M. Sriram

Research Interest / Consulting Area
Corporate Finance, Financial Markets & Cost Management

Courses Offered
International Finance
Corporate Finance
Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
Project Appraisal and Infrastructure Financing

Position Held/Associated With
Assistant Professor, Srinivas Institute of Management Studies, Mangalore
Assistant Professor, D.J.Academy for Managerial Excellence, Coimbatore

Dr. M. SriramMBA, FCMA, M.Com, MPhilPh D
Associate Professor - Finance

A commerce graduate completed MBA from Bharathiar University specialising in Finance and Marketing. He has done his M.Phil and Ph D from Alagappa University, Karaikudi. He is also Fellow Member of ‘The Institute of Cost Accountants of India’,Kolkata. He has twenty three years of PG teaching including 5 years of research experience.  His doctoral thesis was in the area of corporate finance with special reference to stock splits in India. He has written many articles and research papers in peer reviewed journals including ABDC and SCOPUS in the areas of corporate finance and financial markets.  He has also attended training programmes in leading management schools like IIMK, IIM Calcutta, TAPMI, Institute of Management, Nirma University and ABV-IIITM, Gwalior. .He has trained Senior and Middle level executives of companies such as LIC, LMW, JK Tyres, Automotive Axles, Vinayas Technologies, Skanray Technologies in the area of corporate finance and cost management. He has also handled special sessions for visiting students of British University in Dubai, Shangai University, China. He has visited Grimsby Institute of Further and Higher Education, North East Lincolnshire, U.K as part of faculty exchange programme. Currently, a member of Finance and Taxation Panel, CII, Mysuru and reviewer for some of the leading and reputed journals.


Edited Books

  1. Parasuraman, N. R., Venkatraja B., Sriram, M., Srilakshminarayana, G.  and Riyazahmed, K. (2022). Cases in Management – Vol. XI,  Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala  Manjunatheshwara Research Centre for Management Studies (SDM RCMS), SDMIMD.  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-61-1].
  2. N.R. Parasuraman, B. Venkatraja, M. Sriram, G. Srilakshminarayana and K. Riyazahmed (Editors) (2022). Contemporary Research in Management Vol.XI,  Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala  Manjunatheshwara Research Centre for Management Studies (SDM RCMS), SDMIMD. ISBN: 978-93-83302-56-7; pp.274.
  3. Parasuraman, N. R., Venkatraja B., Sriram, M., Srilakshminarayana, G.  and Riyazahmed, K. (2021). Cases in Management – Vol. X.  Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Research Centre for Management Studies (SDM RCMS), SDMIMD.  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-55-0].
  4. Parasuraman, N. R. & Sriram, M. [Editors]. (2021). 9th International E-Conference on Emerging Trends in Corporate Finance and Financial Markets. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN:  978-93-83302-51-2].
  5. Parasuraman, N. R. & Sriram, M. [Editors]. (2019). 8th International conference on Emerging Trends in Corporate Finance & Financial Markets. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN: 978-93-83302-38-3].
  6. Parasuraman, N. R. & Sriram, M. [Editors]. (2018). 7th International conference on Emerging Trends in Finance, Accounting and Banking. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN: 978-93-83302-32-1].
  7. Parasuraman, N. R. & Sriram, M. [Editors]. (2017). 6th International conference on Emerging Trends in Finance, Accounting and Banking. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN:978-93-83302-24-6].
  8. Parasuraman, N. R. & Sriram, M. [Editors]. (2016). 5th International conference on Emerging Trends in Finance, Accounting and Banking. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN:978-93-83302-16-1].
  9. Parasuraman N. R., Venkatraja B., Jagadeesh R. and Sriram, M. (2015) (Editors). Special issue of Select papers of International Conference on Global Economic Growth and SustainabilityAnnamalai International Journal of Business Studies and Research. November, Vol 7, Issue 2. ISSN (print): 0975-749X.

