
MDP on Finance for Non-Finance Professionals

The 2-Day Online MDP on Finance for Non-Finance Professionals was organized on September 3 & 4, 2020. The faculty resource of Day 1 Dr. M. Sriram introduced the foundations of financial reporting through financial statements of companies to the participants. On Day 2, Prof. Kannadas S., gave inputs of Costing for decision making with special reference to ABC costing technique and breakeven analysis. The session concluded with Q&A session with both the resource persons. 

'Diamond' Rating to SDMIMD by I-Gauge, India

SDMIMD, Mysuru has been awarded the highest level of 'Diamond' Rating among the management institutes of India by the QS-I-Gauge, the India specific rating agency for the Quacquarelli Symonds, London. Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings and the Higher Education Institutes Ranking have universal acceptance across the world in the fraternity of higher education institutions, corporate employers and among the student community. The rating has examined several parameters relevant to management education and given that overall ranking based on an independent study.
It may be recalled that SDMIMD was also awarded the Business School Impact System (BSIS) certification by the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) in Jan 2020 and the EFMD Accreditation for the SDMIMD's PGDM program has been successfully renewed in Feb 2020 for a period of 3 years.
It is relevant to mention here that during these COVID restriction months, SDMIMD could complete full admissions for the 2-year PGDM program 2020-22 and the classes have commenced in the online mode.

EFMD Global Network Webinar - Address by Dr Parasuraman

Dr. N.R. Parasuraman, Director & Professor - Finance, SDMIMD, Mysuru, was a panel member on "How to transform challenges into opportunities to maximise the impact" on August 20, 2020, organized by EFMD Global Network
Dr N.R. Parasuraman addressed on the regional perspective of the B-School sharing the specific experiences, challenges and insights into the impact assessment process, particularly in pivoting during the period of crisis.

Invited talk by Prof. Morris Altman

‘Being a professional, it requires ethical behaviour that drives interactions with other employees, customers, and leadership. Ethics extends beyond issues of right or wrong; it maintains the integrity of a workplace’ thus opined the Executive Dean of University of Dundee School of Business, Prof. Morris Altman. In the webinar scheduled on August 14, 2020, for the PGDM 2020-2022 Batch, organized as a part of the Orientation Program, Prof. Morris Altman opined that since economic activities are among the engines of economic growth, it may be concluded that business ethics may impact on the growth performances of economies. 

Invited talk by IIMB Mentor

Mr Sukumar Rangachari, Mentor at IIMB; was invited to deliver webinar to the PGDM 2020-2022 Batch on August 14, 2020. Mr Sukumar discussed in the session with the agenda - How MBA will help the entrepreneurs?: How MBA broadens the horizon? And, how to have a clear vision of what you want to do, how to approach and have our value system. The Q&A session was very interactive and focused on the roadmap for the 2- Years Management Education journey at SDMIMD. 

MDP on Project Appraisal and Financing

The Online Management Development Program (MDP) on Project Appraisal and Financing was organized on August 13-14, 2020. The MDP focused on how cash flows are estimated for projects, principles which goes behind in estimating cash flows. Further, the sessions by the faculty resource focused on evaluating projects using various techniques and conflict between techniques are resolved in identifying projects, management, and mitigation of risks in projects. The session concluded with a discussion on how to view and evaluate a merger/acquisition as a project. Faculty resource from SDMIMD Dr. N.R. Parasuraman, Director & Professor – Finance; Dr. M. Sriram, Associate Professor – Finance; and Prof. S. Kannadas, Assistant Professor; delivered the sessions. 

Invited talk by ABB Global Head

Mr Allan Mitchell, Global Head ABB / EL Academy, was invited to deliver the invited talk on August 13, 2020, during the Orientation Program 2020 organized for the PGDM 2020-2022. Mr Allan Mitchell introduced ABB to the young managers and shared how ABB is driving the digital transformation of industries. Further, with the research, development, and innovations in ABB the speaker explained how the organization has taken initiatives as Innovation Hub, right start-up partnerships, and focused on establishing the platform in India to drive next level growth.

2-Day Workshop on Case Method

SDMIMD and the Public Private Partnership (PPP) Cell of the Administrative Training Institute (ATI), Mysuru, conducted 2-Day Workshop on Cases Methods during August 12 & 13, 2020 at ATI, Mysuru. Dr. M.R. Suresh, Professor of Marketing, SDMIMD, conducted the workshop for the case authors involved in forthcoming Case Volume on PPP. The workshop introduced the case method approach in teaching and training; discussion of case, types of case studies, elements of case writing, etiquettes and ethical aspects in case writing, and, presentation of case were discussed with suitable case lets and short cases. 

Orientation talk on ‘Three Values’ and ‘Four Qualities’

‘VUCA represents a variety of challenging business situations, including volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity; combination of qualities that, taken together, characterize the nature of some difficult conditions and situations’ thus said Mr Vishal Krishnam, Associate Director – Deals PwC Pvt Ltd., during the webinar scheduled on August 12, 2020, to the new batch of the PGDM Program. Further, the speaker Mr Vishal discussed on the 3 Values – Foundation Values, Formation Values, Future Values; and, the 4 Qualities – Ethics, Respect, Passion for Excellence, Trust; which are core for the young manager. 

Inspirational Talk during Orientation Program

Mr Ganesh Krishnamurthy, Director, Tax and Regulatory Services, PwC & Co LLP, was the speaker for the invited talk scheduled on August 12, 2020, for the PGDM 2020-2022. Mr Ganesh said, ‘a world of immense possibilities; it is important to have a possibility mindset which will help us to get what we want’. Further the speaker said that the world is full of possibilities and we need to step out of our comfort zone and challenge the resistance within ourselves. Mr Ganesh asked the new batch to read newspapers and business papers to stay updated and alert.
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