Faculty Publications

Faculty Publications in 2023

2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
Dr. Mousumi Sengupta
M.A. in HRM, GradIPD & Ph.D.
Professor - OB/HRM
  1. Sengupta, Mousumi & Sunil, M. V. (2023).  Emotional Intelligence among Librarians in Karnataka: An Exploratory Study. Journal of Information and Knowledge, Vol.60(4), August, p.237-252.  ISSN (P) : 0972-2467. ISSN (O) : 0976-2477. DOI: 10.17821/srels/2023/v60i4/170874.
  2. Sengupta, Mousumi & Gandhi, L. (2023).   Emotional Intelligence among the Postgraduate Students in Private B-Schools in India. World Journal of Management and Economics, ISSN: 1819-8643, Vol.16 (6), pp 63-72, (ABDC).
  3. Sengupta, Mousumi  & Arundekar, Vedashree D. (2023). Towards Sustainable Livelihood of Small and Marginal Farmers in India: A Journey of CCD and Farmveda. Empirical Economics Letters, ISSN 1681 8997, V.22 (Special Issue 2: Revolutionising management: Leveraging technology for competitive advantage),  July., pp 229-236,  https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8217825, (ABDC).
  4. Shwetha, G Y. & Sengupta, Mousumi (2023).  Generation Z Employees' perception on Green GHRM Policies and practices: A study on IT Sector in Bangalore, India. World Journal of Management and Economics. Industry and Management 4.0 with sustainability: Current time. ISSN: 1819-8643, Vol.16, Special Issue 1, pp. 75-82, (ABDC). 
  5. Srilakshminarayana G. & Sengupta, Mousumi (2023). Emotional Intelligence of Gen Z Students in Connection with their Demographics. World Journal of Management and Economics, ISSN: 1819-8643, V.16(05), pp.85-99, (ABDC).
  6. Sengupta, Mousumi and Sunil M. V. (2023).  Online Learning during Covid 19 Pandemic: A Study Among Students in Private B-Schools in Bangalore and Mysore in India.  Korea Review of International Studies, ISSN - 1226-4741, Vol.16 (45), April, pp. 111 - 121, (ABDC C Category journal).
  7. Kannadas S. and Mousumi Sengupta (2023). Impact of Locus of Control on Financial Risk-Taking Behaviour: A Perception Study among Married Earning Women in India. Economic Studies, ISSN: 0205-3292 (print), V.32 (5), pp.143-159.
  8. Nataraj R.T and Mousumi Sengupta (2023). Family Business Leadership: A Thematic Analysis on Scientific Approaches. Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, ISSN: 0976 – 0997, Vol.14(77), April, pp.55034- 55043 (Web of Science, UGC Care List II).
  9. Nataraj R.T and Mousumi Sengupta (2023). Exploring the factors influencing succession planning: a study of Indian Family Business. Education and Society, ISSN: 2278-6864, Vol-47, Issue-1, No.-15, January-March. pp.1-12 (UGC Care List I).

Dr. Srilakshminarayana.G
M.Sc., Ph.D.
Associate Professor - Quantitative Methods
  1. Srilakshminarayana G. and Kavana K. (2023). A Case Study on the role of AI/ML in Healthcare. India Case Research Centre, All India Management Association (AIMA). Product No.2909, 12 pages.
  2. Srilakshminarayana G. & Sengupta, Mousumi (2023). Emotional Intelligence of Gen Z Students in Connection with their Demographics. World Journal of Management and Economics, ISSN: 1819-8643, V.16(05), pp.85-99, (ABDC).
  3. Srilakshminarayana & Kavana K. (2023). A Case Study on the Role of AI/ML in Healthcare. 3rd Case Writing Competition and Conference, 2023, organized by the All India Management Association and the Indian Case Research Centre, April 13–15, 2023.
  4. Srilakshminarayana G (2023). A Study on Identifying the Factors Associated with Personal Financial Planning using a Qualitative Approach. Korea Review of International studies, ISSN: 1226-4741, Vol.16(42), January, pp.87-106.

Dr. M. Sriram
MBA, FCMA, M.Com, MPhil, Ph D
Associate Professor - Finance
  1. Sriram, M. (2023). Narayana hrudayalaya : investment decision. Ivey Business School Foundation, Ivey Publishing, Reference No.W33861, 13 pages.
  2. Sriram M. (2023). Analysis of Minda Corporation Ltd: leveraging strategic financial tools and analytics. Emerald Emerging Market Case Studies, ISSN 2045-0621, V.13(4), pp.1-17, DoI: 10.1108/EEMCS-05-2023-0186.
  3. Sriram M. (2023). VRL Logistics Ltd - Investment Dilemma amidst the global pandemic. Asian Journal of Management Cases, DoI - https://doi.org/10.1177/09728201231195715.
  4. Sriram M. (2023). Interglobe Aviation Ltd- the Valuation Conundrum. Asian Journal of Management Cases (AJMC). ISSN: 0972-8201; Online ISSN: 0973-0621, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/09728201221142386.

Dr. L Gandhi
M.A., M.B.A., M.Phil., UGC-NET, Ph.D
Associate Professor - OB/HRM 
  1. Gandhi, L. (2023). Data-Driven People Management: The Key to Talent Acquisition, Engagement, and Retention. Empirical Economics Letters (ABDC-C), 22 (Special Issue 2): (November 2023) ISSN 1681 8997, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10531669.
  2. Sengupta, Mousumi & Gandhi, L. (2023). Emotional Intelligence among the Postgraduate Students in Private B-Schools in India. World Journal of Management and Economics, ISSN: 1819-8643, Vol.16 (6), pp 63-72, (ABDC).
  3. Gandhi, L. (2023). HR Challenges in the Post Covid-19 World: Role of Agile Leadership towards Organizational Effectiveness, Agile Leadership for Industry 4.0 by Tanusree Chakraborthy, Thair Mumtaz Awan, Ashok Natarajan, Muhammad Kamran (Editors), CRC Press (USA), Taylor & Francis group, ISBN: 978-1-77491-187-7, pp. 285-296.   

Dr. Nanda Kishore Shetty
Associate Professor - Marketing 
  1. Shetty, Nanda Kishore, et al (2023). Analysing Consumer Behaviour for an Experiential Product: A Case Study of the Kantara Movie. Journal of Informatics Education and Research, ISSN: 1526-4726, Vol.3 (2), DoI: https://doi.org/10.52783/jier.v3i2.359  
  2. Shetty, Nanda Kishore(2023). "Assessment of customers brand switching behavior in Indian cement industry". Korea Review of International studies, Volume 16 (43), pp. 72-98, February 2023, ISSN:1226-4741, ABDC Listed Journal. 

Dr. Kannadas S 
MBA, M.Phil, FDP (IIM K), FDP (IISc), Ph.D
Assistant Professor - Finance
  1. Kannadas, S (2023). Technical and Performance Analysis by Revisiting Altman's Z-Score over Mindtree and L&T Post-merger Synergy Predictions. Corporate Ownership and Control, Vol. 20 (4), SSN Online: 1810-3057, ISSN Print: 1727-9232, pp. 113–128, DOI: https://doi.org/10.22495/cocv20i4art8, (ABDC-B listed journal).
  2. Kannadas S. and Manita D. Shah (2023). A Qualitative Examination of Covid-19 impact on Investment Behaviour of Salaried Investors: A special case of Indian Individual Investors. World journal of Management and Economics", ISSN:1819-8643 (P), 1998-1392 (O),  Vol.16(5), (ABDC-C listed journal).
  3. Kannadas S. and Mousumi Sengupta (2023). Impact of Locus of Control on Financial Risk-Taking Behaviour: A Perception Study among Married Earning Women in India. Economic Studies, ISSN: 0205-3292 (print), V.32 (5), pp.143-159.
  4. Riyazahmed K. and Kannadas S. (2023). Impact of ESG on Indian Stocks during the Covid-19 Pandemic. International Conference on Business, Innovation, and Sustainability in the Digital Era – 2023, organized by Alliance University, Bangalore, on May 26th and 27th, 2023.
  5. Kannadas S.  and Riyazahmed K. (2023). Does ‘Age’ Impact Investment Decisions? – Evidence from Indian Investors. International Conference on Business Innovation and Sustainability in Digital Era – 2023, Alliance University, Bangalore, May 26-27, 2023

Dr. S Saibaba
MBA, MFM, MA, MPhil, PhD.
Assistant Professor - Marketing
  1. Saibaba, S (2023). Understanding Post-Adoption Behavior in the Context of Mobile Wallet Applications: an Integrated Model. Korea Review of International Studies, ISSN - 1226-4741, Vol.16 (47), June, pp.84-98, (ABDC). 
  2. Saibaba, S (2023). Examining the Determinants of Mobile Banking App Continuance Intention in India: An Extension of the IS Success Model. Journal of Internet Commerce, ISSN: 1533-2861(P); ISSN: 1533-287X(O), DOI: 10.1080/15332861.2023.2236428 (SCOPUS, ABDC).
  3. Saibaba S. (2023). Customer Loyalty in E-Commerce: a Review and Bibliometric Analysis. Korea Review of International studies, ISSN: 1226-4741, Vol.16(42), January, pp.139-167.

Dr. K Riyazahmed
B.Com (CSCA), MBA, Ph.D. (UGC-NET)
Assistant Professor - Finance
  1. Riyazahmed K. (2023). Decoding Disposition Effect: A Review of Two Decades of Research and Future Directions. Empirical Economic Letters, ISSN: 1681-8997, Vol.22(3), April. pp.125-146. (ABDC-C journal)
  2. Riyazahmed K. (2023). From SHG to ESG: Drivers of the 40-year success tale of SKDRDP in Rural Development. 3rd Case Writing Competition and Conference, 2023, organized by the All India Management Association and the Indian Case Research Centre, April 13–15, 2023.
  3. Riyazahmed K. and Kannadas S. (2023). Impact of ESG on Indian Stocks during the Covid-19 Pandemic. International Conference on Business, Innovation, and Sustainability in the Digital Era – 2023, organized by Alliance University, Bangalore, on May 26th and 27th, 2023.
  4. Kannadas S.  and Riyazahmed K. (2023). Does ‘Age’ Impact Investment Decisions? – Evidence from Indian Investors. International Conference on Business Innovation and Sustainability in Digital Era – 2023, Alliance University, Bangalore, May 26-27, 2023
  5. K. Riyazahmed (2023). Algorithm Justice - Moving towards Equitable Artificial Intelligence. The Case Journal,  (ISSN 1544-9106); DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/TCJ-11-2021-0211, pp.15 pages.
  6. K Riyazahmed (2023). Portfolio Diversification and Optimization. SAGE Publications: SAGE Business Cases Originals. Online ISBN: 9781071914373,  DOI : https://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781529621433, 16 pages.
  7. K Riyazahmed (2023). Coffee Day: Fighting Financial Crisis. SAGE Publications: SAGE Business Cases Originals. Online ISBN: 9781071915189,  DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781529621433, 11 pages.
  8. K Riyazahmed (2023). Dividend or No Dividend? Tata Motors Investors Speak up. SAGE Publications: SAGE Business Cases Originals. Online ISBN: 9781071915271,  DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781529621433, 19 pages.
  9. K Riyazahmed (2023). Yes Bank : financial distress. Ivey business school foundation, 6 pages, Reference number : W29015.  
  10. K Riyazahmed (2023). Reliance industries: economic value-added analysis. Ivey business school foundation, 4 pages, Reference number : W28537.
  11. K Riyazahmed (2023). Financial Spectrum of Vodafone Idea Ltd, India. SAGE Publications: SAGE Business Cases Originals. Online ISBN: 9781529611533, DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781529611533, pp.16.
  12. K Riyazahmed (2023). Future Retail Ltd: Identifying Red Flags and Behavioral Biases. SAGE Publications: SAGE Business Cases Originals. Online ISBN: 9781529621433,  DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781529621433, pp.15.
  13. K Riyazahmed (2023). AI in Finance: Needs Attention to Bias. Annual Research Journal of SCMS, ISSN: 2348 – 0661, Vol. 11, January, pp.1 - 8.

Dr. Sunil M.V
Assistant Professor - General Management
  1. Sunil M.V. and Janardhana Y.H. (2023). Omeka in GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums): Learning from Case Studies about Institutional Archives. Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization, ISSN : 1906-9685, V.14(1), pp.113-118. DoI: https://jnao-nu.com/Vol.%2014,%20Issue.%2002,%20July-December%20:%202023/17.1.pdf
  2. Sunil M.V. and Sasikumar, Anand (2023). Analysing factors affecting the success of Information System (IS): An AHP-Based Analysis of Public Service IS in India. Journal of Informatics Education and Research, ISSN: 1526 - 4726, Vol.3(2), DoI:  https://doi.org/10.52783/jier.v3i2.358
  3. Sasikumar, Anand and Sunil, M. V. (2023). Students’ Preference in Using Chatbots for Academic Writing. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Print ISSN : 0974-6846, Online ISSN : 0974-5645, V.16(36), pp.2912-2919.
  4. Sengupta, Mousumi & Sunil, M. V. (2023).  Emotional Intelligence among Librarians in Karnataka: An Exploratory Study. Journal of Information and Knowledge, Vol.60(4), August, p.237-252.  ISSN (P) : 0972-2467. ISSN (O) : 0976-2477. DOI: 10.17821/srels/2023/v60i4/170874.
  5. Sengupta, Mousumi and Sunil M. V. (2023).  Online Learning during Covid 19 Pandemic: A Study Among Students in Private B-Schools in Bangalore and Mysore in India.  Korea Review of International Studies, ISSN - 1226-4741, Vol.16 (45), April, pp. 111 - 121, (ABDC C Category journal).
  6. Sunil, M.V. and Mamta Hegde. (2023). Payments - the New 'P' to the 4Ps of Marketing: Decoding the emerging financial product innovation. Education and Society, 47-1(7), January-March, 113-123p. ISSN 2278-6864. [UGC CARE Group I]
  7. Prasad, Raghav K. and Sunil, M.V. (2023). A perceptual marketing model for Sports Academies in Karnataka. South Indian Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 21(1) January-June, 64-75p. ISSN: 0972 – 8945. [UGC CARE Group I]

Dr. Mamta Hegde
Assistant Professor - OB & HRM 
  1. Hegde, Mamta. Digital disruption:Transforming the Energy Sector for a Sustainable Future. ERMA 2023 International Conference, 21st and 22nd December 2023, NMIT, Bangalore.
  2. Shailaja A Akkur and Hegde, Mamta (2023). The Talent Acquisition Landscape: A Catalyst for Ensuring Business Viability. Humanities and Social Science Studies, ISSN 2319-829X, Vol. 12(2), No. 16, Jul-Dec. pp.26-33.
  3. Hegde, Mamta (2023). Voluntary Insolvency Resolution in the Aviation Industry: A Case Study of Go First Airlines. World Journal of Management and Economics, ISSN: 1819-8643, V.16(05), pp.227-234, (ABDC).
  4. Hegde, Mamta (2023). Stress Management Strategy: a Social Responsibility. Shodhasamhita: Journal of Fundamental & Comparative Research, ISSN: 2277-7067, Vol. IX (I), Book No.6, January – June, pp.132-137. (UGC Care Journal).  
  5. Hegde, Mamta (2023). Essential Adoption of Vocational Programs in Higher Education. Kanpur Philosophers: International Journal of Humanities, Law and Social Sciences, ISSN 2348-8301, Vol.10(1), pp.44-47, UGC Care list-I journal.
  6. Mamta Hegde (2023). Gender Diversity and Stock Market Returns: an Analysis of the Impact of Corporate Commitment and Investor Response in Indian and Global Companies. Shodha Prabha, ISSN: 0974-8946 (UGC Care Journal) Vol. 48, 2nd Part, Book No.07.
  7. Mamta Hegde (2023). Breaking the Glass Ceiling: a review on the Impact of Women Leadership on Organizational Profitability and Innovation. South India Journal of Social Sciences, ISSN: 0972 – 8945, Vol.21(18), January – June, pp.172-178.
  8. Sunil, M.V. and Mamta Hegde. (2023). Payments - the New 'P' to the 4Ps of Marketing: Decoding the emerging financial product innovation. Education and Society, 47-1(7), January-March, 113-123p. ISSN 2278-6864. [UGC CARE Group I]
  9. Mamta Hegde (2023). A Comparative Study of the Effectiveness of Leadership and Financial Performance in Public and Private Sector Organizations. South India Journal of Social Sciences, ISSN: 0972 – 8945, Vol.21(1), Jan-June, pp.76-82.

Dr. Anand Sasikumar
BTech (Mech),MBA, MS (IE,Canada), Ph.D.
Assistant Professor - Operations
  1. Nair, Malini; Sasikumar, Anand and Ghafar, Abdul (2023). Impact of Organisational culture on Knowledge Sharing in Information Communication Technology Firms in India. From Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0 : Mapping the Transitions edited by Allam Hamdan and others, ISSN:2198-4182, ISSN:2198-4190 (electronic), Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, V.470, ISBN:978-3-031-28313-0; ISBN:978-3-031-28314-7 (eBook), https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-28314-7, Springer, Switzerland, pp.437-446.
  2. Sunil M.V. and Sasikumar, Anand (2023). Analysing factors affecting the success of Information System (IS): An AHP-Based Analysis of Public Service IS in India. Journal of Informatics Education and Research, ISSN: 1526 - 4726, Vol.3(2), DoI:  https://doi.org/10.52783/jier.v3i2.358
  3. Sasikumar, Anand and Sunil, M. V. (2023). Students’ Preference in Using Chatbots for Academic Writing. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Print ISSN : 0974-6846, Online ISSN : 0974-5645, V.16(36), pp.2912-2919.
  4. Nair, Malini; Sasikumar, Anand and Ghafar, Abdul (2023). Impact of Organisational culture on Knowledge Sharing in Information Communication Technology Firms in India. From Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0 : Mapping the Transitions edited by Allam Hamdan and others, ISSN:2198-4182, ISSN:2198-4190 (electronic), Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, V.470, ISBN:978-3-031-28313-0; ISBN:978-3-031-28314-7 (eBook), https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-28314-7, Springer, Switzerland, pp.437-446.
  5. Sasikumar, Anand; Acharya, Padmanav; Malini Nair & Ghafar, Abdul (2023). Applying lean Six Sigma for waste reduction in a bias tyre manufacturing environment. Cogent Business and Management. ISSN: 2331-1975, June, DoI:https://doi.org/10.1080/23311975.2023.2228551, pp. 22 pages (Scopus Q-2 Journal)   

Faculty Publications in 2022

2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Dr. N.R. Parasuraman
Director & Professor - Finance
  1. Rao U., Hopkinson P.J., and Parasuraman N.R. (2022). On Re-Imagining the Role of Big Mac Index in Promoting International Economic Diplomacy: Some PerspectivesModern Indices for International Economic Diplomacy b y Vincent Charles (ed.) & Ali Emrouznejad (ed.). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. pp.193-212, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-84535-3_7
  2. Rajiv Umeshchandra Kalebar and N.R. Parasuraman (2022). Financial Statement Analysis of Selected Indian Automobile Companies Using Data Envelopment Analysis. Stochastic Modeling & Applications, ISSN: 0972-3641, Vol.26(3), January - June, Special Issue,  Part – 1, pp.686-693.

