Workshop on ‘Empirical Research in Finance’

The pre-conference workshop on ‘Empirical Research in Finance’ was held on September 6, 2018. The workshop was inaugurated by Prof. S.N. Hegde, Former Vice Chancellor, University of Mysore. In his inaugural address, Prof. Hegde highlighted how a systematized research in financial management can bring constructive changes in higher educational institutions. Earlier, Dr. N.R. Parasuraman, Director & Professor-Finance, SDMIMD, welcomed the gathering and introduced the importance of research and publications in presenting institutional intellectual output. 
Prof. S.R. Viswanath, Professor and Head, School of Management and Entrepreneurship, Shiv Nadar University, New Delhi, discussed on the art of writing papers in major finance journals which are indexed in ABDC and SCOPUS. 
Dr. K.A. Venkatesh, Professor, Myanmmar Institute of Information Technology, demonstrated the working on ‘Data Envelopment Analysis’ using R software and discussed the application of R in finance research. 
In the post-lunch session, Dr. Kabaly P Subramaniam, Faculty of Business, Arab Open University, Oman, introduced ‘Theory Building Research’ and emphasized on its relevance in research. 
The workshop culminated in a panel discussion on ‘Contemporary Issues in Finance and Accounting’. The panelists included Dr. Janakiramudu, Professor-Finance, Alliance University; CA. Raghunandan Rao; Dr. Kotreshwar, Professor, Department of Commerce, University of Mysore; and, Dr. N.R. Parasuraman, SDMIMD. The panel discussion was moderated by Prof. S. Kannadas, Assistant Professor-Finance, SDMIMD.
The Conference Chair of 7th Edition of International Finance Conference, Dr. M. Sriram, Assistant Professor-Finance, SDMIMD, coordinated the event.

Invited talk by SKDRDP initiative Head

Dr. Manjunath from Shri Kshetra Dharmasthala Rural Development Project (SKDRDP) addressed PGDM 2018-2020 batch on September 4, 2018. Dr. Manjunath gave an overview on the Micro-Finance initiatives of Dharmasthala – SKDRDP and its achievements. Further, he introduced the plethora of career opportunities to the youngsters to shape their careers in Micro-Finance. 
Highlighting the socially responsible initiatives by Dharmasthala, he emphasized the achievement of Shuddhaganga project, a unique community effort to produce pure drinking water in the villages by purifying the drinking water at source by a process called “reverse osmosis”.  
Dr. Manjunath invited SDMites to join hands with SKDRDP Project to make a career with contributing to society. 

SDMites support to Kodagu and Kerala

To respond to the difficult situation faced by Kodagu and Kerala due to natural disaster, SDMites contributed generously to the affected area. SDMites showed their concern the affected people by contributing the amount collected for Onam Celebration and raised the fund. SDMites joined hand with Kerala Samajam Mysore and Kodagu in providing relief materials.

SDMites bagged First Place in NIPM HR Quiz 2018

Ms. Anisha Raj and Mr. Naveen Kumar of PGDM 2017-19 bagged the First Place in National HR Quiz 2018 - Level 1, conducted by National Institute of Personal Management (NIPM), Mysore Chapter in association with Edtouch, Mysuru, held at St. Philomena's College Mysore. The quiz was conducted by Quiz master Shivshankar. 21 teams from different MBA and MSW colleges of Mysuru Participated in the competition.

Theater Act on 'Education and Social Reformation'

Dr. R. Poornima, Professor - English (Retd.), Karnataka State Open University (KSOU), Mysore, and her team presented stage performance on the theme 'Education and Social Reformation' on August 27, 2018, at Institute Auditorium. The performance touched upon the various neurological disorders and how people with such disorders behave. Further, the performance introduced how education can be used as a tool to overcome such disorders and impact of such change among the people and society as a whole. The Khalanubhav team of SDMites coordinated the program. 

Investment Awareness Program by SDMIMD and NSE

SDMIMD in collaboration with National Stock Exchange of India Ltd (NSE) organized 'Investors Awareness Program' on August 23, 2018. The program was offshoot of the regulatory authority, SEBI (Securities Exchange Board of India) to create an awareness among the public on investment in capital markets. The program was organized for the benefit of people in Mysuru.
The session was inaugurated by Dr. N.R Parasuraman, Director and Professor-Finance, SDMIMD, Mysuru. In his inaugural address Dr. Parasuraman highlighted the recent developments in capital markets and the role of stock exchanges in trading and settlement of securities. Officials from NSE, NSDL (National Securities Depository Limited), Integrated Enterprises (I) Ltd., (Depository Participant) spoke on various products and functioning of depositories and stock exchanges.
The event witnessed a good participation of people from Mysuru and neighbouring places. The session culminated with Q&A session. The Program Coordinator Dr. M. Sriram, Assistant Professor-Finance, SDMIMD, Mysuru, proposed  vote of thanks.

