Research Development Program (RDP) - February 14-15, 2025

The Research Development (RDP) on “Time Series Data Analysis in Social Science Research” is designed to enhance the capability of the participants with knowledge of the fundamental nuances of research and relevant research skills that are primary in this data-driven world. 

Comprehensive Analysis & Training:This training comprehensively covers data analysis with the estimation of different time series models.

Hands-on Training:Gain valuable experience in hands-on and practical sessions to learn how to apply real-world data and scenarios.

Customization:The learnings can be tailored to your research interest or area of work. 

Expert Resource Persons:Sessions are delivered by expert resource persons who are seasoned researchers. Interact directly with the instructors for individualized guidance. 

Networking Opportunities:Get an opportunity to network with a large number of researchers and academicians leading to new thoughts, ideas and collaborations.

Skill Development:The program is designed to help participants to upskill their technical, statistical and analytical skills of research to build capabilities to take up high quality research. 


Conceptual Delivery:Expert Resource Persons will discuss the basic concepts, assumptions and methods through lecturing to understand the basics of time series analysis and its applications to your chosen area.

Statistical Tools Used Analysis:Analyse data using effective open-access statistical and econometric tools. Get introduced live and hands-on to the usage of the tool.

Demonstrations:The Resource Persons demonstrate different forecasting methods to be used depending on the nature of data sets, how to analyze after checking the assumptions and diagnostics.

Practical Learning:Learn with hands-on exercises anchored by the Resource Persons. 

Data-Driven Case Studies: Data from real-world cases are employed to explore the issues of cause-effect relationships and suggest the way forward. 

  • Fundamentals of time series data
  • Building forecasting models
  • Autoregressive Moving Average (ARMA) 
  • Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) 
  • Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (ARCH)
  • Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (GARCH)
  • Cointegration analysis
  • Vector Autoregression (VAR) 
  • Vector Error Correction Model (VECM)
  • Granger Causality 
  • Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) 

The resource persons of the program are highly acclaimed academic researchers with a large number of publications in highly rated journals indexed in Scopus, ABDC and Web of Science. They have rich experience of running many research workshops/trainings with focus on application to the real world scenarios. 

Dr. B.Venkatraja
Associate Professor of Economics, SDMIMD, Mysore
Dr. M. Sriram
Associate Professor of Finance, SDMIMD, Mysore
Dr. Srilakshminarayana.G
Associate Professor of Quantitative Methods, SDMIMD, Mysore
Dr. S Vasumathy Hariharan
Professor - Finance, SDMIMD, Mysore


Faculty, Research Scholars & others interested in academic research. 
The program is specially designed to apply for research in social science domains such as management, economics, commerce, sociology, development studies, political science, social works, anthropology, law etc. 
Faculty: INR 2500/-
Research Scholar: INR 2000/-

The registration fees include kit, working lunch and tea. 

TA, DA and accommodation are not provided. Outstation participants have to make their own travel and accommodation. However, we assist you with a list of suggested hotels.

Click here for Accommodation Information

Photo Gallery of RDP August 2024Photo Gallery of RDP March 2024Photo Gallery of RDP March 2023 | Photo Gallery of RDP July 2023

Click here for registration | RDP Brochure

Option I: Online payment: https://www.sdmimd.ac.in/sdmpayment/
Option II: Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) favour of “Director, SDM Institute for Management Development”, payable at Mysore using the following account number:
The Federal Bank Ltd
Branch Mysore, Jayalakshmi Puram
Beneficiary: SDM Institute for Management Development
SB A/C: 16890100038823
IFSC Code: FDRL0001689

Option III: Payment may be made in the form of DD drawn in favour of “Director, SDM Institute for Management Development”, payable at Mysore.