Dr (Lt Col) Prasad S.N.
Deputy Director & Professor - Strategy & General Management
  1. Prasad S. N. and Gandhi L. (2022). RUDSETI, India: The Effectiveness of the Training Model and in Empowering the Rural Youth for Self-employment. The Seybold Report, ISSN: 1533-9211, DOI 10.5281/zenodo.6997822, Vol.7 (108), pp.906-916.

Dr. Mousumi Sengupta
M.A. in HRM, GradIPD & Ph.D.
Professor - OB/HRM
  1. Mousumi Sengupta (2022). A Review on Indian Consumers in promoting sustainability in Fashion. Korea Review of International studies, ISSN: 1226-4741, Vol.15(40), November 2022. pp. 76-88.
  2. Mousumi Sengupta and Sunil M V (2022). Resource management at a primary school : a case study of Arivu Vidya Samsthe, Mysore, India. Korea Review of International studies, ISSN: 1226-4741, Vol.15(37), August. pp. 160-173.
  3. Divyashree, C & Sengupta, Mousumi (2022). Influence of Emotional Intelligence on Female Emplyees work Life Balance. Aalochana, Vol.67 (1), January - March 2022, ISSN: 2231-6329, pp.99-149.

Dr. M.R. Suresh
Professor - Marketing
  1. Sabitha Niketh and M.R. Suresh (2022). Implementing Green Marketing Strategy by Processed Food Companies – can Sustainable Development & CSR be used in Marketing?. International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences, ISSN: 2319-1775 (P); 2320-7876 (O), V.11(3); Special issue, pp.2013-2034.

Prof. Mohamed Minhaj
MCA, M.Phil
Associate Professor - Systems
  1. Shalini R. Urs and Mohamed Minhaj (2022). Evolution of data science and its education in iSchools: An impressionistic study using curriculum analysis. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, DoI: https://doi.org/10.1002/asi.24649, pp.1-17. 

Dr. Srilakshminarayana.G
M.Sc., Ph.D.
Associate Professor - Quantitative Methods
  1. M. V. Sunil and G. Srilakshminarayana (2022). Information literacy among high school students: a study about Cyber Literacy for the use of online resources. SRELS Journal of Information Management, ISSN (Print): 0972-2467, ISSN (Online): 0976-2477, Vol 59(5), October 2022, p.307-317.
  2. Savitha G. Lakkol, Srilakshminarayana G and Aniruddha S Rao (2022). Credit Crisis in MSME Post Demonetization and GST. Empirical Economics Letters, ISSN 1681-8997, V.21 (2 – Special Issue), July, pp.177-191.
  3. Jayakrishnan S. and Srilakshminarayana G.(2022). A Study on Identifying the Key Factors that Affect the Store Atmosphere using a Qualitative Approach. Korea Review of International studies, ISSN: 1226-4741, V.15(37), August, pp. 147-159.

Dr. Jayakrishnan S 
Associate Professor - Marketing
  1. Jayakrishnan S. and Srilakshminarayana G.(2022). A Study on Identifying the Key Factors that Affect the Store Atmosphere using a Qualitative Approach. Korea Review of International studies, ISSN: 1226-4741, V.15(37), August, pp. 147-159.
  2. Jayakrishnan S. (2022). What is There in pH?—A Soap Opera. Emerging Economies Cases Journal, ISSN (P): 2516-6042, ISSN (O): 2516-6050; DOI- https://doi.org/10.1177/25166042221114698; pp.1-5
  3. Jayakrishnan S. (2022). Swiggy: Changing Business Strategy in Times of Crisis. SAGE Publications: SAGE Business Cases, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781529779837, Online ISBN: 9781529779837, pp.9.    

Dr. M. Sriram
MBA, FCMA, M.Com, MPhil, Ph D
Associate Professor - Finance
  1. Sriram, M. (2022). Anomalies in the Financial Records of Jet Airways. SAGE Publications: SAGE Business Cases, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781529794663, Online ISBN: 9781529794663, pp.18.
  2. Sriram, M. (2022). Vedanta’s Decision to Buyback and Delist: A Fair Deal or an Ordeal to Investors?. SAGE Publications: SAGE Business Cases, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781529776379, Online ISBN: 9781529776379, pp.16.

Dr. Venkatraja B
MA, Ph.D
Associate Professor - Economics
  1. Aro-Gordon, Stephen., Venkatraja, B. and Al-Sakiti, Mohammed (2023). Capital Budgeting  Strategy and the Pecking Order Theory: A Fresh Look from the Field. The International e-Conference on Business Excellence and Quality Management in the Digital Age, City University, UAE: 27-28 February, 11p.
  2. Venkatraja, B. (2022). Is Rising CO2 a Spillover Effect of FDI in India? An Evidence from the Testing of Pollution Halo Hypothesis and Pollution Haven Hypothesis. Empirical Economics Letters, ISSN 1681 8997, V.21 (9), September, pp.59-69.
  3. Venkatraja, B. (2022). Does Foreign Direct Investment Reduce Carbon Emission? Evidence from the Panel of BRICS Countries. Economic Thought Journal, ISSN : 0013-2993; E-ISSN : 2815-3189, V.67(4), pp.429-451. DOI: https://doi.org/10.56497/etj2267402
  4. Venkatraja, B (2022). Integrating economic growth with the environmental intensity of human well-being: evidence from Bhutan. Climate and Development, ISSN: 1756-5529 (P); ISSN: 1756-5537 (O), DOI:10.1080/17565529.2022.2150046.

Prof. L Gandhi 
M.A., M.B.A., M.Phil., UGC-NET
Assistant Professor - OB/HRM
  1. Gandhi, L. (2022). Socio-Demographics and Life Satisfaction among College Teaching Fraternity in Tamilnadu, India. Empirical Economics Letters, (ABDC-C) 21 (Special Issue 3): (December 2022) ISSN 1681-8997.
  2. Prasad S. N. and Gandhi L. (2022). RUDSETI, India: The Effectiveness of the Training Model and in Empowering the Rural Youth for Self-employment. The Seybold Report, ISSN: 1533-9211, DOI 10.5281/zenodo.6997822, Vol.7 (108), pp.906-916.
  3. Gandhi L. (2022). Empowering people through Skill Development Training: The role of MYRADA and TNCDW in India. Korea Review of International Studies, ISSN - 1226-4741, V.15(35), June, pp.36-43.  
  4. Kannadas S. and Gandhi L. (2022). A Study on Educational Opportunities in Enhancing the Financial Status amongst next Generation of Tea Estate Dependents in India. Korea Review of International studies, ISSN - 1226-4741, V.15(35), June, pp.77-96.
  5. Gandhi L., Vishal Arghode & Fredrick Muyia Nafukho (2022). Emotional intelligence, intercultural competence, and online instruction: Review and reflection. European Journal of Training and Development (An Emerald publication) ISSN: 2046-9012, January. Vol.46 (1/2), DoI: https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/EJTD-05-2021-0064/full/html

Prof. Kannadas S 
MBA, M.Phil, FDP (IIM K), FDP (IISc)
Assistant Professor - Finance
  1. Kannadas, S. and Srikanth Parthasarathy (2022). A Comparative Study on the Impact of Covid Pandemic Paranoid on Investment Behaviour of Banking and Non-Banking Professionals in India. Indian Journal of Finance and Banking, ISSN 2574-6081 (Print), ISSN 2574-609X (Online), Vol.9 (1), pp.1-8. 
  2. Parthasarathy, S. and Kannadas S. (2022). On Stock Return Patterns Following Large Monthly Price Movements: Empirical Evidence from India. Economic Thought Journal, ISSN 0013-2993, 67(3), 249-268.
  3. Kannadas S. and Gandhi L. (2022). A Study on Educational Opportunities in Enhancing the Financial Status amongst next Generation of Tea Estate Dependents in India. Korea Review of International studies, ISSN - 1226-4741, V.15(35), June, pp.77-96.
  4. Kannadas S. and T. Viswanathan (2022). Volatility spill-over effects among gold, oil and stock markets: Empirical evidence from the G7 countries. Economic Studies, ISSN 0205-3292 (print), Volume 31 (4), pp.18-32.

Dr. S Saibaba
MBA, MFM, MA, MPhil, PhD.
Assistant Professor - Marketing
  1. Saibaba S. (2022). An Empirical Model of Continuance Intention toward Mobile Wallet Services in India. Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies, ISSN:  2249-0310, E ISSN : 2229-5674, V.13(3), pp.1-10.

Dr. K Riyazahmed
B.Com (CSCA), MBA, Ph.D. (UGC-NET)
Assistant Professor - Finance
  1. Riyazahmed K. (2022). Volatility Spillover and Pandemic – Analysis of Selected Sectoral Indices in India. Economic Thought, ISSN : 0013-2993; E-ISSN : 2815-3189, V.67 (6), pp. 655- 670. DOI: https://doi.org/10.56497/etj2267602.
  2. Riyazahmed, K. (2022). Impact of GST on the financials of Indian companies across various sectors. Invited presentation at the Conference on the Impact of GST on Indian Economy organized by the National Institute of public finance and policy (NIPFP), New Delhi (a research institute under the Ministry of Finance) on November 28 and 29, 2022. 
  3. Riyazahmed, K. (2022). Impact of Covid-19 on Sectoral Indices - A DCC GARCH analysis. School of Business and International Partners Research Conference, 2022, University of Dundee, UK. 
  4. Riyazahmed K. (2022). Impact of GST on Indian companies - a panel data analysis. Korea Review of International studies, ISSN: 1226-4741, V.15(36), July, pp.82-89.
  5. K. Riyazahmed, B. Anitha Kumari and B. Diwakar Naidu (2022). A taxonomic evaluation of Indian mutual funds’ performance and its determinants – Post-pandemic. Investment Management and Financial Innovations, ISSN:1810-4967 (P); ISSN: 1812-9358 (O), V.19 (2), pp.180-190. DoI:10.21511/imfi.19(2).2022.15.
  6. Riyazahmed K. (2022). Risk-adjusted Return, Fund Manager Efficacy and Fund Characteristics: An Inquiry. Empirical Economic Letters, ISSN:1681-8997, Vol. 21 (3), March. pp. 8 pages.
  7. Riyazahmed, K. (2022). Is ONGC Ltd Experiencing Financial Distress?. SAGE Publications: SAGE Business Cases, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781529797299, Online ISBN: 9781529797299, pp.10.
  8. Riyazahmed, K. (2022). Red Flags in Reliance Group, India? A Probe into Reliance Infrastructure Ltd. Ivey Publishing. Reference Number W25252, Link - https://www.iveypublishing.ca/s/product/red-flags-in-reliance-group-india-a-probe-into-reliance-infrastructure-ltd/01t5c00000D59iRAAR; pp.10.

Dr. Sunil M.V
Assistant Professor - Head Academics and Administration
  1. M. V. Sunil and G. Srilakshminarayana (2022). Information literacy among high school students: a study about Cyber Literacy for the use of online resources. SRELS Journal of Information Management, ISSN (Print): 0972-2467, ISSN (Online): 0976-2477, Vol 59(5), October 2022, p.307-317.
  2. Mousumi Sengupta and Sunil M V (2022). Resource management at a primary school : a case study of Arivu Vidya Samsthe, Mysore, India. Korea Review of International studies, ISSN: 1226-4741, Vol.15(37), August. pp. 160-173.

Faculty Publications in 2021

2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Dr. N.R. Parasuraman
Director & Professor - Finance
  1. Parasuraman (2021). Derivatives and Risk Management. McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, 4th ed., ISBN-13‏: ‎ 978-9354601866; pp.335.
  2. Rajiv U Kalebar and Parasuraman N. R. (2021). Use of Data Envelopment Analysis CCR-I Method to Analysis the Efficiency of Selected Mutual Funds. Journal of Education: Rabindrabharati University, ISSN : 0972-7175, Vol.23(1), pp.155-166.

Dr (Lt Col) Prasad S.N.
Deputy Director & Professor - Strategy & General Management
  1. Prasad S.N., Sengupta, Nilanjan and Sengupta, Mousumi (2021). SIRI Gramodyoga Project of SKDRDP: A Study on the Current State and the Possible Future. (Product number 1610). India Case Research Centre, All India Management Association (AIMA). pp.20.

Dr. M.R. Suresh
Professor - Marketing
  1. Vijayshankar Krishnamurthy and Suresh M. R. (2021). Implementation of the Sports Policy I India: a scan of extant literature and Conceptual Framework. 2nd International conclave on Globalizing Indian Thought (GIT 2021), Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode; December 16-18, 2021.
  2. Vijayshankar Krishnamurthy and Suresh M. R. (2021). Public-Private Partnership (PPP) in Sports Sector - A scan of extant literature with a special focus on Odisha State. 6th International Conference on Economic Growth and Sustainable Development: Emerging Trends November 25-26, 2021, Mysuru, India
  3. Suresh, M. R., Sunil, M. V. (2021). Building Partnership for Social Initiatives: a Compendium of Cases in Public Private Partnership (PPP) – volume 1 & 2; SDM Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD) and Administrative Training Institute (ATI) PPP Cell, Mysuru; ISBN: 978-93-83302-54-3.
  4. Sabitha Niketh and Suresh M. R. (2021). Determinants of Consumer Behavior impacting Green Marketing. JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations, ISSN:1076-5131, Vol.8(12), pp.73-95.
  5. Vijayshankar Krishnamurthy and Suresh M. R. (2021). Performance Management in Non-Profit Sports Organizations using Balanced Scorecard: A scan of extant literature and an agenda for future research. Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research, ISSN: 0022-1945, Vol.13 (4), April, pp.188-200.
  6. Sabitha Niketh and Suresh M. R. (2021). Sustainability Marketing versus Green Marketing the Future of a Green Economy- Analysis based on Theory of Reasoned Action. Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research, ISSN NO: 0022-1945, Vol.13 (3), March, pp.511-524.

Dr. Nilanjan Sengupta
M.A. & Ph.D.
Professor - OB/HRM
  1. Sengupta, Nilanjan and Shwetha G Y (2021). A Case Study on Sustainable GHRM Practices with Respect to Pharmaceutical Industry. International Conference on “Global Perspectives on Business, Economy And Society - for Sustainability in the New Normal” Sponsored by AICTE, 5th and 6th August, 2021, ISBR Business School in association with ISBR College, Bengaluru.
  2. Sengupta, Mousumi & Sengupta, Nilanjan (2021). Awareness about sustainable fashion among Indian youth : An exploratory study in Bangalore and Mysore. Strategic Management Forum Annual Conference 2021 scheduled from 27 to 30 December 2021 to be held at IIM Nagpur, India.
  3. Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi & Gandhi, L. (2021). Managing stress during fighting Covid 19 time: A perception study among the healthcare workers in Bangalore and Mysore. SDM Centre for Developmental Studies (SDM CDS), SDM Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD), Mysore. pp.73.
  4. Shwetha, G Y & Sengupta, Nilanjan (2021). A Systematic Literature Review on Green HRM Practices In IT Sector. 9th International HR E-Conference on “Talent management and Leadership challenges in the new normal business", December 16-17, 2021, SDMIMD, Mysore, India, ISBN: 978-93-83302-52-9.
  5. Sengupta, Mousumi & Sengupta, Nilanjan (2021). Sustainable fashion in India: An exploratory study. Review of Professional Management, ISSN:0972-8686 (P); ISSN 2455-064 (O), Vol 19(1). pp 44-57.
  6. Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi (2021). Issues in Leisure Travel Decisions During Covid-19 Pandemic: An Exploratory Study. South Asian Journal of Socio-Political Studies (SAJOSPS), Jan-June 2021, pp 119-124.
  7. Prasad S.N., Sengupta, Nilanjan and Sengupta, Mousumi (2021). SIRI Gramodyoga Project of SKDRDP: A Study on the Current State and the Possible Future. (Product number 1610). India Case Research Centre, All India Management Association (AIMA). pp.20.
  8. Shwetha, G.Y, and Sengupta, Nilanjan (2021). Impact of Covid – 19 Pandemic on the Environment: Mask Pollution. Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research, ISSN : 0022- 1945, Vol.13 (2), pp.2058-2067.

