Research Interest / Consulting Area He has been working in the area of Brand Building, Brand Loyalty and Brand Switching behaviour in Commodity natured Brands.
Courses Offered Business Marketing, International Business , Consumer Behaviour, Sales & Distribution Management.
Positions Held / Associated With Senior General Manager- Sales & Marketing, HeidelbergCement India Ltd. Direct Sales In charge - Karnataka and Goa, ACC Limited. Key Account Marketing Incharge- Karnataka & Goa, Ultratech Cement Ltd. Unit Head-Sales, Larsen & Toubro Ltd, L&T Cement Division. Marketing Manager, SVC Pvt. Ltd Marketing Engineer, Ultra seal India Ltd Assistant Engineer, Indian Rayon & Industries Ltd Trainee Engineer, Bharat Fritz Werner Ltd
Dr. Nanda Kishore Shetty, BE., PGDPM & Ph. D Associate Professor-Marketing Chairperson-Corporate & External Training Programs nandakishoreshetty@sdmimd.ac.in
Dr. Nanda Kishore Shetty is currently an Associate Professor of Marketing at SDM Institute for Management Development, Mysore. He has over 28 years of work experience in various industries. This includes 2 years of experience in Manufacturing and 26 years in Sales & Marketing function. He has worked extensively in the area of Channel and Key account Management, Brand Management, Customer service and Profit Centre Operations in leading Cement companies like L&T cement, UltraTech Cement, ACC cement and Heidelberg Cement.
He has Studied B.E. Mechanical, PGDPM-Marketing and Ph.D. in Management from National Institute of Technology-NIT, Trichy. His Ph.D. was on a Study of Customer’s Brand preference in Commodity Market with a Special Reference to Cement Industry. He has done Annual FDP 2022 in Management (April-May 2022) and FDP 2021 in Contemporary Topics in Marketing Management (March 2021) from IIM-Indore.
He has published various Research Articles in Reputed International & National Management Journals in the area of Commodity Branding, Brand Awareness and Brand Loyalty.
International Journals
- Shetty, Nanda Kishore, Pooja Singh, Yashaswini M, Yogita Hiremath. (2024). The Power of User-Generated Content: Elevating Consumers’ Brand Perception, Purchase, and Post-Purchase Behavior in the Food and Beverage Industry. European Economic Letters (EEL), V.14(4), pp.2025–2039. https://doi.org/10.52783/eel.v14i4.2346.
- Shetty, Nanda Kishore, et al (2024)."Cash to Digital: UPI Adoption among Micro Businesses in Mysore", Journal of Informatics Education and Research, ISSN: 1526-4726, Vol. 4, No.3(2024), PP 3603-3621,doi link: https://jier.org/index.php/journal/article/view/1745, (ABDC-C).
Shetty, Nanda Kishore, et al (2024). Wipro's Geographical Model Transition: A Deep Dive Across Phases. European Economic Letters (EEL), ISSN: 2323-5233, ISSN:2323-5233, DoI: https://doi.org/10.52783/eel.v14i2.1393, V.14(2), April, pp. 705–713. (ABDC-C).
Shetty, Nanda Kishore, et al (2024). Creating a Successful Pre Release Marketing Strategy for an Experiential Product: A Case Study of the Upcoming Prequel to the Kantara Movie. Journal of Informatics Education and Research-JIER, ISSN: 1526-4726, Vol.4 (1), pp.948-963, DOI:https://jier.org/index.php/journal/article/view/665, (ABDC).
- Shetty, Nanda Kishore, et al (2024). Creating Sustainable Experiential Tourism for Showcasing Tulunadu's Ecological Treasures. Journal of Informatics Education and Research, ISSN: 1526-4726, Vol.4 (1), pp.661-685, DOI: https://doi.org/10.52783/jier.v4i1.618, (ABDC).
- Shetty, Nanda Kishore, et al (2023). Analysing Consumer Behaviour for an Experiential Product: A Case Study of the Kantara Movie. Journal of Informatics Education and Research, ISSN: 1526-4726, Vol.3 (2), DoI: https://doi.org/10.52783/jier.v3i2.359, (ABDC-C).
- Shetty, Nanda Kishore(2023). "Assessment of customers brand switching behavior in Indian cement industry". Korea Review of International studies, Volume 16 (43) ,pp. 72-98, February 2023, ISSN:1226-4741, (ABDC).
- Shetty, Nanda Kishore, et al (2011). A Framework for Assessment of Brand Loyalty Score for Commodities, Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing, Vol.19, Issue No.3-4, PP 243-260, 05.12.2011, Print ISSN: 0967-3237, Online ISSN: 1479-1862, (Scopus & ABDC).
- Shetty, Nanda Kishore, et al (2011). A Study of Customers Brand Preference Pattern & Factors Influencing Brand Preference in a Commodity Product, International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, Vol.4, Issue No.5, PP 523-542, 04.09.2011, Print ISSN: 1753-0806, Online ISSN: 1753-0814, (ESCI Web of Science, Cabell’s Directory, CABS, ERA).
National Journals
- Shetty, Nanda Kishore, et al (2006). A Study of Brand Awareness and Brand Loyalty in Branded Commodity Products, ICFAI (IUP) Journal of Marketing Management, Vol. 5, Issue No2, PP 36-48, 01.05.2006, Print ISSN: 0972-6845, A 'peer reviewed' journal indexed on Cabell's Directory.
- Shetty, Nanda Kishore, et al (2005). The Impact of Marketing Mix on Commodity Brands with Special Reference to Steel & Cement, SCMS Journal of Indian Management, Vol.2, Issue No.1, PP 13-23, January-March 2005, Print ISSN: 0973-3167, Indexed in SCOPUS and UGC approved Journal.
International Conference
- Shetty, Nanda Kishore (2005). Measurement of Brand Loyalty in Commodity Brands with Special Reference to Salt, International Conference on Management Principles held at Jansons School of Business, Coimbatore on 20-21 May 2005.
National Conference
- Shetty, Nanda Kishore (2005). A Strategic Framework for Building Brands in Cement Industry, National Conference in Branding at Karunya Institute of Technology, Dept. of Management Science, Coimbatore, 19-20 Mar 2005.