Guest Lecture 2122

Prerana - SDMIMD Talk by Mr A Ravi Shankar

SDMIMD Alumnus Mr N. Ravi Shankar, Co-Founder & CEO, Aim High Consulting, delivered the talk as part of the 'Inspiring Alumni Story' series on July 24, 2021. Mr Ravi Shankar shared the success story of AIM High Consulting with the alumni and students on campus. The talk was organized by Prerana, the alumni association, and SDMIMD.

Prerana - SDMIMD Talk by Mr Achuta Bachalli

Prerana, the Alumni Association and SDMIMD invited Mr Achutha Bachalli, Founder, Unilog Content Solutions, to deliver an invited talk on June 26, 2021. The talk 'My Story - Journey of an Entrepreuner' was organized as part of the Entrepreneur Series for the benefit of alumni and students on campus. 
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