Student Achievements

SDMites Emerged as National Winners in B-School Fest

Gaurav D. Jhunjhunuwala and Sriram Bhat the students of Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheswhara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD) flagship course PGDM emerged as Winners in the National Management Fest TARKASH 2014’s Finance Event – Hades Hermit. The winners challenged participants from other the premium B-Schools representing Christ, St. Joseph, SIBM, and others, in this event organized by ICFAI Business School (IBS), Bangalore. 
In the annual fest ATHARVA organized by T. Anantha Pai Management Institute (TAPMI), Manipal, SDMites Ashish Jain and Gaurav D. Jhunjhunwala secured 3rd Place in the Finance Event – INFINITY beating the host team, NIRMA, NITIE, K.J. Somaiya and others. 

SDMites Emerged as Winners of Data Analytics Competition

University of Maryland Delegation
Mr Deepak Nesarikar, Mr Vijaykumar Kurdagi and Mr Krishna Kumar, Students pursuing the two year full time residential PGDM Flagship program at Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development, Mysore, are now the winners of All India Data Analytic Competition for B Schools.The competition was conducted by LatentView Analytics, a consulting and data management company which delivers analytics solutions to clients in financial services, consumer goods and retail sectors. There were 2123 participants in the competition from the premier b-Schools including IIMs. Students presented the infographics using the datasets provided by the company. The topics were Block buster movies, English Premier League Battles and Common man’s tweets on AAP. The evaluation criteria were Creativity, Aesthetics of the infographic and the depth of analysis used to find the deliverables and exciting trends.Mr. Deepak Nesarikar has won 6th Place among the Top 25 winners. Mr. Krishna Kumar and Mr. Vijaykumar Kurdagi were able to succeed on the 12th and 21st place respectively. The three students have made the first version of LatentView’s DPL a mega max blockbuster hit and have won iPOD shuffle. The company has also offered Pre-Placement Interviews for the winners.

IFLA Award to Mr. Deepak Nesarikar

Mr. Deepak Nesarikar of PGDM 2012-14 Batch received the IFLA award for securing 4th place among the top 6 papers, selected by KPMG India, the Talent Partner for the International B-School Open Paper Writing Competition organized by ABP Pvt Ltd. The other Top 5 papers were from IIMK, MICA, IIMC, XLRI and KJ Somaiya. Mr. Nesarikar's article "Empowerment & Social Businesses" was published in IFLA 2013 Compendium. The Awards were given by Mr. Ambarish Dasgupta, Partner and Head-Management consulting, KPMG India; Mr. Sunil Kanoria, Vice Chairman, SREI Infrastructure Finance; and, Dr. Amit Mitra, Honourable Minister for finance and Excise, Govt. of West Bengal. 

First Prize in Flight of fancy 2013

Ms. Sudipta Pan of PGDM 2013-15 batch has won First Prize in Flight of fancy 2013 - Creative writing competition conducted under the auspices of Literati at  Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar (XIMB).

SDMIMD Student Excels!!

Mr Deepak Nesarikar Second year PGDM Student is one among the six winners in a National level B School competition organized by ABP Pvt Ltd. Kolkata. Mr Nesarikar's article "Empowerment & Social Businesses" was adjudged one among top six papers by Talent Partner KPMG India and will be published in IFLA 2013 Compendium. The top six winners will be making a 5 minute presentation during Finale on December 6th 2013 at ITC Sonar Kolkata to win prize money.

SDMIMD Students Excel in Paper Presentation

Ms. Akshata U and Mr. Abhinav Pandey PGDM Batch 2012-14 have won first prize in inter college paper presentation contest conducted by ICICI Direct on the topic "Effectiveness of Social Media in Financial Services"

SDMites lead in BRICS Quiz Competition at China

The Association of BRICS Business Schools (ABBS) held their 5th  Biennial Conference this year at Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, at Songjiang Shanghai, China on October 27, 2013. The conference was host to premier b-schools from BRICS countries. SDMIMD, PSG, XIME, Hindustan were the premier B-schools participated from India. As a part of this international meet, a quiz on the contemporary topics in business and management was conducted in teams of 4 comprising of participated b-school students from different countries. The team members were required to answer questions about the other BRICS country, from which the member was not included in the team.  Mr. Syam Thomas of SDMIMD PGDM 12-14 Batch participated in the round about Russia and Mr. Alok Shenoy of SDMIMD PGDM 12-14 Batch participated in the round about China. The teams won first and second prizes respectively in this BRICS B-School Quiz competition. 


Mr. Shonit Mittal and Mr. Surya Prakash Hinduja of PGDM 13-15 Batch have won the first place in Phase 1 of the 'NIPM's HR Business Quiz', held on August 17, 2013 at JSS Law College, Mysore. This achievement has made them eligible for the second phase of the event ' Southern Regional Quiz Competition', to be held in Coimbatore. Third and the final round - 'National HR Quiz Competition for HR students', will be held at Goa on Thursday, September 26, 2013.

Won first prize in CHRYSALIS 2013

chrysalis A team of students from PGDM 2011-13 Batch – Dhivya Laxmi S., Manu Govind and Praveen Sudhakar – won first prize in the marketing event at CHRYSALIS 2013, held on February 09, 2013 at Loyola Institute of Business Administration (LIBA), Chennai.
The Marketing event involved developing a strategy to a brand packaged drinking water industry. SDMites came up with strategy in both B2B and B2C scenario, and also developed holistic IMC plans to support the brand developing activity, which made them to secure first place. SDMites won the event by competing with other teams from B-Schools like IIT-M, IFMR, IIM-I, K.J. Somaiya Institute of Management & Studies, Christ University, Anna University and Jindal Business School.

SDMites stood 2nd in Revelation ‘13

Jay Mr. Jay Zatakia and Mr. Rajanikar Kumar of PGDM 2011-13 Batch, have won 2nd prize in the Operations event of National Level Management Fest Revelation ‘13 organized by Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Bangalore on 12-13 January, 2013. They won the prize by beating teams from Christ University, LIBA Chennai, IBS Bangalore, Jain College and several others prominent B-Schools. Rajanikar
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