Online Blended Learning - BLCPM

The formal launch of the Blended Learning Certificate Program in Management (BLCPM) designed by SDMIMD in association with TCS iON, was carried out at the TCS Banyan Park complex in Mumbai on November 7, 2017. Shri. Venguswamy Ramaswamy, Global Head of TCS iON, Shri. D. Surendra Kumar, Vice President , Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Educational (SDME) Trust, Dr. N R Parasuraman, Director SDMIMD, Shri. Venkat Rap Mallineni, Head of iON Education TCS and Prof. Mohamed Minhaj, Associate Professor, Systems SDMIMD were present.

Set of highly relevant management courses is offered as Blended Learning Certificate Program in Management (BLCPM), which involves online learning from the TCS iON platform as well as Pre and Post Workshops to be held at the Institute. 

Contact Details:
Prof. Malathi Sriram, Chairperson - Management Development Programs
Mobile: (0)9886521063, Email:
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