Book Chapters

  1. M. Sriram (2022). Paytm’s IPO Debacle - Why and How?. Cases in Management – Vol. XI,  Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala  Manjunatheshwara Research Centre for Management Studies (SDM RCMS), SDMIMD.  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-61-1], pp.59-64.
  2. Sriram M. (2022). What Factor(s) differentiate the top performers from the rest? Evidence from BSE 500 Companies. Contemporary Research in Management : Volume XI by N.R. Parasuraman, B. Venkatraja, M. Sriram, G. Srilakshminarayana and K. Riyazahmed (Editors),  Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala  Manjunatheshwara Research Centre for Management Studies (SDM RCMS), SDMIMD. ISBN: 978-93-83302-56-7, pp.225-254.
  3. Sriram M. (2021). Does Industry Classification explain Corporate Hedging Practices in India Empirical Evidence. Contemporary Research in Management – Vol. X by  Venkatraja B. and Sengupta, Nilanjan [Editors]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Research Centre for Management Studies (SDM RCMS), SDMIMD. [ISBN: 978-93-83302-49-9].
  4. Sriram M. (2020). Empirical Testing of Theories behind Stock Splits in India. Contemporary Research in Management : Volume IX,  Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala  Manjunatheshwara Research Centre for Management Studies (SDM RCMS), SDMIMD.  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-45-1], pp.50-67
  5. Sriram M. (2019). Testing for fixed / random effects in RoE estimation – a study of BSE senex companies. Contemporary research in management – Vol. VIII by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-23-76].
  6. Sriram M. (2019). To Say Yes or No to Yes Bank Ltd - Valuation Approaches. Cases in Management – Vol. VIII by N.R. Parasuraman, Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta and G.Srilakshminarayana. [Editors]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Research Centre for Management Studies (SDM RCMS), SDMIMD. [ISBN: 978-93-83302-44-4]
  7. Sriram M. (2018). Restructuring conundrums – a case of IDBI bank ltd. Cases in Management – Vol. VII by N.R. Parasuraman, Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta and G.Srilakshminarayana. [Editors]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-36-9].
  8. Sriram M. (2017). The McDonald’s of healthcare- Vasan’s ballooning anomalies. Cases in Management – Vol. VI by N.R. Parasuraman, Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta and G.Srilakshminarayana. [Editors]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-29-1].
  9. Sriram, M. (2018). A study on association between board characteristics, financial performance and voluntary disclosure of financial ratios- evidence from India. Contemporary Research in Management – Vol. VII by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Research Centre for Management Studies (SDM RCMS), SDMIMD.  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-30-7].
  10. Sriram, M. (2017). Modelling of Asymmetric Volatility- An Empirical Study of Crude Oil Price. Contemporary Research in Management – Vol. VI by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-23-9].
  11. Sriram M. (2016). A financial conundrum. Cases in Management – Vol. V by N.R. Parasuraman, Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta and G.Srilakshminarayana. [Editors]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-14-7].
  12. Sriram, M. (2016). Empirical Evidence of Market Reaction to Stock Splits. Contemporary Research in Management – Vol. V. by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-15-4].