Dr. B.Venkatraja
Chairperson- SDM Research Centre for Management Studies
SDM Institute for Management Development, Mysuru
Email: rdp@sdmimd.ac.in | Mobile: 9480342652
Mr. Venkatesh Goudar
RDP Convener 
SDM Institute for Management Development, Mysuru
Email: rdp@sdmimd.ac.in | Mobile: 9606575156
Mr. Mudduraj Urs
RDP Coordinator 
SDM Institute for Management Development, Mysuru

Research Development Program on “Effective Research Paper Writing and Journal Publication”

SDMIMD organised one-day Research Development Program on “Effective Research Paper Writing and Journal Publication” on August 30, 2024. The key focus of the program was to disseminate the fundamental ideas of a journal’s expectations from a research paper and build the capacity of the participants to write a good-quality manuscript. The day-long program covered pertinent topics such as strategic aspects of conceptualising impactful research, best practices of structuring and preparing a research paper, research ethics and journal selection. The event was attended by 49 participants who are Faculty and research scholars affiliating to reputed organisations of Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Andra Pradesh. 
The program was designed and delivered by Dr. Venkatraja B, Chairperson-SDM Research Centre for Management Studies. 
Dr.S.N.Prasad, Director - SDMIMD Mysore delivered inaugural talk to the program. Participation certificates were distributed to the participants by the Director and the Resource Person. 

Photo Gallery

RDP on Effective Research Paper Writing and Journal Publication

Program Overview
The Research Development (RDP) on “Effective Research Paper Writing and Journal Publication” is a complete package of strategic ways of research writing and publication in highly indexed journals. The program is designed to enhance the capability of the participants with knowledge of the fundamental skills of research writing and publishing. This is another program of the RDP series. 
Intended Learning Objectives
* To disseminate the fundamental nuances of research paper writing
* To understand the journal’s expectations from a research paper
* To build the capacity of the participants to write a good-quality research paper
Topical Coverage
* Overview of Different Types of Research
* Conceptualization of Research Theme
* Basic Structure of a Research Paper
* Preparation of a Research Paper
* Research Ethics
* Journal Selection
Program Highlights
Comprehensive Analysis & Training: This training comprehensively covers the different strategic aspects of paper writing and publication. 
Customization: The learnings can be tailored to your research interest or area of work. 
Expert Resource Person: Sessions are delivered by an expert resource person who is a seasoned researcher. Interact directly with the instructor for individualized guidance. 
Networking Opportunities: Get an opportunity to network with a large number of researchers and academicians from diversified background leading to new thoughts, ideas, and collaborations.
Skill Development: The program is designed to help participants to upskill their general and technical skills of research to build capabilities to take up high-quality impactful research. 

Lectures & Conceptual Delivery: Expert Resource Person will discuss the basic concepts, assumptions and methods through lecturing to understand the basics of basics of effective research writing. 
Demonstrations: The sessions will deploy the demonstration method during the sessions. 
Debates and Discussion: The different modes of research and their effectiveness and ways of publication will be analyzed through a participatory pedagogical approach. 
Case Studies: Real-world cases are employed to explore the ideal and otherwise of the writing and publications. 

Target Participants
Faculty, Research Scholars & Others Interested in Academic Research in Social Science. 
The program is specially designed to apply for research in social science domains such as management, economics, commerce, sociology, development studies, political science, social works, anthropology etc.

Brief Profile of the Resource Person: Dr. B.Venkatraja

Dr.Venkatraja, with 20 years of academic and research experience, is working as an Associate Professor of Economics at Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD) Mysore. Presently, he is the Chairperson of the SDM Research Centre for Management Studies and serves as Editor in Chief of the SDMIMD Journal of Management.  Currently, he is a member of the editorial board and review board of several reputed journals. He has published several research papers in reputed national and international journals that are indexed and listed by the Australian Business School Deans’ Council (ABDC) Scopus & Web of Science. He has presented several papers at international conferences. His paper titled “Impact of Central Explicit Subsidies on Fiscal Deficit in India: An Empirical Study” won the Best Paper Award in the Fifth International Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and Social Sciences organised by J.A. Alpha Business Research, Dubai in 2017. He has also worked on Applied Research projects funded by SDMIMD and Major Projects to Government and Corporate Bodies such as ANSSIRD & PR (Ministry of Rural Development & Panchayat Raj, Government of Karnataka) and Bangalore Chamber of Industry and Commerce, BCIC leading to policy suggestions. View Profile

Registration Fees - INR 1500 per participant 
The registration fees include a kit, working lunch and tea.  

TA, DA and accommodation are not provided.  Outstation participants have to make their own travel and accommodation. However, we assist you with a list recommended list of hotels. Hotel details are available in the given link.