Dr. Mousumi Sengupta
M.A. in HRM, GradIPD & Ph.D.
Professor - OB/HRM
  1. Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi & Gandhi, L. (2021). Managing stress during fighting Covid 19 time: A perception study among the healthcare workers in Bangalore and Mysore. SDM Centre for Developmental Studies (SDM CDS), SDM Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD), Mysore. pp.73.
  2. Sengupta, Mousumi & Sengupta, Nilanjan (2021). Awareness about sustainable fashion among Indian youth : An exploratory study in Bangalore and Mysore. Strategic Management Forum Annual Conference 2021 scheduled from 27 to 30 December 2021 to be held at IIM Nagpur, India.
  3. Sengupta, Mousumi (2021). "Communication and Presentation Skills". Course material for Post Graduate Diploma in Training and Development, offered by Indian Society for Training and Development (ISTD). 
  4. Sengupta, Mousumi & Sengupta, Nilanjan (2021). Sustainable fashion in India: An exploratory study. Review of Professional Management, ISSN:0972-8686 (P); ISSN 2455-064 (O), Vol 19(1). pp 44-57.
  5. Nataraj R. T. and Sengupta, Mousumi (2021). Conflict in family business: A conceptual analysis. Wutan Huatan Jisuan Jishu, ISSN NO: 1001-1749, V.17(5), May, pp.217-231.
  6. Prasad S.N., Sengupta, Nilanjan and Sengupta, Mousumi (2021). SIRI Gramodyoga Project of SKDRDP: A Study on the Current State and the Possible Future. (Product number 1610). India Case Research Centre, All India Management Association (AIMA). pp.20.
  7. Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi (2021). Issues in Leisure Travel Decisions During Covid-19 Pandemic: An Exploratory Study. South Asian Journal of Socio-Political Studies (SAJOSPS), Jan-June 2021, pp 119-124.

Dr. Neetu Ganapathy
M.Sc., MDBA & Ph.D
Associate Professor - Systems
  1. Neetu Ganapathy (2021). Crisis Communication at Tesla: A Case of Profits over People? (Product number 1626). India Case Research Centre, All India Management Association (AIMA). pp.12.

Prof. Mohamed Minhaj
MCA, M.Phil
Associate Professor - Systems
  1. Minhaj, Mohamed (2021). Using Wikipedia's Big Data for creation of Knowledge Bases. International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology (IJSRCSEIT), ISSN : 2456-3307, Vol.7(6), pp.11-18, November-December. Journal URL : https://ijsrcseit.com/CSEIT217546
  2. Minhaj, Mohamed & Shalini Urs (2021). Wikipedia Infoboxes: The big data source for knowledge bases behind Alexa and Siri virtual assistants. Information Matters. https://informationmatters.org/2021/11/wikipedia-infoboxes-the-big-data-...

Dr. Srilakshminarayana.G
M.Sc., Ph.D.
Associate Professor - Quantitative Methods
  1. Savitha G. Lakkol, Srilakshminarayana G. and Aniruddha S. Rao. (2021). Credit Crisis in MSME Post Demonetization and GST. 6th International Conference on Economic Growth and Sustainable Development: Emerging Trends November 25-26, 2021, Mysuru, India
  2. Srilakshminarayana G. (2021). Tail Behaviour of the Nifty-50 Stocks during Crises Periods. Advances in Decision Sciences, ISSN : 2090-3359 (P) ISSN 2090-3367 (O) Vol.25 (4), December. DoI: https://doi.org/10.47654/v25y2021i4p115-151, pp.37.
  3. B.Venkatraja, G.Srilakshminarayana & G.S. Ganesh Prasad (2021). Socio Economic Deprivation Status of Rural Households in Karnataka. Abdul Nazir Sab State Institute of Rural Development and Panchayat Raj, Government of Karnataka, Pages 201. 
  4. Savitha G. Lakkol, Srilakshminarayana G. and Nalina K. B. (2021).  Effect of security lending and borrowing on market volatility, evidence from Indian stock market. Int. J. Business and Globalisation, ISSN: 1753-3635; 1753-3627, DOI: 10.1504/IJBG.2020.10043320.
  5. Venkatraja, B., Srilakshminarayana G. and B Krishna Kumar (2021). The dominance of severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus 2 B.1.617 and its sublineages and associations with mortality during the Covid-19 pandemic in India between 2020 and 2021. American Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene, Print ISSN: 0002-9637 Online ISSN: 1476-1645, DOI: https://doi.org/10.4269/ajtmh.21-0812
  6. Venkatraja B. & Srilakshminarayana, et.al. (2021). Preliminary Evidence from a Cross-sectional Study on Epidemiology and Early Transmission Dynamics of COVID-19 in Karnataka State of India. Journal of Health and Allied Sciences, ISSN:2582-4287 (Web of Science), Vol.11(3), pp. 178-187. DOI https://doi.org/10.1055/s-0041-1726692
  7. Sugant R., Srilakshminarayana G. and Shyamli Soundale (2021). Factors Influencing Customer satisfaction of Wireless Mobile Services During the Covid-19 Pandemic Led Lockdown. Interdisciplinary research in Technology and Management: Proceedings of the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Technology and Management (IRTM, 2021) 26–28 February 2021, Kolkata, India, Satyajit Chakrabarty et.al., editors, ISBN: 978-1-003-20224-0 (ebk).
  8. Srilakshminarayana G. (2021). The Behavior of Extreme and Cumulative Stock Price Random Variables during the Crisis Periods -A Study of Nifty 50 Stocks. Economic research Guardian, ISSN: 2247-8531, ISSN-L: 2247-8531, V.11(2), pp.103-129.
  9. Venkatraja B. & Srilakshminarayana (2021). Preliminary Evidence from a Cross-sectional Study on Epidemiology and Early Transmission Dynamics of COVID-19 in Karnataka State of India. Journal of Health and Allied Sciences, ISSN:2582-4287,
    Doi: https://www.thieme-connect.com/products/ejournals/abstract/10.1055/s-0041-1726692.
  10. Sugant, R,  Srilakshminarayana G, & Shyamli (2021). Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction of Wireless Mobile Services During the Covid-19 Pandemic Led Lockdown. Presented at the Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Technology Management, held from 26-28 February, 2021.

Dr. Jayakrishnan S 
Associate Professor - Marketing
  1. Jayakrishnan S.(2021). The downfall of fairness era - road ahead for HUL’s Dove, Fair and Lovely. The Case Journal, Emerald, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/TCJ-07-2020-0088.

Dr. M. Sriram
MBA, FCMA, M.Com, MPhil, Ph D
Associate Professor - Finance
  1. Sriram M. (2021). Predicting the likelihood of hedging by Companies in India- A logit model approach. Journal of Commerce and Accounting Research, ISSN: 2277-2146, V.10(3), pp.1-12.
  2. Sriram, M. (2021). SpiceJet’s Financial Health: Alarming Red Flags! - Case. SAGE Publications: SAGE Business Cases, Online ISBN: 9781529761986, pp.16,
    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781529761986.

Dr. Venkatraja B
MA, Ph.D
Associate Professor - Economics
  1. B.Venkatraja, G.Srilakshminarayana & G.S. Ganesh Prasad (2021). Socio Economic Deprivation Status of Rural Households in Karnataka. Abdul Nazir Sab State Institute of Rural Development and Panchayat Raj, Government of Karnataka, Pages 201. 
  2. Venkatraja, B., Srilakshminarayana G. and B Krishna Kumar (2021). The dominance of severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus 2 B.1.617 and its sublineages and associations with mortality during the Covid-19 pandemic in India between 2020 and 2021. American Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene, Print ISSN: 0002-9637 Online ISSN: 1476-1645, DOI: https://doi.org/10.4269/ajtmh.21-0812
  3. Venkatraja B. & Srilakshminarayana, et.al. (2021). Preliminary Evidence from a Cross-sectional Study on Epidemiology and Early Transmission Dynamics of COVID-19 in Karnataka State of India. Journal of Health and Allied Sciences, ISSN:2582-4287 (Web of Science), Vol.11(3), pp. 178-187. DOI https://doi.org/10.1055/s-0041-1726692
  4. Venkatraja B. (2021). Dynamics of Energy Consumption and Economic Growth: A Panel Estimation of Net Oil Importing Countries. Economic Studies, ISSN 0205-3292 (P), Vol.30(6), pp.63-89.
  5. Venkatraja B. (2021). Does Energy Conservation Affect Economic Growth? Evidence from India. Empirical Economics Letters, ISSN:1681 8997, Vol.20(4), April, pp.557-568.
  6. Venkatraja B. & Srilakshminarayana (2021). Preliminary Evidence from a Cross-sectional Study on Epidemiology and Early Transmission Dynamics of COVID-19 in Karnataka State of India. Journal of Health and Allied Sciences, ISSN:2582-4287,
    Doi: https://www.thieme-connect.com/products/ejournals/abstract/10.1055/s-0041-1726692
  7. Venkatraja B. (2021). Does China Exhibit any Evidence of an Environmental Kuznets Curve? an ARDL Bounds Testing Approach. Economic Thought Journal, Issue 1, ISSN 0013-2993, pp.111-132. 

Prof. L Gandhi 
M.A., M.B.A., M.Phil., UGC-NET
Assistant Professor - OB/HRM
  1. Gandhi L. (2021). HR Challenges in the Post-Covid-19 World (2021). Effective Executive- An IUP Publication, ISSN: 0972-5172, Vol.24(1), pp 43-54.
  2. Gandhi L. & K. Senthil Kumar (2021). Storytelling Management and its application in organizations. Business Perspectives, ISSN: 2581-9542 (Print), ISSN:2582-3965 (Online) Vol. 2 (2) Jan-June. pp. 1-12.

Prof. Kannadas S 
MBA, M.Phil, FDP (IIM K), FDP (IISc)
Assistant Professor - Finance
  1. Kannadas S. (2021). Impact of Psychological Factors on Investment Behaviour of Small-Scale Businessmen with special reference to Pan India. Empirical Economic Letters, ISSN 1681-8997, Vol.20(8), August, pp.1415-1427.
  2. Kannadas S. and Srilakshminarayana G. (2021). Factors Influencing the Individual Saving  Decisions of IT Sector Salaried Employees with special reference to IT Hubs in India. Empirical Economic Letters, ISSN: 1681-8997, Vol.20(2), February, pp.199-212.
  3. Kannadas S. (2021). Investment behavior of short-term versus long-term individual investors of PAN India – An empirical study. Investment Management and Financial Innovations, ISSN (P):1810-4967, ISSN (O):1812-9358, V.18(2), June, pp.223-233.
  4. Kannadas S. and Manita D. Shah (2021). A Study on Impact of Behavioural Finance on Investment Decision of Single Parents in South Asian Countries. International Journal of Accounting & Finance Review, ISSN 2576-1285, E-ISSN 2576-1293, Vol.6(2), April, pp.16-37.
  5. Kannadas S. and Srilakshminarayana G. (2021). Factors Influencing the Individual Saving  Decisions of IT Sector Salaried Employees with special reference to IT Hubs in India. Empirical Economic Letters, ISSN: 1681-8997, Vol.20(2), February, pp.199-212.
  6. Kannadas S. and Manita D. Shah (2021). A comparative study on investment pattern of self-employed & start-up entrepreneurs with special reference to PAN India. Indian Journal of Finance and Banking, ISSN: 2574-6081 (Print) ISSN: 2574-609X (Online), Vol.5(2), pp.62-84.

Dr. S Saibaba
MBA, MFM, MA, MPhil, PhD.
Assistant Professor - Marketing
  1. Saibaba S. (2021). Bibliometric Analysis and Visualization of Online Consumer Behavior – Past, Present and Future. Saudi Journal of Business and Management Studies, ISSN 2415-6663 (Print); ISSN 2415-6671 (Online), Vol.6(8), pp 268-291.

Dr. K Riyazahmed
B.Com (CSCA), MBA, Ph.D. (UGC-NET)
Assistant Professor - Finance
  1. Riyazahmed K. (2021). Fund performance, effect of pandemic and fund manager efficacy – A panel data analysis. School of Business and International Partners Research Conference, 2021, University of Dundee, UK, November / December.
  2. Riyazahmed K. and Balachandar Kaliappan (2021). It got delayed! Impact of demonetization on cash conversion cycle – A panel data study. ISDSI-Global Conference 2021: Leading business in a FLUID world held at Indian Institute of Management Nagpur, December 27-30, 2021.
  3. Riyazahmed K. (2021). Does Demographic & Socio-Economic Status influence Investment Motives? The Empirical Economic Letters. ISSN:1681 8997,  Vol 5(1), May, pp.667-680.
  4. Riyazahmed K. (2021). Investment motives and preferences – An empirical inquiry during COVID-19. Investment Management and Financial Innovation,  ISSN 1810-4967 (print), 1812-9358 (online), Vol.18(2), pp.1-11.
  5. Kavita Chavali, Prasanna Mohan Raj and Riyazahmed K. (2021). Does Financial Behavior Influence Financial Well-being?. Journal of Asian Finance, Economics, and Business (JAFEB), ISSN: 2288 – 4637, Vol 8 (2), pp. 273-280.
  6. Riyazahmed K. and Gunja Baranwal (2021). Determinants of credit risk. International Journal of Accounting & Finance Review, ISSN: 2576-1285; E-ISSN 2576-1293, Vol.6(1), pp.53-71
  7. Riyazahmed K. (2021). Neural Networks in Finance - A Descriptive Systematic Review. Indian Journal of Finance and Banking, ISSN: 2574-6081; E-ISSN: 2574-609X, Vol.5(2). 2021, pp. 1-27. 

Dr. Balaji Gopalan
M.Sc., M.E. & Ph. D
Assistant Professor - Operations
  1. Balaji Gopalan (2021). Role of Telecommunications in Business Ecosystems & Value Co-creation in the Digital Economy. ISDSI-Global Conference 2021: Leading business in a FLUID world held at Indian Institute of Management Nagpur, December 27-30, 2021.

Dr. Sunil M.V
Assistant Professor - Head Academics and Administration
  1. Suresh, M. R., Sunil, M. V. and V. Chethan (2021). Building Partnership for Social Initiatives: a Compendium of Cases in Public Private Partnership (PPP) – volume 1 & 2; SDM Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD) and Administrative Training Institute (ATI) PPP Cell, Mysuru; ISBN: 978-93-83302-54-3.

Faculty Publications in 2020

2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015

Dr. H. Gayathri
Deputy – Director & Professor - Marketing
  1. Jamnani, Ajay B. and Gayathri, H. (2020). A study on comparison of Sales Promotion Strategies of Amazon, Flipkart and Snapdeal. The International Journal of Analytical and Experimental modal analysis, ISSN: 0886-9367, Vol.12 (11), November, pp.316-323.
  2. Jamnani, Ajay B. and Gayathri, H. (2020). Promotional Strategies Adopted by Major Online Retailers in India: An Empirical Study. Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research, ISSN: 0022-1945, Vol.12(1), January, pp.1520-1536.

Dr. Nilanjan Sengupta
M.A. & Ph.D.
Professor - OB/HRM
  1. Gandhi, L., Sengupta, Mousumi & Sengupta, Nilanjan (2020). The Impact of the Line Managers Emotional Intelligence on Employee Motivation with Special Reference to Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). SAMVAD: SIBM Pune Research Journal, Vol 21, December, ISSN: 2249-1880 (P); ISSN: 2348-5329 (O). pp.16-32.
  2. Sengupta, Mousumi & Sengupta, Nilanjan (2020). Sustainable Fashion: The Issues, Challenges, and Prospects. MANTHAN: Journal of Commerce and Management, July-December 2020, Vol.7 (2), pp. 74-94, Print ISSN: 2347-4440; e-ISSN: 2395-2601, doi: 10.17492/jpi.manthan.v7i2.722014.
  3. Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi (2020). The state of exit interview : An exploratory study on the opinion of HR managers in Bangalore and Mysore. South Asian Journal of Socio-Political Studies (A Peer Reviewed International Journal), ISSN 09724613, Vol.XX (2), January-June, pp.114-119.
  4. Kudtarkar, Ravi R. & Sengupta, Nilanjan (2020). Family Purchase Decision- A Literature Review. Alochana Chakra Journal, UGC - CARE -  LIST GROUP - I - Print Journal, ISSN: 2231-3990, Vol. 9 (6), pp.6031-6038.
  5. Sengupta, Mousumi & Sengupta, Nilanjan (2020). Contemporary Research in Management : Volume IX,  Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala  Manjunatheshwara Research Centre for Management Studies (SDM RCMS), SDMIMD. [ISBN: 978-93-83302-45-1]

Dr. Mousumi Sengupta
M.A. in HRMGradIPD & Ph.D.
Professor - OB/HRM
  1. Gandhi, L., Sengupta, Mousumi & Sengupta, Nilanjan (2020). The Impact of the Line Managers Emotional Intelligence on Employee Motivation with Special Reference to Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). SAMVAD: SIBM Pune Research Journal, Vol 21, December, ISSN: 2249-1880 (P); ISSN: 2348-5329 (O). pp.16-32.
  2. Sengupta, Mousumi & Sengupta, Nilanjan (2020). Sustainable Fashion: The Issues, Challenges, and Prospects. MANTHAN: Journal of Commerce and Management, July-December 2020, Vol.7 (2), pp. 74-94, Print ISSN: 2347-4440; e-ISSN: 2395-2601, doi: 10.17492/jpi.manthan.v7i2.722014.
  3. Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi (2020). The state of exit interview : An exploratory study on the opinion of HR managers in Bangalore and Mysore. South Asian Journal of Socio-Political Studies (A Peer Reviewed International Journal), ISSN 09724613, Vol.XX (2), January-June, pp.114-119.
  4. Divyashree, C & Sengupta, Mousumi (2020). A study on Emotional Intelligence among Tertiary care teaching Hospital Nurses. The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis, Vol.12 (6), June 2020, ISSN: 0886-9367, pp.1504-1521, DOI:18.0002.IJAEMA.2020.V12I6.200001.0156858850  
  5. Nataraj, R.T & Sengupta, Mousumi (2020). The Curious Case of Family Business. Alochana Chakra Journal, Vol. 9(6), pp.5145-5154.
  6. Sengupta, Mousumi & Sengupta, Nilanjan (2020). Contemporary Research in Management : Volume IX,  Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala  Manjunatheshwara Research Centre for Management Studies (SDM RCMS), SDMIMD. [ISBN: 978-93-83302-45-1]

Dr. R Sugant
BE, MBA & Ph D
Professor - Marketing
  1. Sugant, R (2020). Net Promoter Score - An Evaluation of Top Companies in On-line Retailing in India. SAMVAD: SIBM Pune Research Journal, Vol.XX, June 2020, ISSN (Print): 2249-1880, ISSN (Online): 2348-5329, pp. 14-27.