  13. Sriram, M. (2015). Accounting issues for an entrepreneur. Cases in Management- Vol IV. N.R. Parasuraman, Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta and G.Srilakshminarayana. [Editors]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN:978-93-83302-14-7]
  14. Sriram M. (2015). Forecasting short term USD / INR exchange rate – ARMA approach. Contemporary research in management – Vol. IV by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: SDM RCMS. [ISBN: 978-93-83302-08-6].
  15. Venkataraja, B & Sriram M. (2015). A casual nexus between FDI and economic growth of India: an empirical studyContemporary research in management – Vol. IV by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: SDM RCMS. [ISBN: 978-93-83302-08-6].
International Journals
  1. Sriram M. (2023). Analysis of Minda Corporation Ltd: leveraging strategic financial tools and analytics. Emerald Emerging Market Case Studies, ISSN 2045-0621, V.13 (4), pp.1-17, DoI: 10.1108/EEMCS-05-2023-0186.
  2. Sriram M. (2023). VRL Logistics Ltd - Investment Dilemma amidst the global pandemic. Asian Journal of Management Cases, DoI - https://doi.org/10.1177/09728201231195715.
  3. Sriram M. (2023). Interglobe Aviation Ltd- the Valuation Conundrum. Asian Journal of Management Cases (AJMC). ISSN: 0972-8201; Online ISSN: 0973-0621, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/09728201221142386, (ABDC, ABS & Scopus).
  4. Sriram M. and G.S. Lakshminarayana (2020). Corporate hedging  theories and usage of foreign currency loans: a logit model approach. Investment  Management and Financial Innovations. ISSN: 1810-4967 (P), ISSN: 1812-9358 (O), Vol.17 (4), pp.367-377. doi:10.21511/imfi.17(4).2020.31, (ABDC & Scopus).
  5. Sriram M. (2019). Do Firm Specific Characteristics and Industry Classification Corroborate Voluntary Disclosure of Financial Ratios-An Empirical Investigation of S&P CNX 500 Companies. Journal of Management and Governance, Springer U. S., ISSN: 1385-3457 (Print); 1572-963X (Online);, Vol.24 (2),  DoI: https://link.springer.com/article/ 10.1007%2Fs10997-018-9414-z, (ABDC, ABS & Scopus).
  6. Sriram M. (2018). Board characteristics and firm performance – a study of S & P BSE Sensex in India. Afro-Asian Journal of Finance and Accounting. Vol. 8 (3), ISSN(O): 1751-6455, ISSN(P): 1751-6447, pp.336-349, (ABDC, ABS & Scopus).
  7. Sriram, M. (2017). An Empirical Analysis of Foreign Exchange Exposure of CNX 100 Companies. International Journal of Financial Management, ISSN. 2229-5682, Vol. 7 (2), pp. 1-9.
  8. Sriram, M & Venkatraja, B (2017). Do Flow of FDI and Stock Index Movements Corroborate Long-term Relationship? An Empirical Analysis of India. The African Journal of Finance and Management, Vol.26(1), January, pp. 56-66.
  9. Venkatraja, B & Sriram, M. (2015). Vulnerability of China’s Economic Growth to the Export Shocks: An Econometric Evidence. The Asian Economic Review, Vol.57 (4), December, pp.17-34.
  10. Sriram, M. (2015). Dynamic Linkages between BSE Sensex and Crude Oil Price- An Empirical Study in India. International Journal of Information, Business and Management, Vol.7 (4), pp.28-41. 
  11. Sriram, M. (2015). Co-integration of Nifty and NASDAQ composite- an empirical investigation. International Review of Research in Emerging Markets and the Global Economy, Vol. 1, No.2 (ISSN 2311-3200), p.310-322.
  12. Sriram, M & Venkatraja, B (2014). Modeling and Forecasting GDP of India-ARIMA Model. Asian Journal of Development Matters, Vol. 8(2), December (0973-9629), Pp. 38-49
  13. Sriram, M & Senthil, M (2013). Market Efficiency and Volatility Spill over in Spot & Futures Currency Market (w.r.t $ and Re), International Journal of Managerial Excellence, Canada, Volume 1, No.3 August Pp.45-53

