
Convocation 2011

Convocation 2011

Convocation Speeches

Dr. D. Veerendra Heggade
SDM-IMD, Mysore

Mr. K. V. Kamath,
Chief Guest - Convocation 2011
Chairman,ICICI Bank

Director's Report
Prof. Ramesh Venkateswaran
Director, SDM-IMD, Mysore

Excellence Awards for Students in convocation 2011

Mr. Prakash S Prabhu (PGDM No. 09032)
Chairman’s Gold Medal for Distinguished Student

Mr. Santhosh K.S. (PGDM No. 09103)
Ankur Gupta Memorial Gold Medal For Best Overall Performance

Mr. Prakash S Prabhu (PGDM No. 09032)
Ankur Gupta Memorial Alumni Gold Medal For Excellent Performance in Finance

Ms. Annika Albuquerque (PGDM No. 09064)
Gold Medal For Excellent Performance in Marketing

Ms. Bianca Sebastian (PGDM No. 09069)
Gold Medal For Excellent Performance in Human Resources Management

Mr. Santhosh K.S. (PGDM No. 09103)
Gold Medal For Excellent Performance in Systems

Ms. Sameera K. (PGDM No. 09042)
Gold Medal For Excellent Performance in Summer Internship Project

Convocation 2010


Convocation 2010

Convocation Speeches

Dr. D. Veerendra Heggade
SDM-IMD, Mysore

Mr. Ramesh Ramanathan
Chief Guest - Convocation 2010
Founder & Chairman, Janaagraha

Director's Report
Prof. Ramesh Venkateswaran
Director, SDM-IMD, Mysore

Excellence Awards for Students in convocation 2010

Ms. Sultane Anuradha Prakash (PGDM No. 08051)
Chairman’s Gold Medal for Distinguished Student

Mr. Maruthi Pani Kumar B.N. (PGDM No. 08087)
Ankur Gupta Memorial Alumni Gold Medal for Best Overall Excellent Performance

Mr. Prashanth Bayeti (PGDM No. 08035)
Ankur Gupta Memorial Alumni Gold Medal for Excellent Performance in Finance

Ms. Maanasa N. (PGDM No. 08023)
Gold Medal for Excellent Performance in Systems

Ms. Sultane Anuradha Prakash (PGDM No. 08051)
Gold Medal for Excellent Performance in Marketing

Ms. Deepthi Gopinathan (PGDM No. 08012)
Gold Medal for Excellent Performance in Human Resource Management

Ms. Venipriya J. (PGDM No. 08119)
Gold Medal for Excellent Performance in Operations Management

Mr. Suraj Shekar (PGDM No. 8114)
Gold Medal for Excellent performance in Summer Internship Project

Convocation 2009

Convocation 09

Convocation Speeches

Dr. D. Veerendra Heggade
SDM-IMD, Mysore

Swami Sukhabodananda
Chief Guest - Convocation 2009
Prasanna Trust

Director's Report
Prof. Ramesh Venkateshwaran
Director, SDM-IMD, Mysore

Excellence Awards for Students in convocation 2009

Ms. Neha Agrawal
Alumni Gold Medal for Excellent Performance in Marketing

Ms. Neha Agrawal
Vijaya Bank Gold Medal for Excellent Performance in Finance

Ms. Deepti Nayak S
Ankur Gupta Memorial Alumni Gold Medal for Excellent Performance in Finance

Ms. Priyadharshini M.
Immanuel Technical Services Gold Medal for Excellent Performance in Systems

Ms. Deepti Nayak S
ACC Gold Medal for Excellent Performance in Human Resource Management

Mr. Gaurav Varma
Faculty Gold Medal for Excellent performance in Summer Internship Project

Mr. Ranganadha Rama Krishna Y
Chairman’s Gold Medal for Distinguished Student

Ms. Deepti Nayak S
Chairman’s Gold Medal for Distinguished Student

Ms. Kademada Ashika Belliappa
Faculty Gold Medal for Best Overall Performance

Convocation 2008

Convocation 08

Convocation Speeches

Dr. D. Veerendra Heggade
SDM-IMD, Mysore

Sri Gopalakrishnan
Chief Guest - Convocation 2008
Executive Director - Tata Sons

Director's Report
Prof. Ramesh Venkateshwaran
Director, SDM-IMD, Mysore

Excellence Awards for Students in convocation 2008

Ms. Nitya Radhakrishnan K.
Alumni Gold Medal for Excellent Performance in Marketing

Ms. Palak Verma
Immanuel Technical Services Gold Medal for Excellent Performance in Systems

Ms. Nitya Radhakrishnan K.
Varun M.U. Memorial Gold Medal for Excellent Performance in Operations

Ms. Palak Verma
ACC Gold Medal for Excellent Performance in Human Resource Management

Ms. Sandhya Nayak S.
Faculty Gold Medal for Excellent performance in Summer Internship Project

Ms. Palak Verma
Chairman’s Gold Medal for Distinguished Student

Mr. Raj Kumar Singh
Faculty Gold Medal for Best Overall Performance

Ms. Deepti Nayak S
Chairman’s Gold Medal for Distinguished Student

Ms. Kademada Ashika Belliappa
Faculty Gold Medal for Best Overall Performance

Convocation 2007

Convocation 07
Dr. D. Veerendra Heggade
SDM-IMD, Mysore

Sri Venu Srinivasan
Chief Guest - Convocation 2007
Chairman & Managing Director of TVS Motor Company