Prof. Malathi Sriram
MCA, P.G. Diploma in System Analysis, M.Phil.
Associate Professor - Systems
  1. Malathi Sriram (2020). Mindtree Acquisition by L&T – A first in ‘hostile’ Takeovers. Dogo Rangsang Research Journal, ISSN: 2347-7180, Vol.10(9), September, pp.206-216.

Dr. Neetu Ganapathy
M.Sc., MDBA & Ph.D
Associate Professor - Systems
  1. Neetu Ganapathy (2020). Crisis Communication at Tesla: A Case of Profits over People?. Cases in Management – Vol. IX by N.R. Parasuraman, B.Venkatraja , Nilanjan Sengupta and G.Srilakshminarayana. [Editors]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Research Centre for Management Studies (SDM RCMS), SDMIMD. [ISBN: 978-93-83302-48-2]

Prof. Mohamed Minhaj
MCA, M.Phil
Associate Professor - Systems
  1. Schlenker, Lee & Minhaj, Mohamed (2020). Machine Intelligence and Managerial Decision-Making. Data Analytics and AI by Jay Liebowitz [Editor]. Boca Raton, 1st Edition, ISBN:9781003019855, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1201/9781003019855.
  2. Minhaj, Mohamed (2020). Smart Retail through Market Basket Analysis (Product number 1537). India Case Research Centre, All India Management Association (AIMA). pp.4.

Dr. Srilakshminarayana.G
M.Sc., Ph.D.
Associate Professor - Quantitative Methods
  1. Sriram M. and G.S. Lakshminarayana (2020). Corporate hedging  theories and usage of foreign currency loans: a logit model approach. Investment  Management and Financial Innovations. ISSN: 1810-4967 (P), ISSN: 1812-9358 (O), Vol.17 (4), pp.367-377. doi:10.21511/imfi.17(4).2020.31      
  2. Srilakshminarayana G (2020). Role of Hyperloops in Supply Chain Management - A Review. Presented at the UDSB and International Partners Research Conference 2020, Jointly organized by SDMIMD on November 24-25, 2020.
  3. Srilakshminarayana G (2020). Behavior of Extreme and Cumulative Stock Price Random Variables during the Crisis Periods-A Study of Nifty 50 Stocks. Presented during the 2nd Rajagiri Conference on Economics and Finance (RCEF 2020), November 5-6, 2020.
  4. Srilakshminarayana G (2020). On the Tail Behaviour of the Nifty-50 Stocks during Crises. Presented during the 1st Rajagiri Management Conference (RMC 2020), October 15-16, 2020.
  5. Savitha, G.l., Srilakshminarayana, G., and Nalina K.B. (2020). Effect of Security Lending and Borrowing on Market Volatility: Evidence from Indian Stock Market. Presented at the International Finance Conference (SIFICO) 2020, organized by K.J.Somaiya Institute of Management Studies and Research, Mumbai, India, on January 17 and 18, 2020.

Dr. M. Sriram
MBA, FCMA, M.Com, MPhil, Ph D
Associate Professor - Finance
  1. Sriram M. and G.S. Lakshminarayana (2020). Corporate hedging  theories and usage of foreign currency loans: a logit model approach. Investment  Management and Financial Innovations. ISSN: 1810-4967 (P), ISSN: 1812-9358 (O), Vol.17 (4), pp.367-377. doi:10.21511/imfi.17(4).2020.31
  2. M, Sriram (2020). City Union Bank: Residual income approach to valuation. Vision - The Journal of Business Perspective, eISSN: 2249-5304, ISSN (P): 0972-2629, Vol.24 (3), September, pp.371-375. 

Dr. Venkatraja B
MA, Ph.D
Associate Professor - Economics
  1. Venkatraja, B. (2020). Testing the Long-Run and Short-Run Feedback Dynamics between FDI Inflows and GDP Growth Rate in India. The Empirical Economics Letters, Vol.19 (3), ISSN (only print) 1681 8997, pp.209-220.
  2. Venkatraja, B. (2020). Implications of Direct Tax Rejig: A Demystification Exercise. Southern Economist, ISSN:0038-4046, Vol. 58 (21), March, pp.36-38.
  3. Venkatraja, B. (2020). Does renewable energy affect economic growth? Evidence from panel data estimation of BRIC countries. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, ISSN: 1350-4509 (Print): 1745-2627 (Online), Vol.27 (2), pp.107-113,
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/13504509.2019.1679274

Prof. L Gandhi 
M.A., M.B.A., M.Phil., UGC-NET
Assistant Professor - OB/HRM
  1. Gandhi L. and Vijaykarthigeyan K. T. (2020). Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Quality of Work-Life (QWL): Exploring the Connection. IPE Journal of Management ISSN: 2249-9040 (Print), Vol.10 (2), July-December, pp. 26-37.
  2. Gandhi, L., Sengupta, Mousumi & Sengupta, Nilanjan (2020). The Impact of the Line Managers Emotional Intelligence on Employee Motivation with Special Reference to Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). SAMVAD: SIBM Pune Research Journal, Vol 21, December, ISSN: 2249-1880 (P); ISSN: 2348-5329 (O). pp.16-32.
  3. Gandhi, L. and Kannadas, S. (2020). Impact of faculty development investment on enhancing job motivation and satisfaction among the management faculty members. Review of Professional Management, ISSN: 0972-8686 (Print); 2455-0647 (Online), Vol.18(2), Jul-Dec. Pp.12-29.  

Prof. Kannadas S 
MBA, M.Phil, FDP (IIM K), FDP (IISc)
Assistant Professor - Finance
  1. Gandhi, L. and Kannadas, S. (2020). Impact of faculty development investment on enhancing job motivation and satisfaction among the management faculty members. Review of Professional Management, ISSN: 0972-8686 (Print); 2455-0647 (Online), Vol.18(2), Jul-Dec. Pp.12-29.  
  2. Manita, D. Shah & Kannadas, S. (2020). Impact of Behavioral aspects in Mergers and Acquisitions : An Overview.  Finance India, Vol.34 (1), March, pp.127-140.

Dr. Anand Sasikumar
BTech(Mech),MBA,MS(IE,Canada), Ph.D
Assistant Professor - Operations
  1. Sasikumar, Anand (2020). An Operational approach to gauge the lean performance in bias tyre manufacturing: A Case study. International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2020.10028602.
  2. Anand Sasikumar & P. Acharya (2020). An Application of Analytic Network Process to Prioritize the Critical Success Factors for implementing Lean Manufacturing in Bias Tyre Manufacturing: A Case Study. Industrial Engineering Journal, ISSN 2581-4915, Vol.13 (5), May, pp.1-18.

Faculty Publications in 2019

2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015

Dr. R. Jagadeesh
BE, ME, Ph. D
Professor - Operations
  1. Jagadeesh R. (2019). Empowering women’s safety through technological embellishment: Titan’s smart watches in India. Value Creation 4.0 - Marketing Products in the 21st Century by Gábor Rekettye, Transnational Press London, ISBN: 191299724X, 9781912997244.

Dr. Nilanjan Sengupta
M.A. & Ph.D.
Professor - OB/HRM
  1. Sengupta, Mousumi & Nilanjan Sengupta [Editors]. (2019). 8th International Conference on Managing Human Resources at the Workplace. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN: 978-93-83302-41-3].
  2. Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi (2019). Women in the workplace: A Review. 8th  International Conference on Managing Human Resources at the Workplace, December 6-7, 2019, SDMIMD, Mysore, India, ISBN: 978-93-83302-41-3.
  3. Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi (2019). Changing the face of HRM with artificial intelligence. South Asian Journal of Socio-Political Studies (SAJOSPS), ISSN: 0972-4613, Vol.20 (1), July-December, pp.116-119.
  4. Sengupta, Mousumi & Sengupta, Nilanjan  (2019). A perceptual study on job satisfaction among the employees in MNCs in Bangalore. South Asian Journal of Socio-Political Studies (SAJOSPS), ISSN: 0972-4613, Vol.19(2), Jan-July, pp.102-109.

Dr. Mousumi Sengupta
M.A. in HRMGradIPD & Ph.D.
Professor - OB/HRM
  1. Sengupta, Mousumi & Nilanjan Sengupta [Editors]. (2019). 8th International Conference on Managing Human Resources at the Workplace. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN: 978-93-83302-41-3].
  2. Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi (2019). Women in the workplace: A Review. 8th  International Conference on Managing Human Resources at the Workplace, December 6-7, 2019, SDMIMD, Mysore, India, ISBN: 978-93-83302-41-3.
  3. Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi (2019). Changing the face of HRM with artificial intelligence. South Asian Journal of Socio-Political Studies (SAJOSPS), ISSN: 0972-4613, Vol.20 (1), July-December, pp.116-119.
  4. Sengupta, Mousumi & Sengupta, Nilanjan  (2019). A perceptual study on job satisfaction among the employees in MNCs in Bangalore. South Asian Journal of Socio-Political Studies (SAJOSPS), ISSN: 0972-4613, Vol.19(2), Jan-July, pp.102-109.

Dr. M.R. Suresh
Professor - Marketing
  1. Suresh, M. R. (2019). Character competence and role of leadership: Insights from a faith-inspired social enterprise. Presidency Journal of Management Thought & Research, July-December, Vol.9 (2), ISSN: 2229-5275, pp.67-78.
  2. Suresh, M. R. (2019). Strategic Dimensions of Altruistic Organizations: Insights and lessons from two initiatives-SKDRDP and Asha Kirana. 3D IBA Journal of Management & Leadership (special issue), ISBN 2230 – 7524, January-June, Vol.10 (2). pp.59-71.

Dr. M. Sriram
MBA, FCMA, M.Com, MPhil, Ph D
Assistant Professor - Finance
  1. Sriram M. (2019). Do Firm Specific Characteristics and Industry Classification Corroborate Voluntary Disclosure of Financial Ratios-An Empirical Investigation of S&P CNX 500 Companies. Journal of Management and Governance, Springer U. S., ISSN: 1385-3457 (Print); 1572-963X (Online);, Vol.24 (2), DoI: https://link.springer.com/article/ 10.1007%2Fs10997-018-9414-z.
  2. M. Senthil and Sriram M. (2019). Logistics Sector in India- current Scenario and Financial Outlook. Management Accountant, ISSN: 0972-3528, July, Vol.54(7), pp.51-56.

Prof. Jayakrishnan S 
Assistant Professor - Marketing
  1. Jayakrishnan, S. (2019). Walmarted: The Twist in the Indian retail story. International Conference on Management Cases-Birla Institute of Management Technology (India), University of Eastern Finland (Finland) and USF Muma College of Business (USA), Bloomsbury Publishing [ISBN-9789389449655]. 
  2. Jayakrishnan, S. (2019). Air India Express: The Changing Phase for a Low-Cost International Carrier. SAGE Business Cases, Online ISBN: 9781526474629, January.

Dr. Venkatraja B
MA, Ph.D
Assistant Professor - Economics
  1. Venkatraja, B & Prasad, S N. (2019). Impact Analysis of Rural Interventions by SKDRDP: A Case of Kisan Melas. Journal of Rural Development, ISSN: 0970-3357, Vol. 38 (4) October - December, pp.626-652.
  2. Venkatraja, B. (2019). Are SHGs catalysts of inclusive sustainable rural development? Impact assessment of SKDRDP interventions in India. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, Print ISSN: 1350-4509 Online ISSN: 1745-2627, Vol.26(4), pp.302-312,DOI: 10.1080/13504509.2019.1579766.
  3. Venkatraja, B. (2019). A pragmatic or populist budget?. Southern Economist, ISSN (print): 0038 4046, Vol. 57 (20), February, pp.25-27.
  4. Venkatraja, B. (2019). Corporate Social Responsibility and Sales Performance of the Firm: A Panel Data Analysis for Indian Scenario. The Empirical Economics Letters, ISSN 1681 8997, Vol.18 (1), January.

Prof. L Gandhi 
M.A., M.B.A., M.Phil., UGC-NET (Ph.D)
Assistant Professor - OB/HRM
  1. Vishal, Arghode & Gandhi L (2019). Emotional Intelligence and Intercultural Competence: Exploring the Connection. 2019 AHRD Conference in the Americas, Academy of Human Resource Development (AHRD), Minnesota, USA.   
  2. Gandhi, L & Kannadas, S (2019). Impact of Faculty Development Investment on enhancing Job Motivation and Satisfaction among the management faculty members. 7th PAN-IIM World Management Conference, IIM Rohtak, 12-14 December 2019.  
  3. Gandhi L. (2019). Gamification in Employee Training in India. Journal of Organizational Behavior Education – JOBE; ISSN: 1649-7627 (print) ISSN: 2047-9999 (online), Vol.12, pp. 121-146.

Prof. Kannadas S 
MBA, M.Phil, FDP (IIM K), FDP (IISc)
Assistant Professor - Finance
  1. Gandhi, L & Kannadas, S (2019). Impact of Faculty Development Investment on enhancing Job Motivation and Satisfaction among the management faculty members. 7th PAN-IIM World Management Conference, IIM Rohtak, 12-14 December 2019.  

Faculty Publications in 2018

2019 2018 2017 2016 2015

Dr. N.R. Parasuraman
Director & Professor-Finance
  1. Parasuraman N. R. & Venkataraja, B [Editors]. (2018). 4th International Conference on Economic Growth and Sustainability Development: Emerging Trends. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN: 978-93-83302-34-5].
  2. Parasuraman, N. R. & Sriram, M. [Editors]. (2018). 7th International conference on Emerging Trends in Finance, Accounting and Banking. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN: 978-93-83302-32-1].
  3. Parasuraman, N. R. (2019). Financial management: a step-by-step approach; 2nd edition; Delhi: Cengage Learning India Pvt. Ltd., 803 p. ISBN: 9789386668554.
  4. Besley, Scott, Brigham, F. Eugene & Parasuraman N. R. Corporate Finance: A South Asian Perspective. Delhi: Cengage Learning India Pvt. Ltd., 2nd Edition, 2018. 456 p. ISBN: 9789387511002.

Dr. R. Jagadeesh
BE, ME, Ph. D
Professor - Operations
  1. Jagadeesh R. (2018). A Model Curriculum in Operations Management Using a Blended Pedagogy. National Conference on Future of Learning, IIMx Bangalore and IITBx Mumbai, Italy, IIMB January 15-16, 2018; 16 p.

Dr. Nilanjan Sengupta
M.A. & Ph.D.
Professor - OB/HRM
  1. Sengupta, Mousumi & Nilanjan Sengupta [Editors]. (2018). 7th International Conference on Managing Human Resources at the Workplace. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN: 978-93-83302-35-2].
  2. Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi (2018). Role of Artificial Intelligence In HRM: Issues and Prospects. 7th  International Conference on Managing Human Resources at the Workplace, December 14-15, 2018, SDMIMD, Mysore, India, ISBN: 978-93-83302-35-2.
  3. Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi (2018). Non-verbal communication in classroom learning: an empirical study on post-graduate management students. South Asian Journal of Socio-political studies, ISSN: 0972-4613, Vol.19 (1), July-December, pp.100-104.
  4. Sengupta, Mousumi & Sengupta, Nilanjan (2018). Perception of the meddle-level managers on 360- Degree Feedback Process: an empirical study. Journal of Organisation & Human Behaviour, ISSN: 2277-3274, Vol.7(4), pp.51-57, October.
  5. Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi (2018). Benefits of Peer Learning: A Study Among the Post-Graduate Management Students in Karnataka. International Journal of Knowledge Management and Practices, ISSN: 2320-7523, Vol. 6 (2), September, pp. 13-20. 
  6. Sengupta, Nilanjan  & Sengupta, Mousumi (2018). Status of Employee Empowerment: An Empirical Study. Journal of Management (JOM), ISSN Print: 2347-3940 and ISSN Online: 2347-3959, Vol.5 (3), May - June, pp. 15-23.
  7. Sengupta, Mousumi & Sengupta, Nilanjan (2018). Marks and Spencer: Revolutionizing the Retail Business Globally. Journal of Management (JOM), ISSN: 2347-3940 (Print), 2347-3959 (Online), Vol.5 (4), July-August, pp. 1-8.
  8. Sengupta, Mousumi, Sengupta, Nilanjan & Srilakshminaryana, G (2018). An empirical study on stress among post-graduate students in Residential Private B-Schools in Karnataka. South Asian Journal of Socio-Political studies, ISBN: 09724613, Vol. 18 (2), January-June, pp. 110-117.
  9. Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta,  Mousumi (2018). Collaborative Learning as a Pedagogical Tool: A Study on Post-Graduate Students in B-Schools in Karnataka. International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences (IJRESS), ISSN: 2249-7382, Vol. 8 (2), February, pp. 714-724.
  10. Sengupta, Mousumi & Sengupta, Nilanjan (2018). 360-Degree Feedback: Crossing the Bridge from Employee Performance to Development. International Journal in Commerce, IT and Social Sciences, ISSN: 2394-5702, Vol.5 (2), February, pp.1-15.
  11. Sengupta, Mousumi, Sengupta, Nilanjan & Kaushik Bandopadhyay (2018). Unravelling Employee Off-Boarding: the Magic of Exit Interview. International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences(IJRESS), ISSN: 2249-7382, Vol. 8 Issue 1, January, pp 128-137.
  12. Sengupta, Mousumi & Sengupta, Nilanjan (2018). Enshrining the Spirit of CSR: Indian Automobile Industry. International Journal in Management & Social Science (IJMSS), ISSN: 2321-1784 , Vol. 6 (1), Scopus ID: A9CA72AA6AE914A8, pp 48-58.

