Nanda Kishore Shetty

Research Interest / Consulting Area
He has been working in the area of Brand Building, Brand Loyalty and Brand Switching behaviour in Commodity natured Brands.   

Courses Offered
Business Marketing, International Business , Consumer Behaviour, Sales & Distribution Management.

Positions Held / Associated With
Senior General Manager- Sales & Marketing, HeidelbergCement India Ltd.
Direct Sales In charge - Karnataka and Goa, ACC Limited.
Key Account Marketing Incharge- Karnataka & Goa, Ultratech Cement Ltd.
Unit Head-Sales, Larsen & Toubro Ltd, L&T Cement Division.
Marketing Manager, SVC Pvt. Ltd
Marketing Engineer, Ultra seal India Ltd
Assistant Engineer, Indian Rayon & Industries Ltd
Trainee Engineer, Bharat Fritz Werner Ltd

Dr. Nanda Kishore Shetty, BE., PGDPM & Ph. D
Associate Professor-Marketing
Chairperson-Corporate & External Training Programs

Dr. Nanda Kishore Shetty is currently an Associate Professor of Marketing at SDM Institute for Management Development, Mysore. He has over 28 years of work experience in various industries. This includes 2 years of experience in Manufacturing and 26 years in Sales & Marketing function. He has worked extensively in the area of Channel and Key account Management, Brand Management, Customer service and Profit Centre Operations in leading Cement companies like   L&T cement, UltraTech Cement, ACC cement and Heidelberg Cement. 
He has Studied B.E. Mechanical, PGDPM-Marketing and Ph.D. in Management from National Institute of Technology-NIT, Trichy. His Ph.D. was on a Study of Customer’s Brand preference in Commodity Market with a Special Reference to Cement Industry. He has done Annual FDP 2022 in Management (April-May 2022) and FDP 2021 in Contemporary Topics in Marketing Management (March 2021) from IIM-Indore.  
He has published various Research Articles in Reputed International & National Management Journals in the area of Commodity Branding, Brand Awareness and Brand Loyalty. 


International Journals

  1. Shetty, Nanda Kishore, Pooja Singh, Yashaswini M, Yogita Hiremath. (2024). The Power of User-Generated Content: Elevating Consumers’ Brand Perception, Purchase, and Post-Purchase Behavior in the Food and Beverage Industry. European Economic Letters (EEL), V.14(4), pp.2025–2039.
  2. Shetty, Nanda Kishore, et al (2024)."Cash to Digital: UPI Adoption among Micro Businesses in Mysore", Journal of Informatics Education and Research, ISSN: 1526-4726, Vol. 4, No.3(2024), PP 3603-3621,doi link:, (ABDC-C).
  3. Shetty, Nanda Kishore, et al (2024). Wipro's Geographical Model Transition: A Deep Dive Across Phases. European Economic Letters (EEL), ISSN: 2323-5233, ISSN:2323-5233, DoI:, V.14(2), April, pp. 705–713. (ABDC-C).
  4. Shetty, Nanda Kishore, et al (2024). Creating a Successful Pre Release Marketing Strategy for an Experiential Product: A Case Study of the Upcoming Prequel to the Kantara Movie. Journal of Informatics Education and Research-JIER, ISSN: 1526-4726, Vol.4 (1), pp.948-963, DOI:, (ABDC).
  5. Shetty, Nanda Kishore, et al (2024). Creating Sustainable Experiential Tourism for Showcasing Tulunadu's Ecological Treasures. Journal of Informatics Education and Research, ISSN: 1526-4726, Vol.4 (1), pp.661-685, DOI:, (ABDC).
  6. Shetty, Nanda Kishore, et al (2023). Analysing Consumer Behaviour for an Experiential Product: A Case Study of the Kantara Movie. Journal of Informatics Education and Research, ISSN: 1526-4726, Vol.3 (2), DoI:, (ABDC-C).
  7. Shetty, Nanda Kishore(2023). "Assessment of customers brand switching behavior in Indian cement industry". Korea Review of International studies, Volume 16 (43) ,pp. 72-98, February 2023, ISSN:1226-4741, (ABDC).
  8. Shetty, Nanda Kishore, et al (2011). A Framework for Assessment of Brand Loyalty Score for Commodities, Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing, Vol.19, Issue No.3-4, PP 243-260, 05.12.2011, Print ISSN: 0967-3237, Online ISSN: 1479-1862, (Scopus & ABDC).
  9. Shetty, Nanda Kishore, et al (2011). A Study of Customers Brand Preference Pattern & Factors Influencing Brand Preference in a Commodity Product, International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, Vol.4, Issue No.5, PP 523-542, 04.09.2011, Print ISSN: 1753-0806, Online ISSN: 1753-0814, (ESCI Web of Science, Cabell’s Directory, CABS, ERA).

National Journals

  1. Shetty, Nanda Kishore, et al (2006). A Study of Brand Awareness and Brand Loyalty in Branded Commodity Products, ICFAI (IUP) Journal of Marketing Management, Vol. 5, Issue No2, PP 36-48, 01.05.2006, Print ISSN: 0972-6845, A 'peer reviewed' journal indexed on Cabell's Directory.
  2. Shetty, Nanda Kishore, et al (2005). The Impact of Marketing Mix on Commodity Brands with Special Reference to Steel & Cement, SCMS Journal of Indian Management, Vol.2, Issue No.1, PP 13-23, January-March 2005, Print ISSN: 0973-3167, Indexed in SCOPUS and UGC approved Journal.

International Conference

  1. Shetty, Nanda Kishore (2005). Measurement of Brand Loyalty in Commodity Brands with Special Reference to Salt, International Conference on Management Principles held at Jansons School of Business, Coimbatore on 20-21 May 2005.
National Conference
  1. Shetty, Nanda Kishore (2005). A Strategic Framework for Building Brands in Cement Industry, National Conference in Branding at Karunya  Institute of Technology, Dept. of Management Science, Coimbatore, 19-20 Mar 2005.