Dr. N.R. Parasuraman
Director & Professor-Finance
Parasuraman N. R. & Venkataraja, B [Editors]. (2018). 4th International Conference on Economic Growth and Sustainability Development: Emerging Trends. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN: 978-93-83302-34-5].
Parasuraman, N. R. & Sriram, M. [Editors]. (2018). 7th International conference on Emerging Trends in Finance, Accounting and Banking. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN: 978-93-83302-32-1].
- Parasuraman, N. R. (2019). Financial management: a step-by-step approach; 2nd edition; Delhi: Cengage Learning India Pvt. Ltd., 803 p. ISBN: 9789386668554.
- Besley, Scott, Brigham, F. Eugene & Parasuraman N. R. Corporate Finance: A South Asian Perspective. Delhi: Cengage Learning India Pvt. Ltd., 2nd Edition, 2018. 456 p. ISBN: 9789387511002.
Dr. R. Jagadeesh
BE, ME, Ph. D
Professor - Operations
Jagadeesh R. (2018). A Model Curriculum in Operations Management Using a Blended Pedagogy. National Conference on Future of Learning, IIMx Bangalore and IITBx Mumbai, Italy, IIMB January 15-16, 2018; 16 p.
Dr. Nilanjan Sengupta
M.A. & Ph.D.
Professor - OB/HRM
- Sengupta, Mousumi & Nilanjan Sengupta [Editors]. (2018). 7th International Conference on Managing Human Resources at the Workplace. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN: 978-93-83302-35-2].
Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi (2018). Role of Artificial Intelligence In HRM: Issues and Prospects. 7th International Conference on Managing Human Resources at the Workplace, December 14-15, 2018, SDMIMD, Mysore, India, ISBN: 978-93-83302-35-2.
- Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi (2018). Non-verbal communication in classroom learning: an empirical study on post-graduate management students. South Asian Journal of Socio-political studies, ISSN: 0972-4613, Vol.19 (1), July-December, pp.100-104.
- Sengupta, Mousumi & Sengupta, Nilanjan (2018). Perception of the meddle-level managers on 360- Degree Feedback Process: an empirical study. Journal of Organisation & Human Behaviour, ISSN: 2277-3274, Vol.7(4), pp.51-57, October.
- Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi (2018). Benefits of Peer Learning: A Study Among the Post-Graduate Management Students in Karnataka. International Journal of Knowledge Management and Practices, ISSN: 2320-7523, Vol. 6 (2), September, pp. 13-20.
- Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi (2018). Status of Employee Empowerment: An Empirical Study. Journal of Management (JOM), ISSN Print: 2347-3940 and ISSN Online: 2347-3959, Vol.5 (3), May - June, pp. 15-23.
- Sengupta, Mousumi & Sengupta, Nilanjan (2018). Marks and Spencer: Revolutionizing the Retail Business Globally. Journal of Management (JOM), ISSN: 2347-3940 (Print), 2347-3959 (Online), Vol.5 (4), July-August, pp. 1-8.
- Sengupta, Mousumi, Sengupta, Nilanjan & Srilakshminaryana, G (2018). An empirical study on stress among post-graduate students in Residential Private B-Schools in Karnataka. South Asian Journal of Socio-Political studies, ISBN: 09724613, Vol. 18 (2), January-June, pp. 110-117.
- Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi (2018). Collaborative Learning as a Pedagogical Tool: A Study on Post-Graduate Students in B-Schools in Karnataka. International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences (IJRESS), ISSN: 2249-7382, Vol. 8 (2), February, pp. 714-724.
- Sengupta, Mousumi & Sengupta, Nilanjan (2018). 360-Degree Feedback: Crossing the Bridge from Employee Performance to Development. International Journal in Commerce, IT and Social Sciences, ISSN: 2394-5702, Vol.5 (2), February, pp.1-15.
- Sengupta, Mousumi, Sengupta, Nilanjan & Kaushik Bandopadhyay (2018). Unravelling Employee Off-Boarding: the Magic of Exit Interview. International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences(IJRESS), ISSN: 2249-7382, Vol. 8 Issue 1, January, pp 128-137.
- Sengupta, Mousumi & Sengupta, Nilanjan (2018). Enshrining the Spirit of CSR: Indian Automobile Industry. International Journal in Management & Social Science (IJMSS), ISSN: 2321-1784 , Vol. 6 (1), Scopus ID: A9CA72AA6AE914A8, pp 48-58.
Dr. Mousumi Sengupta
M.A. in HRM, GradIPD & Ph.D.
Professor - OB/HRM
- Sengupta, Mousumi & Nilanjan Sengupta [Editors]. (2018). 7th International Conference on Managing Human Resources at the Workplace. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN: 978-93-83302-35-2].
- Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi (2018). Role of Artificial Intelligence In HRM: Issues and Prospects. 7th International Conference on Managing Human Resources at the Workplace, December 14-15, 2018, SDMIMD, Mysore, India, ISBN: 978-93-83302-35-2.
- Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi (2018). Non-verbal communication in classroom learning: an empirical study on post-graduate management students. South Asian Journal of Socio-political studies, ISSN: 0972-4613, Vol.19 (1), July-December, pp.100-104.
- Sengupta, Mousumi & Sengupta, Nilanjan (2018). Perception of the meddle-level managers on 360- Degree Feedback Process: an empirical study. Journal of Organisation & Human Behaviour, ISSN: 2277-3274, Vol.7(4), pp.51-57, October.
- Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi (2018). Benefits of Peer Learning: A Study Among the Post-Graduate Management Students in Karnataka. International Journal of Knowledge Management and Practices, ISSN: 2320-7523, Vol. 6 (2), September, pp. 13-20.
- Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi (2018). Status of Employee Empowerment: An Empirical Study. Journal of Management (JOM), ISSN Print: 2347-3940 and ISSN Online: 2347-3959, Vol.5 (3), May - June, pp. 15-23.
- Sengupta, Mousumi & Sengupta, Nilanjan (2018). Marks and Spencer: Revolutionizing the Retail Business Globally. Journal of Management (JOM), ISSN: 2347-3940 (Print), 2347-3959 (Online), Vol.5 (4), July-August, pp. 1-8.
- Sengupta, Mousumi, Sengupta, Nilanjan & Srilakshminaryana, G (2018). An empirical study on stress among post-graduate students in Residential Private B-Schools in Karnataka. South Asian Journal of Socio-Political studies, ISBN: 09724613, Vol. 18 (2), January-June, pp. 110-117.
- Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi (2018). Collaborative Learning as a Pedagogical Tool: A Study on Post-Graduate Students in B-Schools in Karnataka. International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences (IJRESS), ISSN: 2249-7382, Vol. 8 (2), February, pp. 714-724.
- Sengupta, Mousumi & Sengupta, Nilanjan (2018). 360-Degree Feedback: Crossing the Bridge from Employee Performance to Development. International Journal in Commerce, IT and Social Sciences, ISSN: 2394-5702, Vol.5 (2), February, pp.1-15.
- Sengupta, Mousumi, Sengupta, Nilanjan & Kaushik Bandopadhyay (2018). Unravelling Employee Off-Boarding: the Magic of Exit Interview. International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences(IJRESS), ISSN: 2249-7382, Vol. 8 Issue 1, January, pp 128-137.
- Sengupta, Mousumi & Sengupta, Nilanjan (2018). Enshrining the Spirit of CSR: Indian Automobile Industry. International Journal in Management & Social Science (IJMSS), ISSN: 2321-1784 , Vol. 6 (1), Scopus ID: A9CA72AA6AE914A8, pp 48-58.
Dr. M.R. Suresh
Professor - Marketing
- Suresh M. R. (2018). A ray of hope for people living with AIDS- Asha Kirana: Its Growth and Strategic Issues (a case study). Presidency Journal of Management Thought & Research (ISSN:2229-5275), Vol.8 (1), Jan–June, pp. 102-109.
Dr. R Sugant
BE, MBA & Ph.D.
Professor - Marketing
- Sugant, R. & Srilakshminarayana, G (2018). “E-learning service quality: Assessment of factors”. SCMS Journal of Indian Management, Vol. 15 (1), Jan–March, pp. 110-126.
Dr. Neetu Ganapathy
M.Sc., MDBA & Ph.D
Associate Professor - Systems
- Neetu Ganapathy (2018). ERP at Anika Fragrances Pvt. Ltd.: Should we implement on the cloud?, Journal of Entrepreneurship and Management, ISSN Number: 2277-6850, Vol.7 (2), pp. 41-46.
- Neetu Ganapathy (2018). Factors that Deter Small and Medium Enterprises from Adopting ERP. International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences (IJRESS), Vol. 8, Issue 2, February, ISSN(o): 2249-7382, Impact Factor: 6.939, pp. 583-598.
- Neetu Ganapathy (2018). Jason Goes to Japan: Navigating a Cross-Cultural Encounter. International Journal in Management & Social Science (IJMSS), Vol. 6, Issue 3, ISSN(O): 2321–1784, Impact Factor: 6.178, pp. 26-30.
Prof. Mohamed Minhaj MCA, M.Phil Associate Professor - Systems |
- Minhaj, Mohamed & Gandhi, L (2018). Learning Analytics - Improving the Impact of Organizational Training Process. International Journal of Exclusive Management Research (IJEMR), Vol.8 (3), Online - ISSN 2249–2585, Print - ISSN 2249-8672, March 2018.
