Entrepreneurship Talk by Ms Akshra Kumar
‘E-cell Swayam’ had organized an entrepreneurship talk on the Preparation of a Business Plan and Related Strategies for a Start-up by Ms. Akshara Kumar, founder-Truly Essential (Chaitanya Agro Herbals), Mysore; and Chapter Co Chair, Young Indians (Mysuru Chapter) on October 13, 2016 in the Institute Auditorium.
Ms. Akshara in her talk introduced the basics of business plans, emphasizing on how to relate the business with forming any business plan. She touched upon product strategies, value proposition, and customer relationships. Further, Ms. Akshara explained about how customer relationship is important for any business in the world, and elaborated on strategies for customer acquisition, customer retention & boosting sales, to increase customer base.
The speaker concluded the session by saying, “at the starting or launching of any idea ‘YOU’ are the most important thing, so one must believe in oneself”.