Dr. Mousumi Sengupta
M.A. in HRMGradIPD & Ph.D.
Professor - OB/HRM
  1. Sengupta, Mousumi & Nilanjan Sengupta [Editors]. (2018). 7th International Conference on Managing Human Resources at the Workplace. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN: 978-93-83302-35-2].
  2. Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi (2018). Role of Artificial Intelligence In HRM: Issues and Prospects. 7th  International Conference on Managing Human Resources at the Workplace, December 14-15, 2018, SDMIMD, Mysore, India, ISBN: 978-93-83302-35-2.
  3. Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi (2018). Non-verbal communication in classroom learning: an empirical study on post-graduate management students. South Asian Journal of Socio-political studies, ISSN: 0972-4613, Vol.19 (1), July-December, pp.100-104.
  4. Sengupta, Mousumi & Sengupta, Nilanjan (2018). Perception of the meddle-level managers on 360- Degree Feedback Process: an empirical study. Journal of Organisation & Human Behaviour, ISSN: 2277-3274, Vol.7(4), pp.51-57, October.
  5. Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi (2018). Benefits of Peer Learning: A Study Among the Post-Graduate Management Students in Karnataka. International Journal of Knowledge Management and Practices, ISSN: 2320-7523, Vol. 6 (2), September, pp. 13-20. 
  6. Sengupta, Nilanjan  & Sengupta, Mousumi (2018). Status of Employee Empowerment: An Empirical Study. Journal of Management (JOM), ISSN Print: 2347-3940 and ISSN Online: 2347-3959, Vol.5 (3), May - June, pp. 15-23.
  7. Sengupta, Mousumi & Sengupta, Nilanjan (2018). Marks and Spencer: Revolutionizing the Retail Business Globally. Journal of Management (JOM), ISSN: 2347-3940 (Print), 2347-3959 (Online), Vol.5 (4), July-August, pp. 1-8.
  8. Sengupta, Mousumi, Sengupta, Nilanjan & Srilakshminaryana, G (2018). An empirical study on stress among post-graduate students in Residential Private B-Schools in Karnataka. South Asian Journal of Socio-Political studies, ISBN: 09724613, Vol. 18 (2), January-June, pp. 110-117.
  9. Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta,  Mousumi (2018). Collaborative Learning as a Pedagogical Tool: A Study on Post-Graduate Students in B-Schools in Karnataka. International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences (IJRESS), ISSN: 2249-7382, Vol. 8 (2), February, pp. 714-724.
  10. Sengupta, Mousumi & Sengupta, Nilanjan (2018). 360-Degree Feedback: Crossing the Bridge from Employee Performance to Development. International Journal in Commerce, IT and Social Sciences, ISSN: 2394-5702, Vol.5 (2), February, pp.1-15.
  11. Sengupta, Mousumi, Sengupta, Nilanjan & Kaushik Bandopadhyay (2018). Unravelling Employee Off-Boarding: the Magic of Exit Interview. International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences(IJRESS), ISSN: 2249-7382, Vol. 8 Issue 1, January, pp 128-137.
  12. Sengupta, Mousumi & Sengupta, Nilanjan (2018). Enshrining the Spirit of CSR: Indian Automobile Industry. International Journal in Management & Social Science (IJMSS), ISSN: 2321-1784 , Vol. 6 (1), Scopus ID: A9CA72AA6AE914A8, pp 48-58.

Dr. M.R. Suresh
Professor - Marketing
  1. Suresh M. R. (2018). A ray of hope for people living with AIDS- Asha Kirana: Its Growth and Strategic Issues (a case study). Presidency Journal of Management Thought & Research (ISSN:2229-5275), Vol.8 (1), Jan–June, pp. 102-109.

Dr. R Sugant
BE, MBA & Ph.D.
Professor - Marketing
  1. Sugant, R. & Srilakshminarayana, G  (2018). “E-learning service quality: Assessment of factors”. SCMS Journal of Indian Management, Vol. 15 (1), Jan–March, pp. 110-126.

Dr. Neetu Ganapathy
M.Sc., MDBA & Ph.D
Associate Professor - Systems
  1. Neetu Ganapathy (2018). ERP at Anika Fragrances Pvt. Ltd.: Should we implement on the cloud?, Journal of Entrepreneurship and Management, ISSN Number: 2277-6850, Vol.7 (2), pp. 41-46. 
  2. Neetu Ganapathy (2018). Factors that Deter Small and Medium Enterprises from Adopting ERP. International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences (IJRESS), Vol. 8, Issue 2, February, ISSN(o): 2249-7382, Impact Factor: 6.939, pp. 583-598.
  3. Neetu Ganapathy (2018). Jason Goes to Japan: Navigating a Cross-Cultural Encounter. International Journal in Management & Social Science (IJMSS), Vol. 6, Issue 3, ISSN(O): 2321–1784, Impact Factor: 6.178, pp. 26-30.

Prof. Mohamed Minhaj
MCA, M.Phil
Associate Professor - Systems
  1. Minhaj, Mohamed & Gandhi, L (2018). Learning Analytics - Improving the Impact of Organizational Training Process. International Journal of Exclusive Management Research (IJEMR), Vol.8 (3), Online - ISSN 2249–2585, Print - ISSN 2249-8672, March 2018.

Dr. Srilakshminarayana.G
M.Sc., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor - Quantitative Methods
  1. Rasbagh Vasudeva and Srilakshminarayana, G  (2018). Sub-gaussian Geometric SαS and Sub-Cauchy Geometric SαS Distributions. Journal of Indian Society for Probability and Statistics, eISSN: 2364-9569, October, 9 pages.
  2. Sengupta, Mousumi, Sengupta, Nilanjan & Srilakshminaryana, G (2018). An empirical study on stress among post-graduate students in Residential Private B-Schools in Karnataka. South Asian Journal of Socio-Political studies, ISBN: 09724613, Vol. 18 (2), January-June, pp. 110-117.
  3. Sugant, R. & Srilakshminarayana, G  (2018). “E-learning service quality: Assessment of factors”. SCMS Journal of Indian Management, Vol. 15 (1), Jan–March, pp. 110-126.

Prof. Jayakrishnan S 
Assistant Professor - Marketing
  1. Jayakrishnan S. (2018). Understanding Indian consumers by Durairaj Maheswaran and Thomas Puliyel (Editors); Oxford University press; 2017. SDMIMD Journal of Management Vol.9 (2); September, pp.47-49.
  2. Jayakrishnan S. (2018). Rebuilding the Trust: Maggi Way. South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases (Sage Publications). (ISSN 2277-9779; eISSN: 2321-0303). Vol.07 (2), December,  pp.120-130

Dr. M. Sriram
MBA, FCMA, M.Com, MPhilPh D
Assistant Professor - Finance
  1. Sriram, M (2018). Determinants of RoE of S&P BSE Sensex Companies - A Panel Data Analysis. Indian Journal of Finance, Vol. 12 (9),  ISSN:  0973 - 8711, pp.56-65.
  2. Parasuraman, N. R. & Sriram, M. [Editors]. (2018). 7th International conference on Emerging Trends in Finance, Accounting and Banking. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN: 978-93-83302-32-1].
  3. Sriram M. (2018). Board characteristics and firm performance – a study of S & P BSE Sensex in India. Afro-Asian Journal of Finance and Accounting. Vol. 8 (3), ISSN(O): 1751-6455, ISSN(P): 1751-6447, pp.336-349.

Dr. Venkatraja B
MA, Ph.D
Assistant Professor - Economics
  1. Venkatraja, B. (2018). Dynamics of Aggregate Demand Factors in Macro Growth: An European Perspective. Economic Studies Journal, ISSN (print) 0205-3292, Vol. 27 (3), pp.3-21.
  2. Parasuraman N.R. & Venkataraja, B [Editors]. (2018). 4th International Conference on Economic Growth and Sustainability Development: Emerging Trends. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN: 978-93-83302-34-5].
  3. Venkatraja, B. (2018). Testing the J-Curve Hypothesis: An Empirical Analysis for India. The Empirical Economics Letters, Vol.17 (5), ISSN (only print) 1681 8997, pp.587-595.
  4. Venkatraja, B. (2018). Sensitivity of Trade Balance to Exchange Rate Depreciation: Evidence from Indo-U.S. Bilateral Trade. Asian Economic and Financial Review, ISSN: 2305-2147 (Print), 2222-6737 (Online), Vol.8 (5), pp.691-703.

Prof. L Gandhi 
M.A., M.B.A., M.Phil., UGC-NET (Ph.D)
Assistant Professor - OB/HRM
  1. Gandhi, L (2018). Farm Harvest: A case study on inclusive growth through sustainable employment. Review of Professional Management NDIM, Vol.16 (1), ISSN 0972-8686, January-June, pp. 99-106. 
  2. L. Gandhi (2018). Employee Experience Management (EExM) - a path to enhanced job performance and sustained competitive advantage. International Research Journal of Business and Management – [IRJBM], ISSN:  2322 – 083X, Vol. 11 (4), April, pp. 42-48.
  3. Minhaj, Mohamed & Gandhi, L (2018). Learning Analytics - Improving the Impact of Organizational Training Process. International Journal of Exclusive Management Research (IJEMR), Vol.8 (3), Online - ISSN 2249–2585, Print - ISSN 2249-8672, March 2018.

Prof. Kannadas S 
MBA, M.Phil, FDP (IIM K), FDP (IISc)
Assistant Professor - Finance
  1. Kannadas S. & Manita D. Shah (2018). Impact of Behavioral Aspects in Mergers & Acquisitions - An overview. ARS - Journal of Applied Research and Social Sciences; ISSN 2350-1472, Vol.5, Issue.3, February, pp.10-29.

Faculty Publications in 2017

2018 2017 2016 2015
Dr. N.R. Parasuraman
Director & Professor - Finance
  1. Parasuraman, N. R. (2017). Do the anticipated profit patterns of bull spreads with calls act as a lead indicator of market? - an exploratory study. Contemporary Research in Management – Vol. VI by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-23-9].

Dr. R. Jagadeesh
BE, ME, Ph. D
Dean - Academics & Professor - Operations
  1. Jagadeesh, R. (2017). Spiritual Obsession and its Influence on Behavioral Aspects of Students. Global Journal of Addiction & Rehabilitation Medicine, ISSN: 2573-2447; Volume: 02, Issue:12, December 2017, DOI: 10.19080/GJARM.2017.04.555648.
  2. Jagadeesh, R. (2017). Performance benchmarking of electricity power stations using Data Envelopment Analysis. Contemporary Research in Management – Vol. VI by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-23-9].
  3. Jagadeesh, R., Srilakshminarayana, G., Todalbagi, Rajendra & Dhurkari, Ram Kumar [Editors] (2017). National Conference on Operations Management, Analytics & Statistical Methods Proceedings. Mysore, SDMIMD. [ISBN: 978-93-83302-20-8].

Dr. Nilanjan Sengupta
M.A. & Ph.D.
Professor - OB/HRM
  1. Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi (2017). Social Media Recruiting: A Critical Review. South Asian Journal of Socio-Political Studies (SAJOSPS), ISSN 0972-4613, Vol.18 (1), July- December, pp 96-101.
  2. Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi (2017). Story of Lufthansa Group: Flying with Colors. International Journal in Management and Social Science, ISSN: 2321-1784, Vol.5 (9), September, pp 176-191.
  3. Sengupta, Nilanjan & Mousumi Sengupta. (2017). Managing stress at workplace: A study on nurses in private hospitals in Mysore and Bangalore. International Conference on Management & Behavioural Sciences (IC17Italy Conference), SDMIMD and Global Business Research, Italy, ISBN: 987-1-943579-95-2, July 1-3, 2017.
  4. Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi [Compilers] (2017). Contemporary Research in Management – Vol. VI. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-23-9].
  5. SenguptaMousumiPavithra, S. & SenguptaNilanjan (2017). Employee Engagement: An overview. South Asian Journal of Socio-Political Studies, ISSN 0972-4613, Vol. 17(2), (January-June 2017), pp 98-102.
  6. Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi (2017). Stress at workplace. International Journal of Latest Engineering & Management Research, ISSN 2455-9847, Vol.2(2), February, pp 22-29.
  7. Sengupta Nilanjan (2017). The Amazon Way: 14 leadership principles behind the world’s most disruptive companies by John Rossman, 164 Pages, Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 2 edition (9 May 2014),  ISBN-10: 1499296770. Review published in SDM Journal of Management, Vol. 8., Issue No. March 2017.
  8. Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi (2017). Contemporary Research in Management – Vol. VI by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-23-9].
  9. Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi (2017). Role of HRM in implementing CSR. Contemporary Research in Management – Vol. VI by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-23-9].

Dr. Mousumi Sengupta
M.A. in HRMGradIPD & Ph.D.
Professor - OB/HRM
  1. Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi (2017). Social Media Recruiting: A Critical Review. South Asian Journal of Socio-Political Studies (SAJOSPS), ISSN 0972-4613, Vol.18 (1), July- December, pp 96-101.
  2. Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi (2017). Story of Lufthansa Group: Flying with Colors. International Journal in Management and Social Science, ISSN: 2321-1784, Vol.5 (9), September, pp 176-191.
  3. Sengupta, Nilanjan & Mousumi Sengupta. (2017). Managing stress at workplace: A study on nurses in private hospitals in Mysore and Bangalore. International Conference on Management & Behavioural Sciences (IC17Italy Conference), SDMIMD and Global Business Research, Italy, ISBN: 987-1-943579-95-2, July 1-3, 2017.
  4. Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi [Compilers] (2017). Contemporary Research in Management – Vol. VI. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-23-9].
  5. SenguptaMousumiPavithra, S. & SenguptaNilanjan (2017). Employee Engagement: An overview. South Asian Journal of Socio-Political Studies, ISSN 0972-4613, Vol. 17(2), (January-June 2017), pp 98-102.
  6. Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi (2017). Stress at workplace. International Journal of Latest Engineering & Management Research, ISSN 2455-9847, Vol.2(2), February, pp 22-29.
  7. Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi (2017). Contemporary Research in Management – Vol. VI by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-23-9].
  8. Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi (2017). Role of HRM in implementing CSR. Contemporary Research in Management – Vol. VI by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-23-9].

Prof. Malathi Sriram
MCA, P.G. Diploma in System Analysis, M.Phil.
Associate Professor - Systems
  1. L. Gandhi & Malathi Sriram (2017). Exploring the dynamica virtus of Machine Learning (ML) in Human Resource Management - A Critical Analysis of IT industry. International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering (E-ISSN: 2347-2693), Vol.5 (12), December.
  2. Malathi Sriram (2017). Integrating MOOC in Traditional Classrooms for Business Management Graduate Students: A Case Study. Presidency Journal of Management Thought & Research" PJMTR: Vol. VII, No. 1, January - June; ISSN 2229-5275; pp 51-55.
  3. Malathi Sriram (2017). "Archiving Institutional Information using Omeka" "Digital Business: Business Algorithms, Cloud Computing and Data Engineering"; Publisher -Springer, Germany
  4. Malathi Sriram (2017). Asian Continent adaptation - "Modern Database Management Systems" Hoffer, Topi, Venkatraman - 12e in Dec 2017.

Dr. Neetu Ganapathy
M.Sc., MDBA & Ph.D
Associate Professor - Systems
  1. Neetu Ganapathy (2017). A Qualitative Study to Identify the Factors that Influence the Acquisition of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems by Small and Medium Enterprises. Contemporary Research in Management – Vol. VI by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-23-9].

Associate Professor - Marketing
  1. Sugant, R. (2017). A Study on Servitization by Manufacturing Companies in Mysore. Contemporary Research in Management – Vol. VI by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-23-9].

Mohamed Minhaj
MCA, M.Phil
Associate Professor - Systems
  1. Gandhi, L. & Minhaj, Mohamed (2017). HR Analytics: A big deal for C-suite in Talent Management. FOCUS International Journal of Management, Vol.12 (2), ISSN: 0973 9165, October 2016-March 2017.
  2. Minhaj, Mohamed (2017). Clustering Of Conference Papers Using Lda Based Topic Modeling. Contemporary Research in Management – Vol. VI by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-23-9].

Dr. M. Sriram
MBA, FCMA, M.Com, MPhil, Ph D
Assistant Professor - Finance
  1. Sriram, M. (2017). An Empirical Analysis of Foreign Exchange Exposure of CNX 100 Companies. International Journal of Financial Management, ISSN. 2229-5682, Vol. 7 (2), pp. 1-9.
  2. Sriram, M & Venkatraja, B (2017). Do Flow of FDI and Stock Index Movements Corroborate Long-term Relationship? An Empirical Analysis of India. The African Journal of Finance and Management, Vol.26(1), January, pp. 56-66.
  3. Sriram, M. (2017). Modelling of Asymmetric Volatility- An Empirical Study of Crude Oil Price. Contemporary Research in Management – Vol. VI by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-23-9].

Dr. Srilakshminarayana.G
M.Sc., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor - Quantitative Methods
  1.  Srilakshminarayana, G. (2017). A Model to Teach Statistical Methods to a Management Student. Region 10 Conference South Asia Council for Business Schools and Programs (Region 10) Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP, USA).
  2. Srilakshminarayana, G. (2017). On Usage of WhatsApp by the Students in Mysore. Contemporary Research in Management – Vol. VI by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-23-9].
  3. Jagadeesh, R., Srilakshminarayana, G., Todalbagi, Rajendra & Dhurkari, Ram Kumar [Editors] (2017). National Conference on Operations Management, Analytics & Statistical Methods Proceedings. Mysore, SDMIMD. [ISBN: 978-93-83302-20-8].

Dr. Venkatraja B
MA, Ph.D
Assistant Professor - Economics
  1. Venkatraja, B. (2017). Addressing the paradox of public expenditure – economic growth nexus: an econometric approach. Economic Thought Journal, ISSN: 0205-1990, (ABDC listed), Issue.5. October, pp. 109-128. 
  2. Venkatraja, B. (2017). Demystifying Consumption – Savings Paradox: An Exploratory Study of Indian Case. Journal of Emerging Issues in Economics, Finance and Banking (JEIEFB): An Online International Research Journal, ISSN: 2306-367X (Online), Vol.6 (2), pp. 2203-2214.
  3. Venkatraja, B. (2017). What Drives Growth in India – Consumption Spending or Investment? An Exploratory Study. Thirteenth Asia-Pacific Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and Banking, SDMIMD and Global Business Research, Singapore, August 4-5. 
  4. Sriram, M & Venkatraja, B (2017). Do Flow of FDI and Stock Index Movements Corroborate Long-term Relationship? An Empirical Analysis of India. The African Journal of Finance and Management, Vol.26(1), January, pp. 56-66.
  5. Venkatraja, B. (2017). Impulse Response of Economic Growth to Renewable Energy Shocks: Indian Scenario. FOCUS International Journal of Management, ISSN: 0973 9165 (print), Vol.12 (2), pp. 6-10.
  6. Venkatraja, B. (2017). Keynes' Expansionary Fiscal Policy Not At Work in Karnataka. Southern Economist, (ISSN 0038-4046), Vol.55 (23) April, pp.13-15.
  7. Venkatraja, B. (2017). Demystifying the Sensitivity of Economic Growth to Government and Private Consumption Expenditures: An Empirical Study of India. European Journal of Business and Management, ISSN: 2222-1905 (Paper), ISSN 2222-2839 (Online), Vol. 9(7), pp 117-122.
  8. Venkatraja, B. (2017). Fiscally Prudent Expansionary Budget: Key to Growth Sustainability. Southern Economist, ISSN: 0038-4046, Vol.55(20), February, pp 43-44.
  9. Venkatraja, B. (2017). Feedback Effects of Inflation and Economic Growth in India: An Econometric Analysis. Contemporary Research in Management – Vol. VI by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-23-9].

