business Management course by Vidhyavardhaka College of Engineering, Mysore, on October 21, 2024.
  • Conducted session on "Crafting Your Professional Identity: The Power of Self-Branding" as part of the Workshop on Self Branding, Career Opportunities & Planning, on October 9, 2024 organized by Visvesvarya Technological University (VTU), Belgavi.
  • As the nominated member of the Bangalore Chamber of Industry and Commerce's (BCIC) ESG Expert Committee, participated in the First ESG Expert Committee meeting held on October 4, 2024, and attended the talk on "Extended Producer Responsibility (Plastic Waste and e-Waste) by Rittesh Koul, SAAHAS Zero Waste Management, Bangalore. 
  • Resource person for the session on "School Library Automation" for the Certificate Course in School Librarianship offered by Regional Institute of Education, NCERT, Govt. of India, Mysore, on September 28, 2024. 
  • Participated in the 2-Day Program on 'Technology demonstration and networking meet of CSIR-CFTRI and Millet Technologies' held during September 19 & 20, 2024, jointly organized by CSIR-National Institute of Science Communication and Policy Research (NIScPR); CSIR-Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI); Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA), National Coordinating Institute, IIT Delhi; and Vijnan Bharati (VIBHA); held at Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI), Mysore, Karnataka. 
  • Conducted a Workshop on Bloom's Taxonomy for the faculty members of MYCAS College of Professional Studies (MyCAS), Mysore, as a part of the Faculty Development Program on September 5, 2024. 
  • Delivered sessions on Harnessing AI for Research Discovery as part of the 5-Day Faculty Development Program (FDP) organized by the Department of Management Studies (MBA), VTU, Belgavi, on August 30, 2024. 
  • Resource person for the day-long session on “Use of AI Tools for Research, Research Publication, & Data Analysis" on August 23, 2024, organized by the Research and Development Cell, Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara (SDM) College, Ujire, as part of the 5-Day FDP on Research Methodology from August 20 to 24, 2024.
  • As part of the National Librarian's Day celebration on August 12, 2024, invited as Chief Guest at Suyog Group of Medical Institutions, Mysore. Delivered a talk on "e-Resources for Medical Education, focussing on HELINET Services for nursing and allied sciences faculty and students. 
  • Invited to deliver a talk on "From Data to Discovery: Harnessing AI for Teaching and Research" to the faculty and researchers of the Regional Institute of Education (RIE), Mysore. The talk was organized by the RIE Library as part of the National Librarian's Day celebration on August 12, 2024. 
  • Invited to the 3-Day Programme Advisory Committee (PAC) Program of the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) at the Regional Institute of Education (RIE), Mysore, for review, update, and editing of course syllabus of the Certificate Course in School Librarianship, during August 6–8, 2024. 
  • The Manyata Philanthropic Trust of Rotary Bengaluru Manyata has honored Dr. Sunil M.V. with the "Vocational Service Award" in recognition of his contributions to education and training. These contributions include the Apprenticeship Training of the Government of India, training programs for KAS and IAS officers, Faculty Development Programs, and Research Training Programs. Notable efforts that contributed to this recognition include establishing the library at Adharsha Vidyalaya School with the Student's LIFE Committee, the Central Government-funded Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA) project focused on rural development, introducing Infosys Springboard to higher education, and conducting over 150 training sessions on the use of Open Access resources for research.
  • Reviewed the research article for the journal "Asian Journal of Research in Computer Science." indexed in Web of Science (WoS).
  • Resource person for the sessions on “AI Tools for Teaching and Research" on July 13, 2024, organized by the IQAC Cell, St Philomena's College, Mysore, as part of the 6-Day Faculty Development Program (FDP) from July 10 to 16, 2024.
  • Moderated the panel discussion on 'AI in Action: Shaping the Future of Learning and Knowledge Management' organized as part of the National Conference on Academic Publishing, Libraries, and Artificial Intelligence organized by MILAN and MyDLIS, University of Mysore, Mysore, on June 22, 2023.
  • Inaugurated the 5-Day Faculty Development Program (FDP) on Empowering Educators: Enhancing Quality, Skills, and Technology Integration and delivered the sessions on 'AI in Teaching and Learning' on June 10, 2024, organized by Bishop Heber College (Autonomous) in Thiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu.
  • Webinar on "Leveraging AI for Literature Review" on June 8, 2024, organized by Dr. D.P. Tripathi, Librarian, NIT Jalandhar.
  • Delivered a virtual session on "Harnessing AI for Research in Commerce and Management" on June 7, 2024, as part of the 5-Day International FDP on Recent Development in Research & Research Methodology in Social Sciences organized by Sarada Vilas College, Mysore.
  • Resource Person for the sessions on 'Harnessing AI for Research and Literature Services' as part of the 5-Day Librarians Development Program (LDP) organized by Goa Institute of Management (GIM), Goa, on May 23, 2024.
  • Invited as a distinguished guest speaker by the GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Mysore, for the seminar on the "AI-Powered Literature Review" on May 3, 2024.
  • Delivered a virtual session on "AI tools in research and publications" for the faculty members of Mount Carmel College, Bengaluru, on April 6, 2024.

Dr. Mamta Hegde
Assistant Professor - OB & HRM 
  • Presented a research paper titled "Leveraging Emerging Technologies and Holistic Approaches for Integrating Ethical Leadership and Sustainable Development Goals in Management Education" at the IMC International Research Conference (IMC-IRC) 2024. The conference was held from September 20-21, 2024, at XLRI Jamshedpur and was organized by XLRI Jamshedpur in collaboration with the Indian Management Conclave. Dr. Hegde's paper focused on how emerging technologies like AI, VR, and blockchain, along with holistic educational approaches, can enhance ethical leadership skills and advance the integration of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within management education.  

Mr. Venkatesh Goudar
B.Sc, MBA (Marketing)
Research Associate
  • He recently served as a Resource Person for an online webinar hosted by a coaching institute in Mangalore. He engaged with approximately 98 undergraduate students, along with faculty members, principals, and placement officers from UG colleges across the regions of Sullia, Puttur, Mangalore, and Udupi. His session focused on management education, with a particular emphasis on the MBA program, covering several key topics. He provided an overview of MBA programs, outlining the course structure and introducing students to various specializations and subjects. Additionally, he shared insights into career paths and placement opportunities, discussing typical salary packages offered to MBA graduates. He also guided students through the entrance exams and eligibility requirements for MBA/PGDM admissions. Concluding the session, he held a Q&A segment where he addressed queries from students regarding the course, career prospects, and other related topics.