Guest Lecture 2223

Talk by Alumnus Mr. Vipin Prasad

Mr. Vipin Prasad, SDMIMD Alumnus, and CEO Joining Dots Inc., Bangalore, delivered an informative talk on ‘E-Commerce: Opportunities & Challenges’ on July 7, 2022, as part of the Orientation Program 2022. The talk focused on the developments in the platform business and the various app-based services making the e-commerce world dearer to the consumers.  Mr. Vipin discussed opportunities for young managers in the e-commerce world during the Q&A Session. 

Talk by Alumnus Mr Chitradip Pramanik

SDMIMD Alumnus and Manger – Marketing & PMO, EqualizeRCM, Mysore, Mr. Chitradip Pramanik delivered the talk on ‘Getting ready for the Corporate World’ on July 7, 2022. Mr. Chitradip focused his talk on how the additional skills and certificates during the PGDM program help to stand out in the competitive job market. The talk was organized as part of the Orientation Program 2022. 

Interactive Session by Dr. Jacob Crasta

Dr. Jacob Crasta, Founder Chairman, CM Envirosystems, Bangalore, was the invited speaker for the distinguished address as part of the Orientation Program 2022 on July 7, 2022. The interactive session by Dr. Crasta brought in various positives and challenges for a young entrepreneur and an executive in the corporate world. The PGDM 2022-2024 Batch gathered tips during the interaction to make their choice for the new avenue. 

Invited talk by Entrepreneur Mr. Sreenidhi

Mr. Sreenidhi G.S.D, Founder and CEO, Cynefian Private Limited, Gudalupet, shared his success story of the rural initiative focused on upskilling the rural youth of Gudalupet in making them corporate-ready. The serial entrepreneur shared several anecdotes from his journey which presented the essential skills required by an entrepreneur to manage the process and to face the challenges to see success.  The talk was organized as part of the Orientation Program 2022 for the PGDM Batch 2022-24. 

‘ESG and Employee Centric initiatives are core’ – Sri. Kamal Bali

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) concerns and setting the goals of a company thereon have become prevalent. An investment in ESG is seen as an investment in humanity and a way to build a better future for our future generations. Corporations that weave ESG impact deeper into their culture and way of life are very likely to experience higher growth, strong brand reputation, enhanced customer engagement, stronger stakeholder trust, and effective employee recruitment and retention’ thus said Sri. Kamal Bali, President & Managing Director, Volvo Group India, during the distinguished address delivered as part of the Orientation Program 2022 on July 6, 2022
During the talk Sri. Bali discussed key trends that are reshaping the world of business & commerce and highlighted the 8 key aspects - uncertainty is the new reality with multiple pathways and geo politics; increasing demands of holistic sustainability and concern for ESG; adapting the emerging technologies; evolving future of manufacturing with rebalancing the global value chain; accelerating the innovation process; collaboration & partnership to meet the customer requirements and outcomes; regulations to the changing trends; and creating an employee-centric organization with the new work culture. 
Appreciating the effort of SDMIMD in introducing the Modular Specialization in ESG for the new batch, he said 'Investors are increasingly applying ESG factors as part of their analysis and process to identify material risks and growth opportunities. Environmental focuses on conservation of the natural world, Social which considers the people and relationships, and governance guiding the standards for running a company'. He called upon the new batch effort to earn the Certification in ESG for better placement opportunities. 
Dr. N.R. Parasuraman, Director, SDMIMD, delivered the welcome address and presented the core objectives of SDMIMD to be the pioneer in introducing the specialization in ESG in the B-School arena as part of the PGDM program. 
Deputy Director Dr. S.N. Prasad, faculty members, staff, and the new batch of PGDM 2022-2024 were present.   

Inspirational talk by Corporate Women Leader

Mrs. Indra Prem Menon, President, Lakshmanan Isola Private Limited, Bangalore, was invited to address the new batch of the PGDM program on July 5, 2022. Mrs. Indra introduced the corporate work culture and well-being with several anecdotes from her personal life. The talk inspired the young managers and informed them about the corporate culture. Mrs. Indra shared valuable tips regarding work-life balance during the talk. The talk was organized as part of the Orientation Program 2022 for PGDM 2022-2024.

Motivational talk by Prof. Parashivamurthy

Prof. D. Parashivamurthy, Motivational Speaker, NLP Trainer, and Faculty at Government First Grade College for Women, Mysore, spoke on the topic ‘Winners make it happen, Losers let it happen’ on July 5, 2022, as part of the Orientation Program 2022. 
Prof. Parashivamurthy said ‘Communication, leadership, and self-motivation are core skills that help the individual to optimize enterprise performance and longevity of serving in any organization. These skills should also help the personal life towards meeting the sustained appropriate traits of personal responsibility and accomplishing the family responsibilities.’
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