The Research Development (RDP) on “Time Series Data Analysis in Social Science Research” is designed to enhance the capability of the participants with knowledge of the fundamental nuances of research and relevant research skills that are primary in this data-driven world.
Comprehensive Analysis & Training:This training comprehensively covers data analysis with the estimation of different time series models.
Hands-on Training:Gain valuable experience in hands-on and practical sessions to learn how to apply real-world data and scenarios.
Customization:The learnings can be tailored to your research interest or area of work.
Expert Resource Persons:Sessions are delivered by expert resource persons who are seasoned researchers. Interact directly with the instructors for individualized guidance.
Networking Opportunities:Get an opportunity to network with a large number of researchers and academicians leading to new thoughts, ideas and collaborations.
Skill Development:The program is designed to help participants to upskill their technical, statistical and analytical skills of research to build capabilities to take up high quality research.
Conceptual Delivery:Expert Resource Persons will discuss the basic concepts, assumptions and methods through lecturing to understand the basics of time series analysis and its applications to your chosen area.
Statistical Tools Used Analysis:Analyse data using effective open-access statistical and econometric tools. Get introduced live and hands-on to the usage of the tool.
Demonstrations:The Resource Persons demonstrate different forecasting methods to be used depending on the nature of data sets, how to analyze after checking the assumptions and diagnostics.
Practical Learning:Learn with hands-on exercises anchored by the Resource Persons.
Data-Driven Case Studies: Data from real-world cases are employed to explore the issues of cause-effect relationships and suggest the way forward.
- Fundamentals of time series data
- Building forecasting models
- Autoregressive Moving Average (ARMA)
- Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA)
- Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (ARCH)
- Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (GARCH)
- Cointegration analysis
- Vector Autoregression (VAR)
- Vector Error Correction Model (VECM)
- Granger Causality
- Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL)
RESOURCE PERSONS The resource persons of the program are highly acclaimed academic researchers with a large number of publications in highly rated journals indexed in Scopus, ABDC and Web of Science. They have rich experience of running many research workshops/trainings with focus on application to the real world scenarios.
Dr. B.Venkatraja
Associate Professor of Economics, SDMIMD, Mysore
Dr. M. Sriram
Associate Professor of Finance, SDMIMD, Mysore
Dr. Srilakshminarayana.G
Associate Professor of Quantitative Methods, SDMIMD, Mysore
Dr. S Vasumathy Hariharan
Professor - Finance, SDMIMD, Mysore
Faculty, Research Scholars & others interested in academic research.
The program is specially designed to apply for research in social science domains such as management, economics, commerce, sociology, development studies, political science, social works, anthropology, law etc.
Faculty: INR 2500/-
Research Scholar: INR 2000/-
The registration fees include kit, working lunch and tea.
Dr. B.Venkatraja
Chairperson- SDM Research Centre for Management Studies SDM Institute for Management Development, Mysuru
Mr. Venkatesh Goudar RDP Convener
SDM Institute for Management Development, Mysuru
Mr. Mudduraj Urs
RDP Coordinator
SDM Institute for Management Development, Mysuru