Orientation Program

Guest Lecture by Mr. Ram Mohan C

Young leaders should possess traits of camaraderie so that they can build better teams. Thus spoke Mr. Ram Mohan C, Sr. VP and Head of Infrastructure Management & Tech Support MindTree Consulting, Bangalore, while delivering talk on "Industries expectation from young leaders". The talk was part of the Orientation Program for the PGDM 2013-15 Batch on June 10, 2013 at the Institute's auditorium. Mr Ram Mohan also gave inputs on soft skill development which was well received by students.

Talk on “Toyota Way” by Mr. T.R. Parasuraman

As a part of orientation programme, students of PGDM batch 2013-15 had the privilege of hearing T R Parasuraman, Senior VP, Toyota Kirloskar Auto Parts, Bangalore, on 08 June 2013. Mr. Parasuraman talked about the "Toyota way" for Continuous Improvement (Kaizen) and Respect for people. He opined that continuous improvement is a result of establishing long term vision, working on challenges, continuous innovation and going to the source of the issue (Genchi Genbutsu); and, respect for people calls for respecting knowledge, position and giving people a sense of purpose. He advised the students to develop the key traits which will take them places. In fielding the questions, he stressed more on development of attitude than skills as skills can be taught. After all, one hires for attitude and trains for skills.

Talk by SDMIMD Alumnus

Ms. Shilpashree, Head – Marketing & Communications Terex, Bangalore, addressed the PGDM 2013-15 batch on the topic “From Me to We” on Saturday, June 08, 2013.

Talk on Achieving Goals

Mrs. Uma Balakrishnan, CEO, Axcend, Bangalore, gave a talk on ‘Achieving Goals’ on Saturday, June 08, 2013 as a part of the Orientation Program for PGDM 2013-15 Batch.  Mrs. Uma introduced the students to 5 key practices to achieve goal – to be a student and start learning every moment; to have clear fundamentals; to know how to direct the intelligence; to have own individuality; and, to analyze the situation in different facets. The talk was followed by the interactive session with the students. 

Talk on Foundations of Leadership & Achievement – Glimpses from the Corporate World

The talk on “Foundations of Leadership & Achievement – Glimpses from the Corporate World” by Mr. Sridhar Chari, Secretary, Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Bangalore, was held on June 07, 2013 at the SDMIMD Auditorium. The topic was well received by the faculty and students.

Guest Lecture by Mr. R. C. Jagadesh

Mr. R. C. Jagadesh, Director – Operations & Technology Kluber Lubrication, Mysore was a speaker during the Orientation Program for PGDM 2013-15 batch on June 07, 2013.  Mr. Jagadesh spoke about industry readiness among management graduates and preparing for the tough corporate with diverse knowledge acquisition to be better employees.

Guest Lecture by Dr. R. Indira

Dr. R. Indira, Professor & Chairperson, Director - Department of Sociology, International Centre University of Mysore was invited to address SDMites on June 07, 2013. Dr. R. Indira spoke on the topic “Making Business Socially Inclusive and Sustainable", at the Institute auditorium.

Guest Lecture by Mr. R. Venkatnarayan

It was a talk par excellence by Mr. R. Venkatnarayan, President - HR, IT and Education, Rane Holdings, Chennai on June 07, 2013. Mr. Venkatnarayan while addressing the new PGDM Batch 2013-15 described in detail, as to what are Corporate Expectations and how the budding managers need to groom and build traits for themselves with a view to enter the corporate world. He stressed on "ABC", which meant, Adaptability, Bullet Proofing and Collaboration which was very well received by students. He called upon students to be continuously innovative, creative while practicing ethics with integrity. He also opined that while one goes in pursuit of his passion, one should also be flexible to other discipline so that one becomes able to cope with growing competition.

Talk by SKDRDP Executive Director

Dr. L. Manjunath, Executive Director, Shri Kshethra Dharmasthala Rural Development Project (SKDRDP), Dharmasthala, demonstrated how the rural market is an avenue where young minds of today should focus their attention for the development of the villages which would mean all round development of the nation. Dr. Manjunath explained how SKDR project aimed at improving the number of villages banked by actually providing microfinance and micro-insurance schemes. Dr. Manjunath gave the practical insight into various schemes of the SKDRP and its implementation. The talk was organized as a part of the Orientation Program for the PGDM 2013-14 Batch on June 6, 2013 at the Institute auditorium.

Talk on Entrepreneurial challenges and innovation

Mr. Anant R Koppar, Chairman & CEO, KTwo Technology Solutions, Bangalore, was the speaker for the Orientation Program Lecture held on June 6, 2013 for the PGDM 2013-15 Batch. Mr. Anant spoke on topic “Entrepreneurial challenges and innovation”.
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