Upcoming Events


In a world where even Great Britain’s mighty Pound took a big pounding and China was forced to devalue its currency in order to survive, it is hard to tell whether any economy will tend towards a boom or a bubble. Further, studies have shown that a business cycle hits rock bottom every 7-8 years; and rumour has it that we should soon expect one ourselves. We have also been witness to a lot of start-ups mushrooming recently in India, unaware of what their future might be. 
With this background, the finance club of SDMIMD takes pleasure in announcing its flagship event “VITTAKSH” on 22nd November 2016, with the theme “Indian Economy: Boom or Bubble”. We provide an opportunity for the best minds amongst you, to test your applied knowledge, showcase your conceptual and analytical skills, and show us why you are better than the rest.
VITTA, meaning finance, is the blood that runs through the veins of every business. As businesses gets more complicated with disruptive trends & innovations, the long term health of the organization depends on how well the finances of the organization are managed. This makes a very lucrative playing field for any individual who has solid understanding of all the basics, and has just the right amount of creativity and craziness to take bold innovative steps.

Prizes worth ₹35,000 up for grabs!!!


  • Only 2 members allowed per team.
  • College Identity Cards are mandatory.
  • The event is open to only MBA/PGDM students.
  • There is no restriction on the number of teams from a single college.
  • Members of the team can be from the same institute or from different institutes.
  • Teams are required to register on Dare2compete and participate in the online quiz round first.
  • The format and structure is subject to change before the actual commencement of the event.
  • All decisions in matters of eligibility, authenticity and final judgments will be vested with the organizing committee of VITTAKSH, SDMIMD.
The Online Quiz will be held on 14 November 2016.
Hurry up!!! Enrol on - 
Quick Contacts:  Archana: 9632918937 | Srikrishna: 9663025090
Stay tuned at fb.com/Sdmimd.Finnacle for more updates!

Dasara Guests from China to SDMIMD

Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwar Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD) the B-School in Mysore will be the host for 16 MBA students from Shanghai University, China – one of its International Students Exchange Program partners, during the first week of October. The young managers from this visiting university will be led by Ms. Ai Lina.  
To make the visit enriching and learning experience a lecture series has been organized for the Chines students where in experts from industries will also be invited. The series includes lecture on leadership dimensions, managerial communication, international business, business negotiation and business analytics, during the week-long exchange program visit. 
As a part of cultural immersion activity to introduce history, culture, art, architecture and heritage, the social interaction and sightseeing are planned for the visiting students. Without introducing ‘Yoga and Wellness’ in a program offered by an institute situated in Yoga Capital Mysore is incomplete. For these young managers from Shanghai University the day start with a session on ‘Yoga and Wellness’. 
The week-long engaging activity also includes industry visits, interaction with corporate leaders, and project presentations. 

Management Development Programs 2016

At SDMIMD, Management Development Programs are designed to provide working executives with theoretical concepts and practices in management. The calendar is generally offered in the month of May, but certain in-demand programs are scheduled again later in the academic year. Read More>

MDP Contact: Prof. Malathi Sriram
Mobile: +91-9886521063, Email: mdp2016@sdmimd.ac.in

MDP Calendar 2016
Dimensions of Leadership - June 1 & 2
Communicating in a Crisis - June 3

Panel Discussion on "Net Neutrality vs Free Basics"

Stirred into controversy through ‘Airtel Zero’, net neutrality is gaining the enormous public cynosure. The net neutrality activists protest over differential pricing regime for accessing the websites. Now, the ‘Free Basics’ from Facebook comes as a new avatar. The debate and discussions have reached their peak. TRAI now entered the battlefield and says ‘Free Basics’ has dangerous ramifications for policy-making in India. Under the current circumstances the internet user is a confused species about this topic.
Mysore University Information and Library Science Alumni Network (MILAN) joined hands with Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD) is holding a panel discussion on the topic “Net Neutrality vs Free Basics”, on Monday, February 1, 2016 at 11:00 AM in SDMIMD Auditorium, Mysuru.
The panel members are eminent MILANers, Sri. N.V. Sathyanarayana, Chairman & Managing Director, Informatics India Ltd; and, Dr. Shalini R. Urs, Executive Director, International School of Information Management (ISiM), University of Mysore, Mysuru. Dr. Sudhir Sosale, Director, Centre for Training in Advanced Technologies, NIE, Mysuru and Mr. Kalpesh Mehta, Founder, Starsoft-India, Mysuru will join them in the panel discussion. Prof. Malathi Sriram, Chairperson – PGDM, SDMIMD, will moderate the disussion.

International Economics Conference 2015

Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD), Mysuru, is organizing “International Conference on Global Economic Growth and Sustainability” on November 20 & 21, 2015 at its campus. The Global Economic Conference will be witnessing participation from researchers, academicians, and corporate executives presenting research papers and case studies on varied themes on Economic Growth and Sustainability from India and abroad.
Dr. Stephen ARO-GORDON, Professor & Head, Financial Mathematics, Baze University, Nigeria will inaugurate the two days conference. Mr. Francis Kurian, Asst. Vice President, Navia Markets Ltd (Trade Plus), Chennai will also grace the occasion and delivering invited talk.
Mr. Shekar Viswanathan, Vice Chairman & Whole-time Director, Toyota Kirloskar Motor Ltd will deliver a special address on November 21, 2015 at 11:00 AM. Dr. B. S. Suran, Managing Director of NABARD Financial Services Ltd, Dr. M. Indira, Professor of Economics at University of Mysore, Dr. Md. Shah Alam Professor, Rajshashi University from Bangladesh, Dr. K.S. Madhava Rao, Professor of Statistics, Botswana University, Botswana are the prominent invited speakers of the conference. 
Mr. Ajay Nanavati, Former Managing Director of 3M India & President of Grey Gurus Management Advisors LLP will be the Chief Guest for the valedictory session which will be held at 4:00 PM on November 21. Interested persons may contact Dr. B. Venkatraja, Conference Chairperson at 9480342652.
To learn more about the International Economics Conference 2015, please visit

Musical Concert by Ra - Ga Sisters

Kalanubhav - the SDMIMD student's cultural body formed with the objective of propagating all forms of Indian arts, is organizing Carnatic musical concert this year. The Ranjani Gayatri Sisters popularly known as 'Ra-Ga Sisters' has kindly consented to perform on January 19, 2015 at 4:00 PM in institute amphitheater. The event is open for public.

