Guest Lecture by Mr. Sunil Subramaniam
Mr. Sunil Subramaniam, AVP-HR at Blue Ocean Market Intelligence delivered an invited talk on ‘People Analytics’ on September 17, 2016 at the Institute Auditorium. Mr. Subramaniam chose to keep the delivery interactive, discussed on tools used in analysing people with their social media profiles; and application of people analytics for better understanding of employees within an organization. This talk was organized by the Students Committee.
Mr. Subramaniam felt that analytics should be driven by a futuristic approach, wherein companies are no longer looking into reporting past performance, but were instead more interested in the trends that were shaping the future of any industry. Addressing a question related to information security, Mr. Subramaniam responded that security, and privacy of data and information, was still a large looming concern for many organizations.