
2-Day Workshop on Research Methodology

Dr. S.G. Prapulla, Chief Scientist & Head, Microbiology and Fermentation Technology Dept. CSIR-Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysuru, was the Chief Guest of the valedictory program of the 2- Day Research Methodology workshop scheduled during June 10 & 11, 2016. In her brief address, Dr. Prapulla appreciated the participants for taking up the research projects, and suggested that research improves their ability  to make an impression in their field. She informed the participants about the fellowships available, particularly to the women researchers. She also gave several tips about research work and encouraged the participants to do sustain their research activities and enrich the field. The participants interacted well with the Chief Guest and received valuable inputs from her.
Dr. Sunil, the Program Coordinator, prosed a vote of thanks and Dr. R. Jagadeesh, Dean -Academics, presented a memento to the distinguished Chief Guest.

Workshop on New Directions in HRM Tools and Techniques

A One-day Pre Conference Workshop on ‘New directions in HRM tools and techniques’ was organized at SDMIMD on December 3, 2015. The workshop was designed to provide a general overview on contemporary tools and techniques in the field of Human Resource Management and covered contemporary topics, such as, emotionally intelligent leadership, IT is managing HR, Data analysis in HRM, and, Quality tools in people management. The workshop attracted nominations from various educational institutions and corporate. 
Dr. Mousumi Sengupta, Dr. Nilanjan Sengupta, Prof. Mohamed Minhaj, Prof. Rajendra Todalbagi, and, Dr. Srilakshminarayana, G. conducted the workshop sessions. The workshop organized as part of 4th International Conference on “Managing Human Resources at the workplace” scheduled on December 4 & 5, 2015, was coordinated by Dr. Sunil M.V.

ESIC Workshop held at SDMIMD

Dealing with people, understanding their needs and attitudes, and catering to their requirements, while remaining within the purview of the rules and regulations, are the key to success, especially for Organizations like ESI, which is a multi-dimensional social system, tailored to provide socio-economic protection to worker population and immediate dependents or family.  These issues have been addressed in a full-day Soft Skills Training Program, conducted by SDMIMD Mysore for ESI Officials, on September 26, 2015.
In this interactive program, significant topics, like Self-Confidence, Team Work, Motivation, Time Management, Communication Skills and Relationship Management have been discussed.  The Training Program was inaugurated by Dr. N.R. Parasuraman, Director, SDMIMD.  Dr. N.R. Parasuraman, he addressed the participants and highlighted on the importance of Soft Skills training in all areas for effective delivery implementation of Programmes in Government, Private NGO’s and Educational Institutions.  The other officials present were Sri V. Dasu, Director – Training/South Zone, ZTI, ESIC, Sri R. Raju, Deputy Director, SRO, ESIC, Mysore and Sri C.V. Sridhar, Manager-Administration, SDMIMD, Mysore.
Dr. Nilanjan Sengupta, Professor and Chairman, RCMS SDMIMD, has been the Coordinator and Faculty Resource of the Program.  Dr. Mousumi Sengupta and Prof. S.N. Prasad were the other Faculty Members for the Program.  39 ESI Officials participated in this program.

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Workshop on Managing Knowledge in Project

‘Knowledge Management (KM) streamlines customer service through response, products, and services. Knowledge Management increases the ROI in projects, promotes collaboration, collective wisdom and experience’ said Dr. Taverekere Srikantaiah, Professor, iSchool, University of Maryland, during the ‘Workshop on Managing Knowledge in Project’ organized on August 6, 2015. He touched upon the concept of Knowledge Management and managing in a project. He said knowledge is a combination of Tacit, Explicit, Structural Capital and Social Capital. When it is associated with business strategies it will improve market conditions. Dr. Srikantaiah argued that technology alone cannot change behavior. The workshop was attended by the second year PGDM SDMites with Systems specialization. 

Workshop on Business Analysis

‘The Business Analysis understands the business problems and opportunities in the context of the requirements and recommends solutions that enable the organization to achieve its goals’ thus said Mr. Natesh K. from Software Paradigms International (SPI), the resource person for the workshop on IT Business Analysis organized for the Final Year PGDM Program students of Systems Specialization on Saturday, August 1, 2015. The workshop touched upon understanding business analysis, roles & responsibilities of business analyst and the different approaches for business analysis. The speaker also introduced the techniques for documentation, requirement handling and presentation. The comparison between the project manager and business analyst was also presented during the workshop. 

Workshop on ‘How to Publish Your Paper in Journals?’

A one day workshop on “How to publish your paper in journals” was conducted on 27th June 2015 at SDM IMD, Mysore and was coordinated by Dr. R. Jagadeesh, along with Dr. M.V. Sunil as resource persons. The objective of the workshop was to provide, insight into the research process and adequate inputs to develop writing skills. With an aim to foster the research interest and promote authoring abilities among the individuals to result in enriching the field of interest, the program was essentially designed to cater to the requirements of research scholars, Ph.D. students, academicians and professionals interested in learning the art and science of research and writing publishable papers. The workshop was well attended with 42 participants from various educational institutions and corporate an from diverse backgrounds, qualification and experience. 
Dr. N. R. Parasuraman who inaugurated the program stressed upon the need to research and publish; and encouraged the participants to develop the art of writing scholarly articles. The workshop had four sessions dealing with developing the content, search and bibliography building using Internet, choosing journals, peer review, handling rejections, and finally concluded with suggestions and tips for successful publishing. 

Repeat Workshop on QDSA

Due to the overwhelming response and demand for the 2-Day workshop on ‘Questionnaire Design and Statistical Analysis’ held in May 2015, a repeat workshop was held on June 25 & 26, 2015. The workshop attracted participants across the State and from neighboring States. 
Inaugurating the workshop Dr. N.R. Parasuraman, Director, SDMIMD said ‘researchers should use the technological tools in research and publication activity, this can help them to present the data in a more effective way’. The research should contribute to the development of the area of study and the society at large, he added. 
The resource persons of the workshop Dr. M.R. Suresh, Dr. G. Lakshminarayana and Prof. Minhaj were present. The workshop coordinator Dr. Sunil M.V. delivered the vote of thanks. 
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