L Gandhi 
M.A., M.B.A., M.Phil., UGC-NET (Ph.D)
Assistant Professor - OB/HRM
  1. L. Gandhi (2017). Educating the Future Leaders: Role of Teachers and the Impact of Smart Technology. Contemporary Research in India (A peer-reviewed multi-Disciplinary International Journal) ISSN 2231-2137, Vol. 07, Issue 04, December; pp. 5-9.
  2. L. Gandhi & Malathi Sriram (2017). Exploring the dynamica virtus of Machine Learning (ML) in Human Resource Management - A Critical Analysis of IT industry. International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering (E-ISSN: 2347-2693), Vol.5 (12), December.
  3. Kannadas, S. & Gandhi, L. (2017). Misperception of Optimism Culminates in Erroneous Corporate Financial Decision Making- A Review. International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences (IJRESS), Vol.7 (12), December; ISSN (o): 2249-7382, pp.349-361.
  4. Gandhi L. (2017). Entrepreneurial and training challenges encountered by the women self - help groups and revamping strategies to enhance their business in Coimbatore, India. National conference on Trends and Prospects in Business and financial markets; JSS Centre for Management Studies, Mysuru; December 15-16, 2017, ISBN: 978-93-86724-26-7
  5. Gandhi, L. & Minhaj, Mohamed (2017). HR Analytics: A big deal for C-suite in Talent Management. FOCUS International Journal of Management, Vol.12 (2), ISSN: 0973 9165, October 2016-March 2017.
  6. Gandhi, L (2017). Rise and fall of YAHOO!-the missteps of the leader and its headwind consequences. GITAM Journal of Management, ISSN: 0972-740X, Vol.15 (1), pp.122-134.
  7. Gandhi, L. (2017). Human Resource Challenges in VUCA and SMAC Business EnvironmentASBM Journal of Management, Vol.X(I), ISSN 0974-8512, (January to June 2017).
  8. Gandhi, L. (2017). People Management nuances of CEO styled PM Narendra Modi and distinctive lessons for business Professionals- A practical approach. Contemporary Research in Management – Vol. VI by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-23-9].

Prof. Kannadas S 
MBA, M.Phil, FDP (IIM K), FDP (IISc)
Assistant Professor - Finance
  1. Kannadas, S. & Gandhi, L. (2017). Misperception of Optimism Culminates in Erroneous Corporate Financial Decision Making- A Review. International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences (IJRESS), Vol.7 (12), December; ISSN (o): 2249-7382, pp.349-361.
  2. Kannadas S. (2017). Quickstart- Financial stipulation of a start up. International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research. ISSN: 2455-8834. Vol.02 (Issue 12); December 2017. pp 5456-5462.
  3. Kannadas, S. (2017). Entangle of Gender & Experience on Investment Behaviour of Corporate Investors. IJSR - International Journal of Scientific Research, ISSN: 2277 - 8179, Vol. 6(2), February, pp 641-643.

Dr. Sunil M.V.
M.L.ISc, Ph.D
  1. Chndrappa and Sunil M.V. (2017). Next generation catalogues: a comparative analysis of OPACs of University libraries in India. Journal of Library Development (JDL), Vol.3 (1), ISSN (Print): 2395-518X,January, pp. 25-37.

Faculty Publications in 2016

2017 2016 2015 2014 2013
Dr. N.R. Parasuraman
Director & Professor - Finance
  1. Parasuraman N.R., Sengupta, Nilanjan, Sengupta, Mousumi & Srilakshminarayana, G. [Editors].  Cases in Management – Vol. V. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-14-7].
  2. Parasuraman, N. R. (2016). The long night with financial analysis of Tata Motors. Cases in Management – Vol. V by N.R. Parasuraman, Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta and G.Srilakshminarayana. [Editors]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN:978-93-83302-14-7].
  3. Parasuraman N. R. & Venkataraja, B [Editors]. (2016). 2nd International Conference on Inclusive Economic Growth and Sustainability. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN: 978-93-83302-18-5].
  4. Besley, Scott, Brigham, F. Eugene & Parasuraman N. R. Corporate Finance: A South Asian Perspective. Delhi: Cengage Learning India Pvt. Ltd., 2016. 456 p. ISBN: 9788131531358.
  5. Parasuraman, N. R. & Sriram, M. [Editors]. (2016). 5th International conference on Emerging Trends in Finance, Accounting and Banking. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN:978-93-83302-16-1].
  6. Parasuraman, N. R. & Rao, Ullas (2016). On Discerning the Implications of Operating and Financial Leverage Ratios on the Systematic Risk of Enterprises: Evidence from Sensex Firms in India. ICPE PUBLIC ENTERPRISE HALF-YEARLY JOURNAL, Vol.22(1), ISSN: 0351-3564, pp. 79-91
  7. Parasuraman, N. R. (2016). A hindsight analysis of Grasim’s takeover of L&T cement (now UltraTech Cement) and the application of Real Options framework. Contemporary Research in Management – Vol. V. by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-15-4].
  8. Parasuraman, N. R. & Rao, Ullas (2016). Do Firm's Intrinsically Determined Enterprise Values Corroborate their Corresponding Market-Determined Values? Empirical Evidence based on SENSEX Firms in India. Journal of Emerging Issues in Economics, Finance, and Banking, Vol. I (1), (ISSN: 2306-367X).

Dr. H. Gayathri
Deputy – Director & Professor - Marketing
  1. Gayathri, H., Jayakrishnan, S., Sugant, R & Suresh, M.R., [Editors]. (2016). Second Annual Conference on Emerging Trends in Marketing. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN: 978-93-83302-17-8]

Dr. R. Jagadeesh
BE, ME, Ph. D
Dean - Academics & Professor - Operations
  1. Jagadeesh, R. (2016). Airbags are not just a matter of air- Lessons from Takata and Toyota Recall.  Cases in Management – Vol. V by N.R. Parasuraman, Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta and G.Srilakshminarayana. [Editors]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN:978-93-83302-14-7].
  2. Jagadeesh R. (2016). Six sigma benchmarking of process capability analysis and mapping of process parameters. Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management, Vol. 9 (2), pp 60 -71.
  3. Jagadeesh, R. (2016) [Editor]. The TQM Journal. Emerald Group Publishing, ISSN: 1754-2731.
  4. Jagadeesh, R. (2016) [Editor]. Journal of Management Development. Emerald Group Publishing, ISSN: 0262-1711.
  5. Jagadeesh, R., Todalbagi, Rajendra & Srilakshminarayana, G. [Editors] (2016). International Conference on Operations Management and Research (ICOMAR 2016) Proceedings. Mysore, SDMIMD. [ISBN: 978-93-83302-11-6].
  6. Jagadeesh, R. (2016). Optimizing the Capacity Addition in a Component Manufacturing Industry- an Empirical Investigation. Contemporary Research in Management – Vol. V. by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-15-4].

Dr. Nilanjan Sengupta
M.A. & Ph.D.
Professor - OB/HRM
  1. Parasuraman N.R., Sengupta, Nilanjan, Sengupta, Mousumi & Srilakshminarayana, G. [Editors].  Cases in Management – Vol. V. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-14-7].
  2. Sengupta, Nilanjan and Sengupta, Mousumi (2016). Enterprise Holdings, Inc.: Riding in style. Cases in Management – Vol. V by N.R. Parasuraman, Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta and G.Srilakshminarayana. [Editors]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN:978-93-83302-14-7].
  3. Sengupta, Nilanjan and Sengupta, Mousumi (2016). Building sustainable business: The IKEA story. Cases in Management – Vol. V by N.R. Parasuraman, Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta and G.Srilakshminarayana. [Editors]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN:978-93-83302-14-7].
  4. Sengupta, Nilanjan & Mousumi Sengupta. (2016). Managing Stress at Workplace. 5th International Conference on Managing Human Resources at the Workplace. SDM Institute for Management Development, Mysore. December 09-10. [ISBN 978-93-83302-19-2].
  5. Sengupta, Mousumi & Nilanjan Sengupta [Editors]. (2016). 5th International Conference on Managing Human Resources at the Workplace. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN: 978-93-83302-19-2].
  6. Sengupta, Nilanjan & Mousumi, Sengupta (2016). Contemporary Research in Management – Vol. V. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Research Centre for Management Studies (SDM RCMS), SDMIMD. [ISBN: 978-93-83302-15-4].
  7. Sengupta, Mousumi and Sengupta, Nilanjan (2016). Emotional intelligence: A catalyst to enhance job performance. Contemporary Research in Management – Vol. V. by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-15-4].
  8. Sengupta, Nilanjan and Sengupta, Mousumi (2016). Social Media in Recruiting: new mantra for HRM. Contemporary Research in Management – Vol. V. by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-15-4].

Dr. Mousumi Sengupta
M.A. in HRM, GradIPD & Ph.D.
Professor - OB/HRM
  1. Parasuraman N.R., Sengupta, Nilanjan, Sengupta, Mousumi & Srilakshminarayana, G. [Editors].  Cases in Management – Vol. V. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-14-7].
  2. Sengupta, Nilanjan and Sengupta, Mousumi (2016). Enterprise Holdings, Inc.: Riding in style. Cases in Management – Vol. V by N.R. Parasuraman, Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta and G.Srilakshminarayana. [Editors]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN:978-93-83302-14-7].
  3. Sengupta, Nilanjan and Sengupta, Mousumi (2016). Building sustainable business: The IKEA story. Cases in Management – Vol. V by N.R. Parasuraman, Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta and G.Srilakshminarayana. [Editors]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN:978-93-83302-14-7].
  4. Sengupta, Nilanjan & Mousumi Sengupta. (2016). Managing Stress at Workplace. 5th International Conference on Managing Human Resources at the Workplace. SDM Institute for Management Development, Mysore. December 09-10. [ISBN 978-93-83302-19-2].
  5. Sengupta, Nilanjan & Mousumi Sengupta. (2016). Managing Stress at Workplace. 5th International Conference on Managing Human Resources at the Workplace. SDM Institute for Management Development, Mysore. December 09-10. [ISBN 978-93-83302-19-2].
  6. Sengupta, Mousumi & Nilanjan Sengupta [Editors]. (2016). 5th International Conference on Managing Human Resources at the Workplace. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN: 978-93-83302-19-2].
  7. SenguptaNilanjan & MousumiSengupta (2016). Contemporary Research in Management – Vol. V. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Research Centre for Management Studies (SDM RCMS), SDMIMD. [ISBN: 978-93-83302-15-4].
  8. SenguptaMousumi and SenguptaNilanjan (2016). Emotional intelligence: A catalyst to enhance job performanceContemporary Research in Management – Vol. V. by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-15-4].
  9. SenguptaNilanjan and SenguptaMousumi (2016). Social Media in Recruiting: new mantra for HRMContemporary Research in Management – Vol. V. by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-15-4].

Dr. M.R. Suresh
Professor - Marketing
  1. Suresh M. R. (2016). Strategic issues in marketing handicrafts: case of a state handicrafts development corporations. Cases in Management – Vol. V by N.R. Parasuraman, Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta and G.Srilakshminarayana. [Editors]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN:978-93-83302-14-7].
  2. Gayathri, H., Jayakrishnan, S., Sugant, R & Suresh, M.R., [Editors]. (2016). Second Annual Conference on Emerging Trends in Marketing. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN: 978-93-83302-17-8]
  3. Suresh, M. R. (2016). Leadership in social enterprise- dimensions and insights. Contemporary Research in Management – Vol. V. by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-15-4].

Prof. Malathi Sriram
MCA, P.G. Diploma in System Analysis, M.Phil.
Associate Professor - Systems
  1. Malathi Sriram, Sunil M.V. and Harinarayana, N.S. (2016). Medical Libraries & Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Synergy: a new Teaching-Learning Model.  National Conference on Management of Modern Libraries (NACML) – 2016 on the theme ‘Role of Information Professional in Digital Age. Kasturba Medical College (KMC), Manipal University. February 19 & 20, 2016 at Manipal. [Won Best Paper Award]

Prof. Prasad S.N.
Professor - Strategy & General Management
  1. Prasad S. N. (2016). Space X, the Private Space Launch Business of an Iconic Leader – A Case Study. Cases in Management – Vol. V by N.R. Parasuraman, Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta and G.Srilakshminarayana. [Editors]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-14-7].

Dr. Neetu Ganapathy
M.Sc., MDBA & Ph.D
Associate Professor - Systems
  1. Neetu Ganapathy (2016). Kaveri goes to Poland: navigating a cross-cultural encounter between India and Poland. Cases in Management – Vol. V by N.R. Parasuraman, Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta and G.Srilakshminarayana. [Editors]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-14-7].

R Sugant
Associate Professor - Marketing
  1. Sugant, R. (2016). Can Sygnovate IT Solutions Succeed?. Cases in Management – Vol. V by N.R. Parasuraman, Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta and G.Srilakshminarayana. [Editors]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-14-7].
  2. Gayathri, H., Jayakrishnan, S., Sugant, R & Suresh, M.R., [Editors]. (2016). Second Annual Conference on Emerging Trends in Marketing. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN: 978-93-83302-17-8]
  3. Sugant, R. (2016). Impact of Outcome Quality Dimension on Service Quality of Digital Learning Solutions in Schools. Contemporary Research in Management – Vol. V. by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-15-4].
  4. Sugant, R. and Sandhya Anvekar (2016). Impact of Information Dimension on Service Quality of Digital Learning Solutions in Schools. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research (RIBER), ISSN: 2304-1013 (Online); 2304-1269 (CDROM), Vol.5 (1), pp. 152–167.

Rajendra Todalbagi
BE(Mech), EGMP
Associate Professor - Operations
  1. Jagadeesh, R., TodalbagiRajendra & Srilakshminarayana, G. [Editors] (2016). International Conference on Operations Management and Research (ICOMAR 2016) Proceedings. Mysore, SDMIMD. [ISBN: 978-93-83302-11-6].
  2. Todalbagi, Rajendra. (2016). JIT and Kaizen Costing. Contemporary Research in Management – Vol. V. by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-15-4].

Mohamed Minhaj
MCA, M.Phil
Associate Professor - Systems
  1. Minhaj, Mohamed (2016). Sentiment analytics using RapidMiner. Cases in Management – Vol. V by N.R. Parasuraman, Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta and G.Srilakshminarayana. [Editors]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-14-7].
  2. Minhaj, Mohamed (2016). An exploratory study of near-real time ETL approaches for the design of Agile Business Intelligence Infrastructure. Contemporary Research in Management – Vol. V. by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-15-4].

Dr. M. Sriram
MBA, FCMA, M.Com, MPhil, Ph D
Assistant Professor - Finance
  1. Sriram M. (2016). A financial conundrum. Cases in Management – Vol. V by N.R. Parasuraman, Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta and G.Srilakshminarayana. [Editors]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-14-7].
  2. Sriram, M. & Venkatraja, B. (2016). Do Flow of FDI and Stock Index Movements Corroborate Long Term Relationship?  An Empirical Analysis of India. UGC Sponsored 7th International Conference on 'Leveraging Investment, Infrastructure and Intellectual Capital for Economic Development'; Coimbatore, 15-16 December, 19 p.
  3. Parasuraman, N. R. & Sriram, M. [Editors]. (2016). 5th International conference on Emerging Trends in Finance, Accounting and Banking. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN:978-93-83302-16-1].
  4. Sriram, M. (2016). Voluntary disclosure of financial ratios of CNX Nifty Companies. Management Accountant, Vol.51 (7), ISSN: 0972-3528, July, pp. 60-69.
  5. Sriram, M. (2016). Empirical Evidence of Market Reaction to Stock Splits. Contemporary Research in Management – Vol. V. by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-15-4].

Dr. Srilakshminarayana.G
M.Sc., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor - Quantitative Methods
  1. Parasuraman N.R., Sengupta, Nilanjan, Sengupta, Mousumi & Srilakshminarayana, G. [Editors].  Cases in Management – Vol. V. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-14-7].
  2. Srilakshminarayana, G. (2016). I want to analyse the stock market data and understand the statistical methods. Cases in Management – Vol. V by N.R. Parasuraman, Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta and G.Srilakshminarayana. [Editors]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-14-7].
  3. Jagadeesh, R., Todalbagi, Rajendra & Srilakshminarayana, G. [Editors] (2016). International Conference on Operations Management and Research (ICOMAR 2016) Proceedings. Mysore, SDMIMD. [ISBN: 978-93-83302-11-6].
  4. Srilakshminarayana, G. (2016). Do Nifty 50 follow a Normal Model- An Empirical Investigation?. Contemporary Research in Management – Vol. V. by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-15-4].

