The conference was inaugurated by Mr. C K Suresh, the Founder Director of ATMA Foundation. Dr. S N Prasad, Director SDMIMD, delivered the welcome address and elaborated on the impact of the pandemic on work dynamics, leading to hybrid education and remote work. Dr. Mousumi Sengupta, the Conference Chair, stressed the role of HRM in nurturing organizational sustainability through governance, innovation, and empathy. Mr. Suresh, as the Chief Guest, shared insights on sustainability, discussing the UN Sustainable Development Goals and emphasizing the triple bottom line—Economic, Environmental, and People aspects. The conference was held on December 21-22, 2023.
The valedictory address of the conference was delivered by Dr. Dharma Prasad, CEO, Prosetta Bioconformatics. Dr. Mahesh Rao, CEO, Aashaya Design Solutions, Mr. Ravichandra Bekal, CHRO, Wurth Elektronik India Pvt. Ltd. And Dr K Anantha Gowda, CHRO, Nandi Economic Corridor Enterprises Limited were the other distinguished speakers, during the conference.
During the 2 days of the conference, more than 125 participants discussed and deliberated on the topics, such as, talent Management, corporate sustainability, Emotional Intelligence, Stress Management, HR analytics, HR governance, Global HRM, Change management, work life balance, ethical leadership, diversity management, and Green HRM.