Dr. Srilakshminarayana.G M.Sc., Ph.D. Assistant Professor - Quantitative Methods |
- Rasbagh Vasudeva and Srilakshminarayana, G (2018). Sub-gaussian Geometric SαS and Sub-Cauchy Geometric SαS Distributions. Journal of Indian Society for Probability and Statistics, eISSN: 2364-9569, October, 9 pages.
- Sengupta, Mousumi, Sengupta, Nilanjan & Srilakshminaryana, G (2018). An empirical study on stress among post-graduate students in Residential Private B-Schools in Karnataka. South Asian Journal of Socio-Political studies, ISBN: 09724613, Vol. 18 (2), January-June, pp. 110-117.
- Sugant, R. & Srilakshminarayana, G (2018). “E-learning service quality: Assessment of factors”. SCMS Journal of Indian Management, Vol. 15 (1), Jan–March, pp. 110-126.
Prof. Jayakrishnan S Bsc, PGDM, PGCAM & PR, FPM (NITIE) Assistant Professor - Marketing |
- Jayakrishnan S. (2018). Understanding Indian consumers by Durairaj Maheswaran and Thomas Puliyel (Editors); Oxford University press; 2017. SDMIMD Journal of Management Vol.9 (2); September, pp.47-49.
- Jayakrishnan S. (2018). Rebuilding the Trust: Maggi Way. South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases (Sage Publications). (ISSN 2277-9779; eISSN: 2321-0303). Vol.07 (2), December, pp.120-130
Dr. M. Sriram MBA, FCMA, M.Com, MPhil, Ph D Assistant Professor - Finance |
- Sriram, M (2018). Determinants of RoE of S&P BSE Sensex Companies - A Panel Data Analysis. Indian Journal of Finance, Vol. 12 (9), ISSN: 0973 - 8711, pp.56-65.
- Parasuraman, N. R. & Sriram, M. [Editors]. (2018). 7th International conference on Emerging Trends in Finance, Accounting and Banking. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN: 978-93-83302-32-1].
- Sriram M. (2018). Board characteristics and firm performance – a study of S & P BSE Sensex in India. Afro-Asian Journal of Finance and Accounting. Vol. 8 (3), ISSN(O): 1751-6455, ISSN(P): 1751-6447, pp.336-349.
Dr. Venkatraja B MA, Ph.D Assistant Professor - Economics |
- Venkatraja, B. (2018). Dynamics of Aggregate Demand Factors in Macro Growth: An European Perspective. Economic Studies Journal, ISSN (print) 0205-3292, Vol. 27 (3), pp.3-21.
- Parasuraman N.R. & Venkataraja, B [Editors]. (2018). 4th International Conference on Economic Growth and Sustainability Development: Emerging Trends. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN: 978-93-83302-34-5].
- Venkatraja, B. (2018). Testing the J-Curve Hypothesis: An Empirical Analysis for India. The Empirical Economics Letters, Vol.17 (5), ISSN (only print) 1681 8997, pp.587-595.
- Venkatraja, B. (2018). Sensitivity of Trade Balance to Exchange Rate Depreciation: Evidence from Indo-U.S. Bilateral Trade. Asian Economic and Financial Review, ISSN: 2305-2147 (Print), 2222-6737 (Online), Vol.8 (5), pp.691-703.
Prof. L Gandhi
M.A., M.B.A., M.Phil., UGC-NET (Ph.D)
Assistant Professor - OB/HRM
- Gandhi, L (2018). Farm Harvest: A case study on inclusive growth through sustainable employment. Review of Professional Management NDIM, Vol.16 (1), ISSN 0972-8686, January-June, pp. 99-106.
- L. Gandhi (2018). Employee Experience Management (EExM) - a path to enhanced job performance and sustained competitive advantage. International Research Journal of Business and Management – [IRJBM], ISSN: 2322 – 083X, Vol. 11 (4), April, pp. 42-48.
- Minhaj, Mohamed & Gandhi, L (2018). Learning Analytics - Improving the Impact of Organizational Training Process. International Journal of Exclusive Management Research (IJEMR), Vol.8 (3), Online - ISSN 2249–2585, Print - ISSN 2249-8672, March 2018.
Prof. Kannadas S
MBA, M.Phil, FDP (IIM K), FDP (IISc)
Assistant Professor - Finance
- Kannadas S. & Manita D. Shah (2018). Impact of Behavioral Aspects in Mergers & Acquisitions - An overview. ARS - Journal of Applied Research and Social Sciences; ISSN 2350-1472, Vol.5, Issue.3, February, pp.10-29.