Dr. Venkatraja B
MA, Ph.D
Assistant Professor - Economics
  1. Venkatraja, B. (2016). ‘One Belt, One Road’ Initiative of China’. Cases in Management – Vol. V by N.R. Parasuraman, Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta and G.Srilakshminarayana. [Editors]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-14-7].
  2. Venkatraja, B. (2016). Is Rising Food Subsidy Attributed to Poor Food Management? An Empirical Evidence from India. International Affairs and Global Strategy, Vol. 51, ISSN (Paper) 2224-574X, ISSN (Online) 2224-8951, pp.15-24.
  3. Venkatraja, B. (2016). Impact of Central Explicit Subsidies on Fiscal Deficit in India: An Empirical Study. International Review of Research in Emerging Markets and the Global Economy (IRREM), (ISSN: 2311-3200), Vol.2 (4), pp.973-997.
  4. Sriram, M. & Venkatraja, B. (2016). Do Flow of FDI and Stock Index Movements Corroborate Long Term Relationship?  An Empirical Analysis of India. UGC Sponsored 7th International Conference on 'Leveraging Investment, Infrastructure and Intellectual Capital for Economic Development'; Coimbatore, 15-16 December, 19 p.
  5. Parasuraman N. R. & Venkataraja, B [Editors]. (2016). 2nd International Conference on Inclusive Economic Growth and Sustainability. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN: 978-93-83302-18-5].
  6. Venkatraja, B. (2016). Dynamics of Macroeconomic Fundamentals Affecting Stock Market in India: A Causal Relationship Analysis. Contemporary Research in Management – Vol. V. by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-15-4].
  7. Venkatraja, B (2016). Growth Acceleration and Fiscal Prudence. Southern Economist, Vol. 54(23), April, ISSN (print) 0038-4046, pp 45-46.
  8. Venkatraja, B (2016). Impact of Central Explicit Subsidies on Fiscal Deficit in India : An Empirical Study. Fifth International Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and Social Sciences, SDMIMD and J A Alpha, Chennai, April 1-2.

Jayakrishnan S 
Assistant Professor - Marketing
  1. Jayakrishnan, S., Chikhalkar, R.D. and Chaudhuri, R. (2016). Determinants of private label purchase in food category – role of product, consumer and store factors. International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy, 9(2), 93–119.
  2. Jayakrishnan, S., Chikhalkar, R.D. and Chaudhuri, R. (2016). Understanding the role of consumer factors and store factors in private label purchase. International Journal of Business and Management, 11(7), 223-236.
  3. Gayathri, H., Jayakrishnan, S., Sugant, R & Suresh, M.R., [Editors]. (2016). Second Annual Conference on Emerging Trends in Marketing. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN: 978-93-83302-17-8]
  4. Jayakrishnan, S., Rekha, D. Chikhalkar and Ranjan Chaudhuri (2016). Measuring Factors Determining Private Label Purchase. Asian Journal of Empirical Research, Vol.6 (2), (ISSN: (P): 2306-983X, ISSN (E): 2224-4425), pp. 42-58
  5. Jayakrishnan, S. (2016). Measuring Factors determining Private Label Purchase: An Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) Approach. Contemporary Research in Management – Vol. V. by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-15-4].

L Gandhi 
M.A., M.B.A., M.Phil., UGC-NET (Ph.D)
Assistant Professor - OB/HRM
  1. Gandhi L. (2016). ‘UK Exit of TATA Steel Port Talbot -a triggering point for increased unemployment and HR Challenges’. Cases in Management – Vol. V by N.R. Parasuraman, Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta and G.Srilakshminarayana. [Editors]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN: 978-93-83302-14-7].
  2. Gandhi, L. (2016). Determinants of Best Manager- Lessons from Million Dollar Leaders to Millennial Managers. MANAGEMENT TODAY, Vol.6 (3), July-September, ISSN: 2348-3989 (Online) ISSN: 2230-9764 (Print), pp. 147-151.
  3. Gandhi, L. (2016). Level of Stress among Engineering And Management Students in Coimbatore City. International Journal of Exclusive Global Research by L. Gandhi and V. Prabakaran, Vol.1 (3), March, pp. 1-14.

Dr. Sunil M.V.
M.L.ISc, Ph.D
  1. Sunil M.V. (2016). New avatar of Information Literacy. Journal of Library Development (JDL), Vol.2 (2), August.
  2. Sunil M.V. & others (2016). Facebook Posts and Lotka’s Law. SRELS Journal of Information Management, Vol.53 (2), ISSN (Print): 0972-2467, ISSN (Online): 0976-2477, April, pp. 107-111​
  3. Nagaraja, S. and Sunil, M.V. (2016). Reading Habit: A key for a successful lifelong learning. 2-days National Conference on “School Libraries in Digital Age” (COSCOLIDIA), May 12 & 13, 2016. Belagavi: Bharatesh Education Trust’s Global Business school; Jain Heritage School; & Journal of Library Development. Jain Heritage School (JGI).  
  4. Harinarayana, N.S., Sunil, M.V. and Chandrappa, S. (2016). Measuring up to standards: A case study of adoption of a school library. 2-days National Conference on “School Libraries in Digital Age” (COSCOLIDIA), May 12 & 13, 2016. Belagavi: Bharatesh Education Trust’s Global Business school; Jain Heritage School; & Journal of Library Development. Jain Heritage School (JGI).  
  5. Sunil, M.V. and Vernekar, Vilas. (2016). New Avatar of Information Literacy. 2-days National Conference on “School Libraries in Digital Age” (COSCOLIDIA), May 12 & 13, 2016. Belagavi: Bharatesh Education Trust’s Global Business school; Jain Heritage School; & Journal of Library Development. Jain Heritage School (JGI).
  6. Malathi Sriram, Sunil M.V. and Harinarayana, N.S. (2016). Medical Libraries & Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Synergy: a new Teaching-Learning Model. National Conference on Management of Modern Libraries (NACML) – 2016 on the theme ‘Role of Information Professional in Digital Age. Kasturba Medical College (KMC), Manipal University. February 19 & 20, 2016 at Manipal. [Won Best Paper Award] 

Faculty Publications in 2015

2016 2015 2014 2013 2012


  1. Parasuraman N. R. & Others (2015). Management Accounting and Financial Reporting. Delhi: Cengage Learning India Pvt. Ltd., vi, 364+ann. ISBN: 9788131525791.

Edited Books

  1. Parasuraman N. R., Venkatraja B., Jagadeesh R. and Sriram, M. (2015) (Editors). Special issue of Select papers of International Conference on Global Economic Growth and Sustainability, Annamalai International Journal of Business Studies and Research. November, Vol 7, Issue 2. ISSN (print): 0975-749X.
  2. Parasuraman, N. R., Sengupta, Nilanjan, Sengupta, Mousumi & Srilakshminarayana, G. [Editors]. (2015). Cases in Management Vol. IV. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Research Centre for Management Studies (SDM RCMS), SDMIMD. [ISBN:978-93-83302-14-7]
  3. Sengupta, Mousumi & Nilanjan Sengupta [Editors]. (2015). 4th International Conference on Managing Human Resources at the Workplace. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN 978-93-83302-07-9].
  4. Parasuraman N. R. & Venkataraja, B [Editors]. (2015). International Conference on Global Economic Growth and Sustainability. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN: 978-93-83302-12-3].
  5. Suresh, M.R. & Sharma, Govinda N.R. [Editors]. (2015). Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [978-93-83302-10-9].
  6. Suresh, M.R., Sugant, R & Jayakrishnan, S  [Editors]. (2015). National Conference on Consumer Behaviour: Contemporary Issues & Emerging Trends. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [978-93-83302-13-0].
  7. Parasuraman, N. R. & Rao, Ullas.[Editors]. (2015). 4th International conference on Emerging Trends in Finance and Accounting. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN: 978-93-83302-09-3].
  8. Sengupta, Nilanjan, and Sengupta, Mousumi [Compilers]. (2015). Contemporary research in management – Vol IV.  Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Research Centre for Management Studies (SDM RCMS), SDMIMD. [ISBN: 978-93-83302-08-6]

Book Chapters

  1. Gupte, Jaideep (2015). A case study on hybrid cellular layouts. Cases in Management- Vol IV. N.R. Parasuraman, Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta and G.Srilakshminarayana. [Editors]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN:978-93-83302-14-7]
  2. Sriram, M. (2015). Accounting issues for an entreneur. Cases in Management- Vol IV. N.R. Parasuraman, Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta and G.Srilakshminarayana. [Editors]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN:978-93-83302-14-7]
  3. Jayakrishnan, S. (2015). Amazon: From a book retailer to the most customer-centric company. Cases in Management- Vol IV. N.R. Parasuraman, Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta and G.Srilakshminarayana. [Editors]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN:978-93-83302-14-7]
  4. Jagadeesh, R. (2015). Application of 7 QC tools to investigate the rejection of lathe beds-case study of a machine tool manufacturing company. Cases in Management- Vol IV. N.R. Parasuraman, Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta and G.Srilakshminarayana. [Editors]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN:978-93-83302-14-7]
  5. Sengupta, Nilanjan & Mousumi Sengupta (2015). ASDA: Aiming to serve better. Cases in Management- Vol IV. N.R. Parasuraman, Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta and G.Srilakshminarayana. [Editors]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN:978-93-83302-14-7]
  6. Suresh, M.R. (2015). Business leadership through product strategy and challenges Ahead: the case of a successful dairy federation. Cases in Management- Vol IV. N.R. Parasuraman, Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta and G.Srilakshminarayana. [Editors]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN:978-93-83302-14-7]
  7. Gayathri, H. (2015). Case study on pampers. Cases in Management- Vol IV. N.R. Parasuraman, Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta and G.Srilakshminarayana. [Editors]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN:978-93-83302-14-7]
  8. Todalbagi, Rajendra, Nilanjan Sengupta, Mousui Sengupta (2015). Change management and business excellence at titan. Cases in Management- Vol IV. N.R. Parasuraman, Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta and G.Srilakshminarayana. [Editors]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN:978-93-83302-14-7]
  9. Sengupta, Mousumi & Nilanjan Sengupta (2015). Defining the luxury retail: the harrods way. Cases in Management- Vol IV. N.R. Parasuraman, Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta and G.Srilakshminarayana. [Editors]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN:978-93-83302-14-7]
  10. Venkatraja, B. (2015). How to operationalise Indian Model of GST. Cases in Management- Vol IV. N.R. Parasuraman, Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta and G.Srilakshminarayana. [Editors]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN:978-93-83302-14-7]
  11. Ganapathy, Neetu (2015). Inside amazon: a great environment fostering innovation of a brutal workplace. Cases in Management- Vol IV. N.R. Parasuraman, Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta and G.Srilakshminarayana. [Editors]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN:978-93-83302-14-7]
  12. Prasad, S.N. (2015). Junior &  Mid level leadership: tenacious technology solutions. Cases in Management- Vol IV. N.R. Parasuraman, Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta and G.Srilakshminarayana. [Editors]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN:978-93-83302-14-7]
  13. Sriram, Malathi (2015). MicroGraam- Leveraging cloud for financial inclusion. Cases in Management- Vol IV. N.R. Parasuraman, Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta and G.Srilakshminarayana. [Editors]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN:978-93-83302-14-7]
  14. Rao, Ullas (2015). Microsoft’s Acquisitiion of Nokia’s mobile business unit.  Cases in Management- Vol IV. N.R. Parasuraman, Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta and G.Srilakshminarayana. [Editors]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN:978-93-83302-14-7]
  15. Sugant, R. (2015). ‘Nandini’ sweets- will it be ‘sweet’ for KMF. Cases in Management- Vol IV. N.R. Parasuraman, Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta and G.Srilakshminarayana. [Editors]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN:978-93-83302-14-7]
  16. Sharma, Govinda, N.R. (2015). Ole, Ole,...  “Ola...”. Cases in Management- Vol IV. N.R. Parasuraman, Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta and G.Srilakshminarayana. [Editors]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN:978-93-83302-14-7]
  17. Minhaj, Mohamed (2015). Retargeting with Google Adwords. Cases in Management- Vol IV. N.R. Parasuraman, Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta and G.Srilakshminarayana. [Editors]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN:978-93-83302-14-7]
  18. Srilakshminarayana, G. (2015). Studying the Employee Satisfaction Using Factor Analysis. Cases in Management- Vol IV. N.R. Parasuraman, Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta and G.Srilakshminarayana. [Editors]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN:978-93-83302-14-7]
  19. Parasuraman, N.R. (2015). The challenges of an innovative investment portfolio consisting of reliance, Infosys and ultrateh cement. Cases in Management- Vol IV. N.R. Parasuraman, Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta and G.Srilakshminarayana. [Editors]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD).  [ISBN:978-93-83302-14-7]
  20. Parasuraman, N.R. & Janaki Ramudu, P. (2015). Put-Call Parity: An investigation into S & P CNX Nifty Index Options. Contemporary research in management – Vol. IV by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: SDM RCMS. [ISBN: 978-93-83302-08-6]
  21. Jagadeesh, R. (2015). Enhancing the after-sales service quality using the Six-Sigma approach: a case study. Contemporary research in management – Vol. IV by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: SDM RCMS. [ISBN: 978-93-83302-08-6].
  22. Sengupta, Nilanjan & Mousumi, Sengupta (2015). Human capital management – the strategic differentiator for managing employee excellence. Contemporary research in management – Vol. IV by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: SDM RCMS. [ISBN: 978-93-83302-08-6].
  23. Mousumi, Sengupta & Sengupta, Nilanjan (2015). Gamification: the new mantra for optimizing employee and organizational performance. Contemporary research in management – Vol. IV by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: SDM RCMS. [ISBN: 978-93-83302-08-6].
  24. Suresh, M.R. (2015). Product management practices in social enterprises – insight for mainstream business enterprises. Contemporary research in management – Vol. IV by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: SDM RCMS. [ISBN: 978-93-83302-08-6].
  25. Sharma, Govinda N.R. (2015). Mandating spending on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) through the Company Act, 2013 by the Government of India – a critique. Contemporary research in management – Vol. IV by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: SDM RCMS. [ISBN: 978-93-83302-08-6].
  26. Neetu Ganapathy. (2015). Reasons for ERP adoption by SME’s – an empirical study. Contemporary research in management – Vol. IV by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: SDM RCMS. [ISBN: 978-93-83302-08-6].
  27. Minhaj, Mohammed. (2015). Cloud based business intelligence systems – premise and promises. Contemporary research in management – Vol. IV by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: SDM RCMS. [ISBN: 978-93-83302-08-6].
  28. Rao, Ullas. (2015). An event study approach to capture the wealth effects surrounding the CEO appointment of Infosys Corporation. Contemporary research in management – Vol. IV by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: SDM RCMS. [ISBN: 978-93-83302-08-6].
  29. Sriram M. (2015). Forecasting short term USD / INR exchange rate – ARMA approach. Contemporary research in management – Vol. IV by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: SDM RCMS. [ISBN: 978-93-83302-08-6].
  30. Venkataraja, B & Sriram M. (2015). A casual nexus between FDI and economic growth of India: an empirical study. Contemporary research in management – Vol. IV by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: SDM RCMS. [ISBN: 978-93-83302-08-6].

Book Review

  1. Neetu Ganapathy. (2015). "Why do I need a teacher when I’ve got Google? The Essential guide to the big issues for every 21st century teacher" by Ian Gilbert, SDMIMD Journal of Management, Vol. 4, Issue 1, March 2015. [ISSN (print) 0976-0652 | ISSN (Online) 2320-7906].

International Journals

  1. Venkatraja, B  & Sriram, M. (2015). Vulnerability of China’s Economic Growth to the Export Shocks: An Econometric Evidence. The Asian Economic Review, Vol.57 (4), December, pp.17-34.
  2. Venkataraja, B (2015). Testing the Export-Led Growth Hypothesis for India: An Econometric Analysis. International Affairs and Global Strategy, Vol.37, ISSN 2224-574X (Paper) ISSN 2224-8951 (Online), pp. 74-83.
  3. Venkataraja, B (2015). Does Export-led Growth Strategy Sustain? An Aggregate Demand Dimension: China’s Experience; India’s Lessons. International Review of Research in Emerging Markets and the Global Economy (IRREM) - An Online International Research Journal (ISSN: 2311-3200), Vol.1 (4), pp. 538-556.
  4. Prasad S.N. (2015). Training of Heavy Vehicle Drivers in India: Challenges. Journal of Exclusive Management Science, Vol.4 (9), September, Online ISSN 2277-5684, Print ISSN 2320-866X.
  5. Jagadeesh, R. (2015). Internalizing the Corporate Social Responsibility through strategic operations management. Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review, 5 (4), pp 1-5. doi: 10.4172/2223-5833.1000131, E-ISSN: 2223-5833
  6. Rao, Ullas (2015). Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH): The Case of India's Foreign Exchange Market. FOCUS: The International Journal of Management Digest, March-September. [ISSN: 0973-9165].
  7. Sriram, M. (2015). Dynamic Linkages between BSE Sensex and Crude Oil Price- An Empirical Study in India. International Journal of Information, Business and Management, Vol.7 (4), pp.28-41.
  8. Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi (2015). Leadership and Organizational Performance: A Conceptual Review. Asian Research Consortium, Vol.5 (7), July, pp. 155-166. [ISSN 2249-7315].
  9. Venkataraja, B (2015). Rise and Fall of the HMT Watches Ltd– A Case Study. International Journal of Social and Economic Research (ISSN: 2249-6270), Vol.5(2), April-June, pp. 151-157.
  10. Jagadeesh, R. (2015). Performance Assessment of Global Supply Chains and Moving Towards Optimization of Efforts and Challenges. International Journal of Recent Advances in Organizational Behavior and Decision Sciences, An Online International Research Journal, ISSN 2311-3197, pp 400-416.
  11. Mousumi, Sengupta & Sengupta, Nilanjan (2015). Role of emotional intelligence for leadership effectiveness: a critical review. South Asian Journal of Socio-political Studies (SAJOSPS), Vol.15 (2), Jan-Jun, pp. 85-88. [ISSN: 0972-4613].
  12. Srilakshminarayana, G. (2015). The Role of Normality on one sample and two sample T-tests. The International Journal of Business & Management (ISSN 2321 –8916), Vol.3 (4) April, pp 66-76.
  13. Rasbagh, Vasudeva and Srilakshminarayana G. (2015). Almost Sure Limit Points of Lightly Trimmed Sums when the Distribution Function Belongs to the Domain of Partial Attraction of A Positive Semi-Stable Law. Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Vol. 35, Fasc. 1, pp 129-142.
  14. Sugant, R. and Sandhya Anvekar. (2015). “E Learning and Service Quality: A review of frameworks”. Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics & Management, Volume 05, Issue 04, April, ISSN: 2250-1673 (print); ISSN: 2249-7307 (on-line), pp 33–38.
  15. S. Jayakrishnan. (2015). E-retailing in India: Opportunities and Challenges. International Journal of Research in Finance and Marketing, Vol. 5, Issue 3, 21-28p. [ISSN 2231-5985].
  16. Parasuraman, N.R. & Rao, Ullas. (2015). An Empirical Examination of the Efficiency of Commodity Markets in India.International Review of Research in Emerging Markets and the Global Economy, Vol. 1, Issue 2,323-335p.[ISSN: 2311-3200]
  17. Vasudeva, R. and Srilakshminarayana, G. (2015): Kiefer's law of the iterated logarithm for r-th upper extreme of a random number of random variables. ProbStatForum, Volume 08, January, Pages 1–18.
  18. Sriram, M. (2015). Co-integration of Nifty and NASDAQ composite- an empirical investigation. International Review of Research in Emerging Markets and the Global Economy, Vol. 1, No.2 (ISSN 2311-3200), p.310-322.
  19. Jagadeesh, R. (2015). Responsible Operations through Materials Conservation – An Overview of Techniques and Trends. International Journal of Information, Business and Management, Vol 7 (2), (ISSN 2076-9202), p. 85-96.