National Journals

  1. Riyazahmed K. and Sriram M. (2024). Do Cash Holdings Impact the Financials of Indian Companies?—Evidence from India. Indian Journal of Finance, Vol.18 (3) ISSN 0973-8711, March https://www.indianjournaloffinance.co.in/index.php/IJF/article/view/173614, (ABDC).
  2. Sriram M. (2021). Predicting the likelihood of hedging by Companies in India- A logit model approach. Journal of Commerce and Accounting Research, ISSN: 2277-2146, V.10(3), pp.1-12, (ABDC).
  3. M, Sriram (2020). City Union Bank: Residual income approach to valuation. Vision - The Journal of Business Perspective, eISSN: 2249-5304, ISSN (P): 0972-2629, Vol.24 (3), September, pp.371-375, (ABDC, ABS & Scopus).
  4. M. Senthil and Sriram M. (2019). Logistics Sector in India- current Scenario and Financial Outlook. Management Accountant, ISSN: 0972-3528, July, Vol.54 (7), pp.51-56, (UGC Care).
  5. Sriram, M (2018). Determinants of RoE of S&P BSE Sensex Companies- A Panel Data Analysis. Indian Journal of Finance, Vol. 12 (9),  ISSN:  0973 - 8711, pp.56-65, (ABDC, ABS & Scopus).
  6. Sriram, M. (2016). Voluntary disclosure of financial ratios of CNX Nifty Companies. Management Accountant, Vol.51 (7), ISSN: 0972-3528, July, pp. 60-69, (UGC Care).
  7. Sriram, M (2015). Testing the Relationship between Stock Prices of Cross Listed Firms: A Case Study of Standard Chartered PLC. Journal of Contemporary Research in Management, Vol. 10(2), April-June.
  8. Sriram, M (2014). A Study on Volatility Modelling of BSE Sensex ,International Journal of Banking, Risk and Insurance, Volume 2, Issue 1 Jan-June Pp.32-40
  9. Sriram, M & Prem Anand, N (2014). A Study on Causality between Exchange Rate and BSE Sensex, Prerana, Volume 2, Issue 1 Jan-June 2014 Pp.32-40
  10. Sriram, M & Saleendran, P.T (2013). A Study on Investors’ Opinion on Motives Behind Stock Splits by Companies in India, Abhigyan, Volume XXXI, No.2, July-September.
  11. Sriram, M & Renukadevi, P (2013).  Seasonality in the returns- A study of BSE Sensex, International Journal of Financial Management, Volume 3 No.1, Jan-Mar , Pp.60-69
  12. Sriram, M & Senthil, M (2012).  Determinants of Dividend Policy in India(with special reference to  Nifty), The Journal of Venture Capital & Financial Services, Volume 6, No.1, Jan-June , Pp.46-54
  13. Sriram, M & Senthil, M (2011).  Stock Splits in India- Regulation the Need of the hour, ANVESHANA, Volume 1, No.1, January-June . Pp.59-63.
  14. Sriram, M & Senthil, M (2010). A Study on Factors Influencing Stock Split Decisions-Evidence from India, NSHM Journal of Management and Research ApplicationsVolume 2, June  issue. Pp-1-10
  15. Sriram, M & Senthil, M (2009). Effect of Stock splits on Price, Returns and Volume of trade-Evidence from India, Journal for Managerial Finance and Research, Volume 1, No.2, June-December 2009. Pp-363-373
  16. Sriram, M & Balachandran, V (2006). Economic Value Added (EVA): A case study of Lakshmi Machine Works Ltd., Coimbatore, Management and Accounting(ICAI) Research-The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, Volume 8, No.1-2 & 3-4, Jan 2004 –Jun .Pp-113-123
  17. Sriram, M & Shankar, N(2006). Factors determining Capital Structure- A case study of Revathi Equipments Ltd. The Management Accountant, July,2006, Pp 536-540
  18. Sriram, M & Balachandran, V (2005). Edward Altman Z score model predicting corporate solvency, SMART Journal of Business Management, Volume I, No.2, July-December, 2005 Pp 47-51.