Click here for Accommodation Information

Photo Gallery of RDP March 2023 | Photo Gallery of RDP July 2023 | Photo Gallery of RDP September 2023

Click here for registration | RDP Brochure

Payment Procedure
Option I: Online payment: https://www.sdmimd.ac.in/sdmpayment/
Option II: Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) favour of “Director, SDM Institute for Management Development”, payable at Mysore using the following account number:
The Federal Bank Ltd
Branch Mysore, Jayalakshmi Puram
Beneficiary: SDM Institute for Management Development
SB A/C: 16890100038823
IFSC Code: FDRL0001689
Dr. B.Venkatraja
Chairperson- SDM Research Centre for Management Studies
SDM Institute for Management Development, Mysuru
Email: rdp@sdmimd.ac.in | Mobile: 9480342652

RDP on “Regression Analysis in Social Science Research”

The two-day Research Development Program on the theme Regression Analysis in Social Science Research” was held on March 22-23, 2024 at the SDMIMD campus. The program focused on various regression methods such as Multiple Linear Regression, Quantile Regression, Multivariate Multiple Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Probit Regression and Ordinal Regression. The hands-on sessions enabled participants to equip with essential research skills alongside understanding the fundamentals and their applications for meaningful research inferences. The program was attended by 40 participants who were Faculty and Research Scholars affiliated with several reputed institutions in South India.  The Program was designed and delivered by SDMIMD Faculty members – Dr.B Venkatraja, Chairperson, SDM Research Centre for Management Studies, Dr. Srilakshminarayana G, Associate Professor-Quantitative Methods and Dr.M Sriram, Associate Professor-Finance. 

RDP on Fundamentals of Research

SDMIMD’s Research Centre for Management Studies (RCMS) organized a two-day Research Development Program on “Fundamentals of Research” on September 11-12, 2023. The program envisioned disseminating the fundamental nuances of research and capacity building of the participants to engage in fundamentally accurate quality research. The program was attended by 40 participants who were research scholars and teaching Faculty from organizations affiliated with South Indian states. SDMIMD Faculty members - Dr.B.Venkatraja, Associate Professor of Economics, Dr. M.Sriram, Associate Professor of Finance, Dr.G.Srilakshminarayana, Associate Professor of Quantitative Methods, and Dr.S.Saibaba, Assistant Professor of Marketing were the resource persons of the program. Hands-on exercises along with lectures, discussions and demonstrations were the key pedagogical approaches of the program. Participants were given away with certificate of participation by Dr. N. R. Parasuraman, Director Emeritus at SDMIMD and Dr. (Lt Col) S.N. Prasad, Director at SDMIMD, Mysore. The program was organized by Dr. B. Venkatraja, Chairperson of SDM Research Center for Management Studies.

Research Development Program (RDP)

  • To disseminate the fundamental nuances of research 
  • To build the capacity of the participants to engage in fundamentally accurate quality research  
Topical Coverage
  • Research design
  • Review of literature, research gap & hypothesis development
  • Questionnaire design
  • Sample design
  • Introducing open access and effective statistical tool
  • Parametric tests (t-test, ANOVA)
  • Non-parametric tests (Mann-Whitney test, Kruskal Wallis test & Chi-square test)
  • Correlation analysis (parametric & non-parametric)
Hands-on exercises along with lectures, discussions & demonstrations
Target Participants
Faculty, Research Scholars & others interested in academic research 
Registration Fees
Teaching Faculty:  INR 3000/-
Research Scholars: INR 2000/-
Click here to Register

Resource Persons
Dr. B.Venkatraja
Chairperson of SDM Research Centre for
Management Studies &
Associate Professor of Economics, SDMIMD, Mysore
Dr. M. Sriram
Associate Professor of Finance,
SDMIMD, Mysore
Dr. Srilakshminarayana.G
Associate Professor of Quantitative Methods
SDMIMD, Mysore
Dr. K Riyazahmed
Assistant Professor of Finance
SDMIMD, Mysore

Photo Gallery of RDP March 2023 | Photo Gallery of RDP July 2023
Click here for Accommodation Information
Mrs. Rekha Ganapathy      
Program Co-ordinator
Mobile: 9742722906
Chairperson of SDM Research Centre for Management Studies
Mobile: 9480342652 