Director's Report
Prof. J. M. Subramanya
SDM-IMD, Mysore

Excellence Awards for Students in convocation 2007

Mr. Elbin K. Elias
Chairman’s Distinguished Student Gold Medal
Canara Bank Gold Medal for Excellent Performance in Finance
Immanuel Technical Services Gold Medal for Excellent Performance

Mr. Pavan Nagaraj Dixit
Alumni Gold Medal for Excellent Performance in Marketing
Varun M.U. Memorial Gold Medal for Excellent Performance in Operations

Mr. Dheeraj B.E.
Kuduma Fasteners Gold Medal for Excellent Performance in Marketing

Mr. Upadrashta Aditya
Vijaya Bank Gold Medal for Excellent Performance in Finance

Mr. Shashir
ACC Gold Medal for Excellent Performance in Human Resource Management

Ms. Sushal Shetty
Alumni Gold Medal for Excellent Performance in Human Resources Management

Ms. Aparna M.N.
Faculty Gold Medal for Excellent performance in Summer Project

Convocation 2006

Convocation 06

Dr. D. Veerendra Heggade
SDM-IMD, Mysore

Captain Gopinath
Chief Guest - Convocation 2006
Chief Executive Officer,
Air Deccan

Excellence Awards for Students in convocation 2006

Mr. Milind Arvind Mahale
Excellence Awards for Students in convocation 2006

Mr. Milind Arvind Mahale
Kuduma Fasteners Gold Medal for Excellent performance in Marketing

Mr. Bibin Zachariah
Alumni Gold Medal for Excellent performance in Marketing

Mr. Vimal Mathew Gasper
Canara Bank Gold Medal for Excellent performance in Finance

Mr. M. Mahantesh
Vijaya Bank Gold Medal for Excellent Performance in Finance

Ms. Sita Mary Thomas
Immanuel Technical Services, Gold Medals for Excellent performance in Systems

Ms. P.S. Devi
Faculty Gold Medal for Excellent performance in Systems

Mr. Bibin Zachariah
Faculty Gold Medal for Excellent performance in Operations

Mr. Sandeep K. Pai
Faculty Gold Medal for Excellent performance in Summer Intership Project

Convocation 2005

Convocation 05

Convocation Speeches

Dr. D. Veerendra Heggade
SDM-IMD, Mysore

Sri. N. R. Narayan Murthy
Chief Guest – New Campus Inauguration
Chief mentor
Infosys Technologies

Sri. Amith Judge
Chief Guest – Convocation 2005
Managing Director,
Turner Morrison Limited

Excellence Awards for Students in convocation 2005

Ms. Nima. Shenoy G
Chairman’s Distinguished Student Gold Medal
Alumni Gold Medal for Excellent performance in Marketing.
Canara Bank Gold Medal for Excellent performance in Finance.

Mr. Shivashankar M Paragond
Kuduma Fastners Gold Medal for Excellent performance in Marketing.

Mr. Sandeep James Lewis
Immanuel Technical Services Gold Medals for Excellent performance in Systems.

Ms. Divya Acharya
ACC Gold Medal for Excellent performance in HRM.

Mr. Chetak B
Alumni Gold Medal for Excellent performance in Summer Project.

Convocation 2004

Dr. D. Veerendra Heggade
SDM-IMD, Mysore

Mr. S.M. Datta
Chief Guest - Convocation 2004
Chairman, IIM Bangalore
Former Chairman, Hindustan Lever Ltd.,

Excellence Awards for Students in convocation 2004

Mr. Vivek M.V
Chairman’s Distinguished Student Gold Medal

Mr. Lakshmisha K.

Mr. Jagjit Sundaram

Mr. Shanavas A.H.

Ms. Shilpashree M.

Convocation 2003

Convocation 03

Convocation Speeches

Dr. D. Veerendra Heggade
SDM-IMD, Mysore

Mr. Dattarajv.Salgaocar
Chief Guest – Convocation 2003
Managing Director
Salgaocar Group of Companies

Excellence Awards for Students in convocation 2003

Mr. Dheerendra Ashok Hegde
Chairman’s Distinguished Student Gold Medal

Mr. Dheerendra Ashok Hegde

Mr. Kapa Suryavishnu

Mr. Balaji R

Mr. Dheerendra Ashok Hegde

Mr. Pramod Y. P.

Mr. Rajeev K. V.

Mr. Shallex Pinto

Mr. Aarti Ahlawat

Mr. Kapa Suryavishnu

Mr. Pramod Y. P.
Best Summer Project

Convocation 2002

Convocation 02

Convocation Speeches

Dr. D. Veerendra Heggade
SDM-IMD, Mysore

Sri K. Narsim Shenoy
Chief Guest – Convocation 2002
Chairman, Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. India

Excellence Awards for Students in convocation 2006

Ms. Shami Mohan
Chairman’s Distinguished student gold medal

Mr. Shivaprasad B.M.
Kuduma Fastners Gold Medal for Excellent performance in Marketing

Mr. Deepu Paul
Alumni Gold Medal for Excellent performance in Marketing

Ms. Swati V.Kulkarni
Canara Bank Gold Medal for Excellent performance in Finance

Mr. Girish R.Patil
Vijaya Bank Gold Medal for Excellent Performance in Finance

Mr. Harish Kesavan
ITS Gold Medals for Excellent performance in Systems

Ms. Anita B.Gachinmath
ITS Gold Medals for Excellent performance in Systems

Ms. P.S. Devi
Faculty Gold Medal for Excellent performance in HRM

Mr. Ravindra J. Jain
Alumni Gold Medal for Excellent performance in Summer Project

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