Faculty Achievements

Best Professor in HRM award

On February 16, 2024, Dr. L. Gandhi, Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management at SDMIMD, was honored with the Best Professor in Human Resource Management award at the World HRD Congress held in Mumbai. This prestigious accolade was bestowed upon Dr. Gandhi by an independent body, recognizing him as one of only six national recipients of this esteemed award.

Iconic Women Leader Award to Dr. Mousumi Sengupta

Dr. Mousumi Sengupta, Professor – HRM & OB, SDMIMD has been awarded with the prestigious Golden Aim Award, in the category of Iconic Women Leader Award: Learning and Development, on 15 June 2024.
The Golden Aim Awards have been instituted by Dynergic Business Solutions to celebrate the achievements of Business professionals that have contributed immensely towards the growth of the Respective Industry across India. Beyond the accolades, the Award seeks to uplift a community dedicated to greatness by encouraging a mindset of ongoing development for the betterment of the society. By celebrating the achievements, the Golden Aim Community makes an important contribution in inspiring and encouraging potential in professionals to excel in their own fields.

Best professor in HRM

Dr. Mousumi Sengupta was awarded as the BEST PROFESSOR IN HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT, during event “Times Ascent presents the 21st Edition of Asia Pacific HRM Congress”, on 20th September 2022.
The Asia Pacific HRM Congress is not for profit body that attempts to organise the annual meet with the objective of Learning & Development, Networking & Recognizing Leaders who have contributed value to the profession or their organization and make a difference. 

Recognition from EFMD Global to Dr. N.R. Parasuraman

Dr N.R. Parasuraman, Director, SDMIMD, received ‘Certificate of Recognition’ for the outstanding commitment and contribution to the management education globally during COVID-19 pandemic situation. EFMD Global has recognized the driving excellence in adoption of technology for the teaching & learning process and participation in academic responsibilities.

Dr. Mousumi Sengupta appointed as Member for WICCI

Dr. Mousumi Sengupta received the invitation to be the Honorary Member of the National Council for Higher Education, Women's Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry (WICCI). WICCI is supported by the massive global networks of ALL Ladies League (ALL), Women Economic Forum (WEF) and SHEconomy with 250,000 members and supporters globally, including 60,000 in India. Women’s Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. WICCI operates via its manifold councils across 150+ sectors and a coordinating hub of the Secretariat. 
Dr. Mousumi will be working with the team of 20 women academicians from across the country appointed as the members of the council.

SDMIMD Director appointed to EPAS accreditation Board

The European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) has appointed Dr N.R. Parasuraman, Director & Professor – Finance, SDMIMD, Mysore as a member of the EFMD Program Accreditation System (EPAS) Board. The primary focus of the EFMD EPAS Board is to consider whether a programme meet the prescribed standards by evaluating the proposals along with Peer review reports presented to the Board for approval of accreditation status.
This is a prestigious appointment for SDMIMD in the sense that it is a recognition of the high standards that the Institute has been maintaining.  The words used in the EFMD website are “The EPAS Accreditation Board is composed of representatives of high profile organisations that are stakeholders in the quality improvement of management education”

HEF Award to Dr. M.R. Suresh

Higher Education Forum (HEF), Mumbai, the professional body of academicians, has honored with the award to Dr. M.R. Suresh, Professor-Marketing, SDMIMD, Mysuru, in the area of Academic Excellence for the outstanding contribution to teaching and research factoring the contribution to various institutions that Dr. M.R. Suresh has worked. The award was given in a ceremony held at HEF Convention in Bangalore recently.

Dr. D. Veerendra Heggade releases Dr.NRP's book

The second edition of Dr. N.R. Parasuraman's book 'Financial Management - A step-by-step Approach' was released by Dr. D. Veerendra Heggade, Chairman, SDMIMD and Dharmadhikari of Shri Kshethra Dharmasthala during his visit to SDMIMD. Based on the excellent response to the 1st edition, the second edition has been revised with additional problems, and a support App. The book is published by Cengage Learning.

‘Leadership in Education Award’ to Dr. N.R. Parasuraman

SDMIMD Director and Professor in Finance Dr. N.R. Parasuraman has been selected for the 'Leadership in Education Award 2018' by the Higher Education Forum (HEF). 
Every year HEF select the eminent educationist who has contributed substantially in improving education ecosystem, in general, higher education system, in particular; with academic achievements. This year the award was presented during the Annual Meet of the Gujarat Chapter of HEF held in joint aegis with the M.S. University held in Vadodara on September 29, 2018.

'Outstanding Teacher Award' to Dr. Neetu Ganapathy

The Shanghai University in China has chosen Dr. Neetu Ganapathy, Associate Professor, SDMIMD, for the ‘Outstanding Teaching Award’ of 2016. This award is given in appreciation for her teaching at Shanghai University last year. The award recognizes excellence in teaching practices, teaching effectiveness and the ability to inspire students. She was chosen from amongst several international visiting faculty. The award will be presented to her in March 2017.
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