National Journals

  1. Venkataraja, B (2015). A Causality Analysis on the Empirical Nexus between Capital Formation and Economic Growth: Evidence from India. Rajagiri Management Journal, Vol. 9 (1), (ISSN Print:  0971-9968), pp. 25-42.
  2. Sriram, M (2015). Testing the Relationship between Stock Prices of Cross Listed Firms: A Case Study of Standard Chartered PLC. Journal of Contemporary Research in Management, Vol. 10(2), April-June.
  3. Venkatraja B. (2015). Planning Commission is History and Niti Aayog is Mystery. Kisan World, Vol. 42 (4), (Print- ISSN 0971-9229), pp.51-54.
  4. Venkatraja B. (2015). Higher Public Investment is the Catalyst of Growth. Southern Economist, , Vol. 53(22), (Print- ISSN 0038-4046), pp. 45-46.

International Conferences

  1. Sengupta, Mousumi (2015). Green HRM. 4th International Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and Social Sciences, SDMIMD and J A Alpha, Kolkata, December 18-20.
  2. Malathi, Sriram (2015). Comparative Analysis of MOOC platforms. 4th International Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and Social Sciences, SDMIMD and J A Alpha, Kolkata, December 18-20.
  3. Sengupta, Nilanjan & Mousumi Sengupta. (2015). Social Media Recruiting: Boon or Bane. 4th International Conference on Managing Human Resources at the Workplace. SDM Institute for Management Development, Mysore. December 04-05. [978-93-83302-07-9].
  4. Neetu Ganapathy (2015). Factors that deter SMEs from adopting ERP: an empirical study. International Conference on Business Management and Information Systems, National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore, November 17-20.
  5. Suresh, M.R. (2015). Strategic Responses of Successful Enterprises - an Analysis across Ownership Forms. Third Middle East Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and Banking, SDMIMD and J A Alpha, Dubai, October 16-18.
  6. Parasuraman, N. R. & Rao, Ullas (2015). Do firms’ intrinsically determined Enterprise Values corroborate their corresponding Market-determined Values? Empirical evidence based on SENSEX firms in India. 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and Social Sciences, SDMIMD and J A Alpha, Malaysia, August 07-09.
  7. Srilakshminarayana, G (2015). On importance of normality assumption in using a t-test: one sample and two sample cases. International Symposium on Emerging Trends in Social Sciences Research. Chennai, India, 3-5 April.
  8. Venkatraja, B (2015). Does Export-led Growth Strategy Sustain? An Aggregate Demand Dimension: China’s Experience; India’s Lessons. International Symposium on Emerging Trends in Social Sciences Research, SDMIMD and J A Alpha, ​Chennai, April 3-5.
  9. Jagadeesh, R. (2015). Performance Assessment and Optimization of Global Supply Chains. International Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and Social Sciences, SDMIMD and J A Alpha, Thailand​, ​February 20-22. [ISBN: 978-1-941505-22-9]
  10. S. Jayakrishnan, Rekha D Chikhalkar & Chaudhuri, Ranjan. Understanding Private Label purchase in Breakfast cereals and Snacks. International Conference on Trends in Retailing and Branding, FICCI Tamil Nadu and University of Madras.

Faculty Publications in 2012

2016 2015 2014 2013 2012


  1. Parasuraman, N. R. & Rao, Ullas.[Editors]. (2012). International conference on Emerging Trends in Finance and Accounting. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN: 978-81-922146-2-7].
  2. Parasuraman, N.R., Sengupta, Nilanjan, Sengupta, Mousumi & Srilakshminarayana, G.[Editors].  (2012). Excerpts of select summer internship reports 2012. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Research Centre for Management Studies (SDM RCMS), SDMIMD.
  3. Parasuraman, N.R., Sengupta, Nilanjan, Sengupta, Mousumi & Srilakshminarayana, G.[Editors].  (2012). Excerpts of select summer internship reports 2012. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Research Centre for Management Studies (SDM RCMS), SDMIMD.
  4. Sengupta, Mousumi & Nilanjan Sengupta [Editors]. (2012). International Conference on Managing Human Resources at the Workplace. Mysore: SDM Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN: 978-81-922146-4-1].
  5. Sengupta, Nilanjan & Mousumi Sengupta [Compilers]. (2012). Contemporary research in management. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Research Centre for Management Studies (SDM RCMS), SDMIMD. [ISBN:978-81-922146-1-0].
  6. Parasuraman, N.R., Sengupta, Nilanjan, Sengupta, Mousumi & Srilakshminarayana, G.[Editors].  (2012). Excerpts of select summer internship reports 2012. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Research Centre for Management Studies (SDM RCMS), SDMIMD.
  7. Sengupta, Mousumi & Nilanjan Sengupta [Editors]. (2012). International Conference on Managing Human Resources at the Workplace. Mysore: SDM Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN: 978-81-922146-4-1].
  8. Sengupta, Nilanjan & Mousumi Sengupta [Compilers]. (2012). Contemporary research in management Vol.I. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Research Centre for Management Studies (SDM RCMS), SDMIMD. [ISBN:978-81-922146-1-0].
  9. Parasuraman, N. R. & Rao, Ullas. [Editors]. (2012). International conference on Emerging Trends in Finance and Accounting. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN: 978-81-922146-2-7].
  10. Parasuraman, N.R., Sengupta, Nilanjan, Sengupta, Mousumi & Srilakshminarayana, G.[Editors].  (2012). Excerpts of select summer internship reports 2012. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Research Centre for Management Studies (SDM RCMS), SDMIMD.

Book Chapters

  1. Parasuraman, N.R. (2012). Options Strategies in a volatile market with particular reference to selling volatility, an exploratory study with figures from NIFTY for a quarter. Contemporary research in management by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: SDM Institute for Management Development, 2012. [ISBN:978-81-922146-1-0]
  2. Gayathri, H., Dhivya, V. and Bathija, Kushal. (2012). Maggi mania: case study. Contemporary research in management by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Editors]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Research Centre for Management Studies (SDM RCMS), SDMIMD. [ISBN: 978-81-922146-1-0].
  3. Jagadeesh, R. (2012). Quality strategy formulation and development using organizational perspective. Contemporary research in management by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Editors]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Research Centre for Management Studies (SDM RCMS), SDMIMD. 33-48p. [ISBN: 978-81-922146-1-0].
  4. Sengupta, Mousumi & Sengupta, Nilanjan. (2012). Green HRM: a step-forward towards greener world. Contemporary research in management by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Research Centre for Management Studies (SDM RCMS), SDMIMD. [ISBN:978-81-922146-1-0].
  5. Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi. (2012). Managing employee talent. Contemporary research in management Vol.I by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Research Centre for Management Studies (SDM RCMS), SDMIMD. [ISBN:978-81-922146-1-0].
  6. Sengupta, Mousumi & Sengupta, Nilanjan. (2012). Green HRM: a step-forward towards greener world. Contemporary research in management by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Research Centre for Management Studies (SDM RCMS), SDMIMD. [ISBN:978-81-922146-1-0].
  7. Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi. (2012). Managing employee talent. Contemporary research in management by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Research Centre for Management Studies (SDM RCMS), SDMIMD. [ISBN:978-81-922146-1-0].
  8. Sharma, Govinda N.R. (2012). Distributive justice and the ethics of executive compensation. Contemporary research in management by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Research Centre for Management Studies (SDM RCMS), SDMIMD. 21-32p. [ISBN: 978-81-922146-1-0].
  9. Malathi Sriram, Pratik Choksi and Shini Ashok. (2012). An exploratory study of mall management. Contemporary research in management by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Research Centre for Management Studies (SDM RCMS), SDMIMD. 49-76p. [ISBN:978-81-922146-1-0].
  10. Neetu Ganapathy and Raju, J.K. (2012). Implementing enterprise resource planning systems in small and medium enterprises: myths versus reality. Contemporary research in management by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Research Centre for Management Studies (SDM RCMS), SDMIMD. 107-136p. [ISBN: 978-81-922146-1-0].
  11. Prasad, S.N. (2012). Ernest Shackleton leadership: Indian parallels. Contemporary research in management by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Research Centre for Management Studies (SDM RCMS), SDMIMD. 157-170p. [ISBN:978-81-922146-1-0].
  12. Rao, Ullas and Balaji, J. (2012). An evaluation of trends in mergers & acquisitions in international financial scenario during the last two decades. Contemporary research in management by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Research Centre for Management Studies (SDM RCMS), SDMIMD.171-192p. [ISBN: 978-81-922146-1-0].
  13. Rao, Ullas and Balaji, J. (2012). An evaluation of trends in mergers & acquisitions in international financial scenario during the last two decades. Contemporary research in management by Mousumi Sengupta and Nilanjan Sengupta [Compilers]. Mysore: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Research Centre for Management Studies (SDM RCMS), SDMIMD. 171-192p. [ISBN:978-81-922146-1-0].
  14. Sunil, M.V. and Kumbar, Mallinath. (2012). Technological innovations in libraries for user centric services. Dynamics of librarianship in the knowledge society: festschrift in honour of Prof. Ramesh Babu (Volume 2) edited by: Achim Osswald and et.al. Chennai: University of Madras. 640-649p. [ISBN: 978-93-5050-061-3].

National Journals

  1. Parasuraman, N.R., Janaki Ramudu, P. & Nusrathunnisa. (2012). Does Lintner model of dividend payout hold good? An empirical evidence from BSE SENSEX firms. SDMIMD Journal of Management, Vol. 3, Issue 2, September. 63-76p. [ISSN 0976-0652].
  2. Jagadeesh, R (2012). CSR, Clean and Green Operations - Suppliers’ Code of Conduct Revisited. Journal of Supply Chain Management Systems 1(4), 2012. 30-36p.
  3. Malathi, Sriram and Rao, Ullas. Glowtronics - A Strategic Turnaround. PES Business Review, 2012.

International Journals

  1. Janaki Ramudu, P., Parasuraman, N.R. and Nusrathunnisa. (2012). What Drives Shareholders’ Return? Evidence from Indian Steel Sector. World Journal of Social Sciences, 2(7) November. 09-23p.
  2. Monteiro.Mohan N.J. & Ananthan B.R. (2012). Socail-Economic Factors Influencing Repayment of Loans Granted by Commercial Banks- A Study of Small Scale Industries in Dakshina Kannada and Udupi.International Journal of Exclusive Management Research, Vol. 2, Issue 4, April 81-90p.[ISSN : 2249-8672]
  3. Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi. (2012). Effect of culture on managing brands in India. The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management, Vol. 11, Issue. 2. [ISSN: 1447-9524].
  4. Sengupta, Nilanjan., Balaji, J. & Sengupta, Mousumi. (2012). Increasing professional efficacy for mid-career professional: problems and prospects. International Journal of Business Economics and Management Research. Vol. 3, Issue 2, February. [ISSN: 2229-4848].
  5. Sengupta, Mousumi., Sengupta, Nilanjan & Vaishnavi, S. (2012). An empirical study on employees' awareness on strategic aspects of compensation management. Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management, Vol. 2, Issue 12. [ISSN: 2249-7309].
  6. Sengupta, Nilanjan., Sengupta, Mousumi & Vaishnavi, S. (2012). Designing a talent acquisition matrix: consultants’ perspective. Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management, Vol. 3, Issue 3. [ISSN: 2249-7309].
  7. Sengupta, Nilanjan & Sengupta, Mousumi. (2012). Effect of culture on managing brands in India. The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management, Vol. 11, Issue. 2. [ISSN: 1447-9524].
  8. Sengupta, Nilanjan., Balaji, J. & Sengupta, Mousumi. (2012). Increasing professional efficacy for mid-career professional: problems and prospects. International Journal of Business Economics and Management Research. Vol. 3, Issue 2, February. [ISSN: 2229-4848].
  9. Sengupta, Mousumi., Sengupta, Nilanjan & Vaishnavi, S. (2012). An empirical study on employees' awareness on strategic aspects of compensation management. Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management, Vol. 2, Issue 12. [ISSN: 2249-7309].
  10. Sengupta, Nilanjan., Sengupta, Mousumi & Vaishnavi, S. (2012). Designing a talent acquisition matrix: consultants’ perspective. Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management, Vol. 3, Issue 3. [ISSN: 2249-7309].
  11. Mahapatra, Mihir K. (2012). Sustainable growth in tourism sector: opportunities and challenges. ASEAN Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, Vol. 11, Issue. 1, June. [ISSN: 1412-2073].
  12. Sengupta, Nilanjan., Balaji, J. & Sengupta, Mousumi. (2012). Increasing professional efficacy for mid-career professional: problems and prospects. International Journal of Business Economics and Management Research. Vol. 3, Issue 2, February. [ISSN: 2229-4848].

National Conference

  1. Vasudeva, R and Srilakshminarayana, G. (2012). Law of the iterated logarithm for extremes and trimmed sums, when the underlying random variables come from two independent populations. National Seminar on Recent developments in statical modeling, Department of Statistics, Shivaji University, Kolhapur. October 12-13.
  2. Sunil, M.V., Harinarayana, N.S., Mallinath Kumbar and Poornima, H.N. (2012). Initiatives in igniting minds: success stories of children libraries. National conference on ‘Reinventing and restructuring of public library system in India’, July 28, 2012. Bangalore: Karnataka State SC/ST Library Professionals Association, Department of Public Libraries and Bangalore University Library.
  3. Sunil, M.V., Deepak Chandrashekar and Harinarayana, N.S. (2012). The status of higher secondary school libraries in Mysore district: a Study. National conference on libraries and development: present and future, June 7 to 9. Shravanabelagola: Karnataka State Library Association (KALA), Bangalore. 

International Conference

  1. Parasuraman, N.R., Janaki Ramudu, P. & Nusrathunnisa. (2012). Does Lintner model of dividend payout hold good? An empirical evidence from BSE SENSEX firms. International conference on emerging trends in finance and accounting, SDM Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD), Mysore. August 3-4. [ISBN: 978-81-922146-2-7].
  2. Sengupta, Nilanjan  &Mousumi Sengupta. (2012). Employee Engagement: Creating the mantra for Employee Motivation and Organizational Success. International Conference on Managing Human Resources at the Workplace. SDM Institute for Management Development, Mysore. December 14-15. [978-81-922146-4-1].
  3. Sengupta, Nilanjan  &Mousumi Sengupta. (2012). Employee Engagement: Creating the mantra for Employee Motivation and Organizational Success. International Conference on Managing Human Resources at the Workplace. SDM Institute for Management Development, Mysore. December 14-15. [978-81-922146-4-1].
  4. Sharma, Govinda N.R. and Kumar, Ashwini. (2012). International Conference on Challenges of Sustainability and Growth in Indian Industry, December 20 & 21, BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore. Growth, Sustainability and Distributive Justice: Role of MSMEs.
  5. Balaji, J. & Charumathi, S. (2012). Gold Exchange Traded Funds and Gold Mutual Funds in India – A Study. International conference on emerging trends in finance and accounting, SDM Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD), Mysore. August 3-4. [ISBN: 978-81-922146-2-7].
  6. Parameshwari, G.,  Balaji, J. &  Ullas, E.G. (2012). Empirical study on Factors influencing on Quality of Work Life of Life Insurance Agents in Mysore Division. International Conference on Managing Human Resources at the Workplace. SDM Institute for Management Development, Mysore. December 14-15. [978-81-922146-4-1].
  7. Rao, Ullas. (2012). An Empirical Investigation of Cross-Border M&A activity of Indian Corporations during the last decade", International Conference on Emerging Management Practices and Perspective in Accounting, Taxation and Finance, January, Ganpath University, Mehsana, Gujarat, India.
  8. Rao, Ullas and Murthy, Suryanarayana M.R. (2012). Wealth Evidence of Indian Acquiring Banks: A Case of Event Studies, 3rd International Conference on Doing Business in India, Bangalore, India.
  9. Sunil, M.V., Harinarayana, N.S. and Kumbar, Mallinath. (2012). Stock verification as a base for effective collection development: a case study of SDMIMD, Mysore. Collection development in the digital environment Edited by: B. Ramesh Babu and et.al. International conference on collection development in the digital environment, June 29 & 30, 2012. Chennai: Madras University Library. 645-650p. 

Other Publications

  1. Sharma, Govinda N.R. (2012). Business Ethics and Corporate Governance By B. N. Ghosh, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd. [ISBN: 9780071333320].
  2. Sunil, M.V. & Deepak Chandrashekar. (2012). Managing Human Resources at the Workplace.Edited by Sengupta, Mousumi & Nilanjan Sengupta International Conference on Managing Human Resources at the Workplace. Mysore: SDM Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). [ISBN: 978-81-922146-4-1].
  3. Sunil, M.V. (2012). Emerging trends in finance and accounting Edited by Parasuraman, N.R. and Rao, Ullas. International conference on emerging trends in finance and accounting organized by SDM Institute for Management Development, Mysore during August 3 & 4. [ISBN: 978-81-922146-2-7].
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