Publication in Current Taxcom news

  1. Sriram, M (2007). Capital Account Convertibility-Benefits and Issues, Organisational Management, Volume.XXII.NO.4, Jan-Mar, PP 15-16
  2. Sriram, M & Balachandran, V (2006). Banking Sector in India-Challenges and Opportunities, Current Taxcom News, Volume No.30, Part I, Issue no.21, 12th November, 2006.
  3. Sriram, M & Balachandran, V (2006).  Depositories- Problems and Issues, Current Taxcom News, Volume No.14, Part I, Issue no.21, 12 July,2006.
  4. Sriram, M & Balachandran, V (2005).  Corporate Social Responsibility for Enhancing Shareholders Value, Current Taxcom News, Volume No.30, Part I, Issue no.24,  December ,2005.
  5. Sriram, M & Balachandran, V (2005).  Commodities Market, Current Taxcom News, Volume No.30, Part I, Issue no.21, 12 November,2005.
  6. Sriram, M & Balachandran, V (2005).  Cash Transaction Tax, Current Taxcom News, Volume No.20, Part I, Issue no.12,  May,2005.
  7. Sriram, M & Balachandran, V (2004).  Securities Transaction Tax, Current Taxcom News, Volume No.30, Part I, Issue no.19,  October,2004..
  8. Sriram, M (2004).  Emerging Trends in Capital Market, Organisational Management, Vol. XIX No.4,  Jan - March, 2004, p.25-28.
International Conference
  1. Sriram, M. (2017). Do Firm Specific Characteristics and Industry Classification Corroborate Voluntary Disclosure of Financial Ratios:An Empirical Investigation of S&P CNX 500 Companies. ICOM 2017 organised by College of Business Administration, Abu Dhabi University,Abu Dhabi jointly with Asian Academy of Management, Hong Kong on 19 and 20 November 2017.
  2. Sriram, M. & Venkatraja, B. (2016). Do Flow of FDI and Stock Index Movements Corroborate Long Term Relationship?  An Empirical Analysis of India. UGC Sponsored 7th International Conference on 'Leveraging Investment, Infrastructure and Intellectual Capital for Economic Development'; Coimbatore, 15-16 December, 19 p.
  3. Sriram, M (2014). Cointegration of Nifty and NASDAQ Composite - An Empirical Investigation. Third International Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and Social Sciences, SDMIMD and J A Alpha, Mumbai , December 19-21 .
  4. Sriram, M, Visalakshi & Navarasu (2013). Presented a paper on Impact of Macroeconomic variables on currency volatility” in an ‘International Conference on Sustainable Inclusive Growth in the Global Scenario’ at Adaikalamatha Institute of Management Studies, Vallam,Thanjavur 28  September, 2013
  5. Sriram, M & Senthil, M (2011). Presented a paper on Impact of buyback of shares on Price,Returns and Volume of Trade-A case study of Lakshmi Machine Works Ltd. Coimbatore at an International Conference on Business Mosaic at Alagappa Institute of Management, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, 24-26 March 2011.
  6. Sriram, M & Senthil, M (2010). Presented a paper on ‘Factors Determining Issue of Bonus Shares- A Study of select Indian Companies at International Conference on Emerging Financial Markets at PSG International Centre of Finance, PSG Institute of Management, Coimbatore, 4 & 5 January 2010.

National Conference

  1. Sriram, M, Visalakshi & Navarasu (2013). Presented a paper on Volatility Modelling of Exchange Rate of Indian Rupee Vs U.S Dollar at a National Conference on “IT and Management: Innovations and Inventions-Global Perspective” at Anekant Institute of Management Studies, Baramati, Pune 24-26 October,2013.
  2. Sriram, M & Senthil, M (2011). Presented a paper on Corporate Restructuring- A Strategic Tool to Achieve Competitive Advantage at a National Conference on From Best Practices to Next Practices at Srinivas Institute of Management Studies, Mangalore on 8 April 2011.
  3. Sriram, M (2004). Presented a paper on 'Economic Value Added' at National Conference on Computational Finance at Karunya Institute of Technology (Deemed University), Coimbatore, 26  March 2004.

Case Study

  1. Sriram, M. (2024). Minda Corporation’s Stake in Pricol: Financial or Strategic Investment?. SAGE Publications: SAGE Business Cases Originals, DOI: https://doi.org/10.4135/9781071939147, Online ISBN: 9781071939147.
  2. Sriram, M. (2023). Narayana hrudayalaya : investment decision. Ivey Business School Foundation, Ivey Publishing, Reference No.W33861, 13 pages.
  3. Sriram, M. (2022). Anomalies in the Financial Records of Jet Airways. SAGE Publications: SAGE Business Cases, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781529794663, Online ISBN: 9781529794663, pp.18.
  4. Sriram M. (2022). Vedanta’s Decision to Buyback and Delist: A Fair Deal or an Ordeal to Investors? SAGE Publications: SAGE Business Cases, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781529776379, Online ISBN: 9781529776379, pp.16.
  5. Sriram, M. (2021). SpiceJet’s Financial Health: Alarming Red Flags! - Case. SAGE Publications: SAGE Business Cases, Online ISBN: 9781529761986, pp.16, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781529761986.