Invited talk on 'Product Management'

Mr S. Chandramouli, Insights Feedback, Bengaluru, was the guest speaker on campus on September 21, 2019, delivered the talk on 'Product Management' to the PGDM 2018-19 Marketing Specialization students.
Mr Chandramouli with his various research and consulting engagements across diverse industry sectors, impacting close to 200 clients shared valuable experience to the students. The customer services were detailed bringing the anecdotes by his experience in conceptualizing and designing Feedback’s customer satisfaction framework, which primarily integrates aspects of satisfaction, loyalty, advocacy and value for money along with expectations, business benefits, brand image and other futuristic aspects to derive takeaways for clients. The experiential sharing by the speaker helped the students to know about the customer relationship.

OBT Activity for SDMites

The 2nd year PGDM 2018-20 students of SDMIMD, specializing in the HR discipline took an active part in the Out Bound Training (OBT) organized by the Institute at LEAD Out Bound Training, Kerala. The students of HR Elective participated in OBT as a part of the course Workplace Learning and Development anchored by Prof. L. Gandhi. The main objectives of the Out Bound Learning were to provide a recreation to the students while also enabling them to develop their confidence, conquer fears, an ability to take calculated risks, to hone their team building skills, for gaining knowledge and enhancing practical wisdom by challenging their limits, which is crucial for them to become successful managers. The two-day trip provided a bouquet of adventure activities such as trekking, jumaring, river crossing, rappelling, rope-based adventures, fire walking, and other management games. The students had an enriching learning experience through these OBT activities.

Talk on Corporate Governance & Ethics

Sri R. Ranganath, Advisor to CEO, Air Asia, Former Vice President (Finance), India and South East Asia, Tata Steel Limited, was the distinguished Chief Guest for the valedictory function of the 8th International Finance Conference on Emerging Trends in Corporate Finance and Financial Markets held on September 6, 2019 at SDMIMD. 
Sri Ranganath in his valedictory address on Corporate Governance and Ethics gave valuable insights on the topic. Further he opined that the ethical practices need to emanate from the top management only then the impact can be seen in business practices and sustainable growth of the company. Sri Ranganath also cited examples of leading Indian conglomerates which are bellwether in the stock market due to their strong value driven business initiatives and practices. The session was concluded with an interesting and interactive discussion.

Invited talk on ‘Career in Sales & Marketing’

Mr. Ashwani Khanna, Head of Marketing, FunderMax India, delivered an invited talk organized for PGDM 2018-20 Batch on September 11, 2019 at SDMIMD.
Mr. Ashwani gave insights into the sales profession and the opportunities available to build a career. He emphasised the importance of sales in an organization as it generates revenue to the organization and the performance results are measurable as it is linked to targets. These challenges create opportunities, which in turn help in professional growth. At the end of the day results in job satisfaction.
The talk concluded with the interactive session with the speaker. 

Technical Session by Mr Sameer Parekh

Mr Sameer Parekh, Founder and Director, Greshma Shares and Stocks Ltd., delivered invited talk during the technical session of the 8th International Finance Conference on ‘Emerging Trends in Finance and Accounts’ held on September 6, 2019. Mr Parekh focused his talk on the myths of the equity market.
Mr Parekh opined that, for the past 1.5 years, the equity markets have been witnessing record highs and record lows. Due to the devaluation of Indian Rupee, the Financial Institutional Investments have been pulled out from the Indian market. The current situation of the market can teach us humility as they are uncertain. He concluded his address by mentioned the multiple opportunities in the capital market field.

Session on ‘R’ Language by Dr Venkatesh

Dr K.A. Venkatesh, Professor at Myanmar Institute of Information Technology, delivered a session on ‘R’ during the Pre-Conference Workshop on Empirical Research in Finance held on September 5, 2019, at SDMIMD. Dr Venkatesh demonstrated the use of R language in Data envelopment Analysis and packages in software for Various analysis methods by providing practical training for the participants. 

Session on Publication of Papers in F & A Journals

Dr P. Janaki Ramudu, Professor – Finance, and Dean - Academics at IMT Nagpur delivered the session on ‘Publication of Papers in Finance and Accounting Journals’ to the participants of Pre-Conference Workshop on Empirical Research in Finance held on September 5, 2019. Dr Ramudu discussed the need for publications and the expectations of editors from journals. While discussing the gap between the industry and academics, Dr Ramudu said ‘the research knowledge of academicians is not fully used by the industry. The industry still does not believe in the solutions from academics owing to the lack of knowledge about the industrial applications.’ Further, he detailed the traditional and emerging areas of research in Finance and the opportunities in the emerging areas.

8th International Finance Conference 2019

The 8th International Conference on Finance, organized by SDMIMD on an annual basis, got off to a flying start with two inspiring inaugural addresses.  Dr. D Veerendra Heggade, Dharmadhikai of Dharmasthala and Chairman of SDMIMD inaugurated the conference with a crisp address. He stated that  ‘The gap between rural and urban has greatly reduced over 20 years. Apart from the basic facilities like food, water and road, we have progressed in health facilities too. The improvement in facility has made us to access information, opportunities and facilities available in the World. This has also had impact on education system. Indian institutes have challenges to match the international standards to attract students’. 
The Chief Guest and Keynote speaker Dr. Bhimaraya Metri, Director, Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Trichy said ‘India has seen great leap in industrial revolution during last 10 years. We have to move from manufacturing outfits of Industry 1.0 and 2.0 to Industry 4.0 and beyond. The 4th Industrial Revolution has to drive the Indian industries and parallelly we have to prepare ourselves for 5.0 revolution’. Further, Dr. Metri opined that the development of new technology has been a primary driver of the movement to Industry 4.0. Some of the programs first developed during the later stages of the 20th century lacked the technology needed to make their complete implementation possible. Now, Industry 4.0 can help these programs reach their full potential. 
Dr. Metri appreciated the achievement of SDMIMD in terms of internationalization and research contribution to the area of management education. 
Earlier, Dr. N.R. Parasuraman, Director, SDMIMD, delivered the welcome address. Dr. M. Sriram, Conference Chair, presented the theme of the conference and gave an overview on the contemporary situation of the conference theme. 
The dignitaries released the conference volume published in the form of eBook covering the papers considered for deliberation by the conference committee.  
Participants of the conference, faculty members, staff, and students of SDMIMD were present. 

Workshop on Empirical Research in Finance

A Pre-Conference Workshop on Empirical Research in Finance was organized on September 5, 2019, for the researchers and faculty members in the area of finance and accounts at SDMIMD. Inaugurating the workshop, Dr N.R Parasuraman, Director and Professor - Finance, SDMIMD, brought out the importance of corporate finance and the emerging trends in the field. Dr K.A. Venkatesh, Professor at Myanmar Institute of Information Technology; Dr P. Janaki Ramudu, Professor – Finance, and Dean - Academics at IMT Nagpur; and Dr M. Sriram, Faculty-Finance, SDMIMD, Mysore; were the resource persons. 
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