The Second Edition of the RDP on Writing Impactful Research Paper for Indexed Journal

SDMIMD organised a one-day Research Development Program on “Writing Impactful Research Paper for Indexed Journal: Editor’s Perspective” on July 7, 2023. The key focus of the program was to disseminate the fundamental ideas of a journal’s expectations from a research paper and build the capacity of the participants to write a good-quality manuscript. The day-long program covered pertinent topics such as an overview of different types of research, conceptualization of the research theme, structuring a research paper, research ethics and journal selection. The event was attended by 60 participants who were research scholars and Faculty affiliating to organisations from different parts of the country.
Dr.B.Venkatraja, Associate Professor of Economics at SDMIMD Mysore was the Resource Person of the program. 
Dr.S.N.Prasad, Director- SDMIMD Mysore delivered an inaugural talk to the program. He stressed the increasing role of research in individual and institutional development. In the concluding session, participants were distributed with the Participation Certificate.  

Photo Gallery

Research Development Program on “How to Write a Research Paper for Indexed Journal? Editor’s Perspective”

SDMIMD organised one-day Research Development Program on “How to Write a Research Paper for Indexed Journal? Editor’s Perspective” on March 3, 2023. The key focus of the program was to disseminate the fundamental ideas of a journal’s expectations from a research paper and build the capacity of the participants to write a good-quality manuscript. The day-long program covered pertinent topics such as overview of different types of research, conceptualization of research theme, structuring a research paper, research ethics and journal selection. The event was attended by 42 participants who were research scholars, Faculty and industry executives affiliating to organisations of different parts of the country.
Dr.B.Venkatraja, Associate Professor of Economics at SDMIMD Mysore was the Resource Person of the program. 
Dr.N.R.Parasuraman, Director- SDMIMD Mysore delivered inaugural talk to the program and Dr.S.N.Prasad, Deputy Director-SDMIMD Mysore addressed the participants with concluding remarks. Participation certificates were distributed to the participants by the Director, Deputy Director and the Resource Person. 

Photo Gallery

Research Development Program (RDP)

RDP Program Schedule
  • To disseminate the fundamental nuances of research paper writing
  • To understand the journal’s expectations from a submitted research paper
  • To build the capacity of the participants to write a good quality research paper
Topical Coverage (Tentative) 
  • Overview of Different Types of Research
  • Conceptualization of Research Theme
  • Basic Structure of a Research Paper
  • Preparation of a Research Paper
  • Research Ethics                                             
  • Journal Selection
Lectures, Discussions & Demonstrations 
Target Participants
Faculty, Research Scholars & Others Interested in Academic Research 
Registration Fees 
Teaching Faculty:  INR 1500/-
Research Scholars: INR 1000/-
Click here to Register | Click here to download the Brochure | Photo Gallery of RDP March 2023
Brief Profile of the Resource Person: Dr. B.Venkatraja
Dr.Venkatraja, with 19 years of academic and research experience, is working as an Associate Professor of Economics at Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD) Mysore. Presently, he is the Chairperson of the SDM Research Centre for Management Studies and serves as Editor in Chief of the SDMIMD Journal of Management.  Currently, he is a member of the editorial board and review board of several reputed journals. He has published several research papers in reputed national and international journals that are indexed and listed by the Australian Business School Deans’ Council (ABDC) Scopus & Web of Science. He has presented several papers at international conferences. His paper titled “Impact of Central Explicit Subsidies on Fiscal Deficit in India: An Empirical Study” won the Best Paper Award in the Fifth International Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and Social Sciences organised by J.A. Alpha Business Research, Dubai in 2017. He has also worked on Applied Research projects funded by SDMIMD and Major Projects to Government and Corporate Bodies such as ANSSIRD & PR (Ministry of Rural Development & Panchayat Raj, Government of Karnataka) and Bangalore Chamber of Industry and Commerce, BCIC leading to policy suggestions.
Mrs. Rekha Ganapathy                     
Program Co-ordinator
Mobile: 9742722906
Resource Person & Chief Editor - SDMIMD Journal of Management
Mobile: 9480342652 
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