Pratigam 2018: Annual Alumni Meet

Pratigam, the Annual Alumni Meet of SDMIMD was held on August 18, 2018. In all 133 alumni were on campus from various batches. There was an air of positive energy right through the day.
A cricket match fashioned on the league's matches was just as enjoyable as it was exhausting. The cricket matched continued in the afternoon throwing up a winning team and the runner-up team.
Later in the evening, the formal inauguration of the SDMIMD Alumni Association – PRERANA was held. Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Niranjan Naik, the Secretary, Prerana upbeat about the association’s future success in networking and organizing several activities – both fun and formal. 
Prof. Malathi Sriram, the Faculty Coordinator of Prerana, mentioned the appropriateness of the Association formed in the 25th year of the Institute’s inception. She also stressed on the networking and the cognizance of Job Opportunities for senior alumni.  She highlighted the fact the Alumni met on 4th August 2018 to form the Executive Council of the SDMIMD Alumni Association -  Prerana in Bengaluru. 
Dr. N.R. Parasuraman, Director, SDMIMD and the Chairperson, Prerana, laid out the Institute’s 3-pronged strategy in line with the accreditation agencies, Corporatization, and Internationalization. Dr. Parasuraman shared ideas on how alumni association can help in these activities by their participation.
Mr. Arun Padaki, President, Prerana, introduced the Executive Council members and shared the time-plan of the Association. Ms. Susheema,  Vice-President of Prerana, presented the vote of thanks. 
This was followed by a cultural evening organized by Kalaanubhav

72nd Independence Day Celebration

Dr. R. Sugant, Professor - Marketing and Chairman - Placements, SDMIMD, hoisted the Tri-Colour during the 72nd Independence Day Celebration and addressed the gathering.
Prof Sugant urged the students to ponder over "why is it that even after 71 years, India is home to over one third of the poor in the world or why we do not have even one institution in Top 100 while China has 11 or why we continue to kill people in the name of not only religion, but caste, love, cow and what not, why in spite of having vast resources and intelligent people, we have not prospered?"
Prof. Sugant said that the key difference between developed countries and India is their citizens are “responsible”. He recalled the statement made by Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru on the eve of our independence “Freedom and power bring responsibility” and asked the gathering 'Is being “Being responsible” difficult? and said it just entails being dependable, keeping promises, honoring commitments, accepting the consequences for what we say and do, not making excuses or blame others when things go wrong, being disciplined and following the law of the land – in letter and spirit.
Prof Sugant suggested that the students should introspect and ask themselves “are we responsible?” Further, he urged them to take a vow to be “responsible” citizens and if all of us, citizens of India start “being responsible” we can bring about a massive change.
Honorable Director Dr. N.R. Parasuraman, Faculty & Staff Members and Students, joined the celebration. The celebration concluded with the distribution of sweets and community breakfast at the Institute Mess.

Invited talk on Information Assurance

Dr. H. R. Rao, Professor, Computer Science, AT&T Chair Professor of ISCS, College of Business, the University of Texas at San Antonio, USA, delivered invited talk on Information Assurance on August 14, 2018, to the System Specialization students of PGDM 2017-19. Dr. Rao focused the talk on beyond confidentiality, integrity, availability - social and behavioural approaches to Information Assurance. 

Talk on ‘Solution Selling in B to B industry’

‘Whatever it was caught you where you are today is not sufficient to keep you there’ said Mr SVN Raju Marella, Marketing Head, Integrated Solutions of Sartorius Stedim, during the invited talk ‘Solution Selling in B to B industry’ delivered on August 7, 2018, to SDMites. The talk focused on ‘market’ from the - buyer's perspective, seller's perspective, and ‘buying influences’ from the perspectives of – organization, user, technical, economics. Mr Raju opined that ‘solution offering can include a combination of one or several product/services delivering a value which is unique and more than the sum of individual components’. The talk concluded with the discussion on the relationship – discussing the organization to organization, which is managed to add value; and, interpersonal - individual, how to behave with each other.
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