Annual Leadership Series (ALS) Talk 2015

​SDMIMD will be holding the Annual Leadership Talk 2015 on February 14, 2015. This annual event is an opportunity for the SDMites and Mysoreans to hear successful corporate leaders first hand. This year Dr. Santrupt Misra, CEO, Carbon Black Business and Director, Group Human Resources of the Aditya Birla Group, will be delivering the "Annual Leadership Talk 2015" at the Institute auditorium. 
For more details, please visit the event webpage: https://www.sdmimd.ac.in/als/html/index

SDMIMD & CII Invited talk

Dr. Gita Gopinath, Professor of Economics, Harvard University, will be delivering an invited talk on December 20, 2014 at the SDMIMD auditorium. The talk is organized in association with Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) Mysore and is open for public. 
For more information please contact Dr. Ullas Rao @ Mobile: 9986112019 | ullasrao@sdmimd.ac.in
Mr. Venkatesh Valluri, Chairman & President, Ingersoll Rand India will be delivering a Key Note Lecture on Building Organizations fit for the Future. 

Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and Social Sciences

SDMIMD is organizing International Conferences in the area of Finance, Economics and Global Finance in various parts of the country and abroad in collaboration with J.A. Alpha Business Research Publishers Pvt. Ltd., India. The first in this series was held in Chennai on July 11 & 13, 2014, Second at Singapore on August 1 to 3, 2014 and the Third at Dubai on October 10-12, 2014. 
The fourth conference in this series will be on "Global Business, Economics, Finance and Social Sciences" on the theme Reviving Economic Growth! is scheduled during December 19 to 21, 2014 in Mumbai. Venue: VITS Hotel, Andheri Kurla Road, International Airport Zone, Andheri (E), Mumbai.

International Symposium

International Symposium 2015
As in the previous years, an International Symposium is being organized to be held at the Institute on 12 January 2015, to coincide with the visit of students and faculty from mays Business School, Texas A&M University, with whom the Institute has an exchange agreement. Mr. Robert Grobbauer, Managing Director and COO, AT & S India, will be delivering the Keynote address.  Dr. Julian Gaspar, Clinical Professor of International Finance at Mays Business School will also speak on the occasion. This will be followed by quizzes, cases and cultural programs organized by the students of SDMIMD

Earlier Symposiums
International Symposium on Global Business


News Clips : Times of India | City Today

Mysore Jan 6th: “Economic Reforms if stalled, will lead to perils. India might face perils as the country is heading for Elections. Meanwhile, in the International scenario, the countries which do not take the advantages of globalization and free trade will lose the opportunities”, opined Dr. Julian Gaspar, Director, Centre for International Business Studies and Clinical Professor of Finance, Mays Business School, Texas A and M University, USA, in his inaugural address at the one day International Symposium organized by Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development Mysore.Mr. Arun Nayar a leading HR professional currently Director HR at Safran Engineering services, in his Keynote address, dwelling on the topic “Work-A Cultural Perspective” revolved around the importance of cultural adaptability for a successful working professional. He stressed on the fact India would become the largest contributor to the global workforce by 2030. As the work capable population increases in India, the local economy would not be able to create enough job opportunities as a result India would witness an exodus of working population to labor starved countries such as BRICS and USA.He emphasized on need to understand Culture, as Cultural Adaptability can bring better International Business. 
Competitive edge can be gained with better knowledge on domestic and international culture. The International Symposium began with the welcome address by Dr. N.R. Parasurman, Director, SDMIMD. The welcome message emphasized on how effective it is for the countries across the globe to adapt to practices for globalization and free trade. The inaugural session was followed by the interactive session between students of SDMIMD and Mays Business School, Texas A & M University, USA. Business quiz and the brain teasers were the part of the interactive session. The luncheon session was a Workshop on Functional Innovation Methodology by Innomantra Consulting Private Limited organized to the students from Texas A & M University. Mr. Deepu Chandran, Director, Innomantra Consulting Private Limited and Mr. Lokesh, Managing Director, Innomantra Consulting Private Limited, were the resource persons for the innovation workshop.

International Symposium on “Doing Business in India”
The symposium was inaugurated with the traditional lighting of the lamp by the luminaries on January 9, 2012 at SDMIMD Campus. The event was declared open by Prof. S. Prabhakar, Secretary, SDM Educational Trust. Dr. N.R. Parasuraman, Director of SDMIMD, welcomed the gathering. Mr. Sid Mookerji, CEO, Software Paradigm Infotech (SPI) in his keynote address highlighted three issues - the key factors that led to India's growth, Cultural differences between India and the West, and his own experience in ‘Doing Business in India’ through SPI. He also spoke of India's first rank as a country through the Global Services Location Index, through its high scores on people skills and availability. It was a proud moment to note that India ranks third on FDI confidence index, trailing only US and China. With various anecdotes and incidents lacing his speech, Mr. Mookerji kept the crowds enthralled.
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