
6th International Economics Conference

Indian economy though is affected by COVID-19 pandemic, responding positively to the quantitative easing and fiscal measures and reviving appreciably, said Prof.N.R.Bhanumurthy, Economist and Vice Chancellor of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar School of Economics University, Bengaluru. 
While delivering inaugural address to the 6th International Economics Conference organised by Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD) Mysuru on the theme of “Economic Growth and Sustainable Development: Emerging Trends” Bhanumurthy further says, “fiscal policy should not be the first line of defence during economic crisis and unlike economic crisis of 2008, India executed more prudent policy measures to manage the COVID-19 triggered economic downturn wherein monetary policy dominance over fiscal measures was evident”. 
He expressed concerns that chip shortage would affect automobile manufacturing and supply chain economy. Though inflation is on the rise particularly due to fuel price rise, Bhanumurthy was confident that it will continue to remain within the RBI’s targeted rate of 6 percent. Speaking on the climate change, he said that more research and debates are essential before emerging economies decide whether to continue to use coal as a key energy source. 
Answering to a question, Prof.Bhanumurthy said, “regional disparity in India is increasing and it could be attributed to the federal system of government and market forces. Different states have different policies and approaches to the same problem”. Furthermore, he also believed that India is more equipped than before to manage the disparities as new mechanisms are developed. 
Dr. Frank Longo is the Associate Dean for Global Programs at EAE Business School in Spain delivered the keynote address to the two-day conference. In his talk, Frank brought out the issues of sustainability, economy and growth and their linkages from the global perspective and discussed the role of academic institutions in this regard.
Dr. Saju Jose is an Associate Professor in Abhu Dhabi University was the Distinguished Speaker for the technical session and he highlighted the role of corporate social responsibility in the development of economically backward segment of the society. He talked about the need for evolving right CSR strategies by corporates by aligning with their core competencies. Jose, further, highlighted that CSR activities should be related to larger concerns for doing good for society and environment, going much beyond the immediate business stakeholders and narrow profit motive. 
Utsav Agarwal, Director of Bhorukha Fabcons Private Limited was the chief guest for the valedictory session. In his valedictory address, Utsav said, “conservative banking affects credit flow and thereby economic growth is contracted”. Speaking on the need for economic  stability to achieve business sustainability, Utsav narrated the challenges encountered by the MSMEs during COVID-19 pandemic. He argued for consistency and persistence in government policies to enable business sustainability. 
Dr.N.R.Parasuraman, Director and Professor of Finance at SDMIMD was present on the occasion and expressed the need for academic community to involve rigorously in relevant research to contribute to better corporate decision making and government policy formulation.  
Dr.B.Venkatraja, Associate Professor of Economics at SDMIMD expressed concerns that stagflation, income disparity and climate change might be the obstacles in attaining inclusive and sustained economic development during the COVID pandemic times.  
The two-day virtual conference held on November 25 and 26 deliberated on 94 research papers and case studies presented by academic researchers and practitioners on the various dimensions of the economy, growth and sustainability.       
Conference Chairperson Dr.B.Venkatraja coordinated the proceedings of two-day event. 

9th International Conference on Corporate Finance and Financial Markets

The 9th International Finance conference was held on 28th and 29th October,2021 at SDMIMD (virtual model). The conference was inaugurated by Sri.F.R.Singhvi, Joint Managing Director, Sansera Engineering Ltd Bengaluru who also delivered the keynote address. During the keynote address, he stressed on the importance of holding liquid assets for growth and sustenance of business. Liquidity ensures that businesses maintain adequate cash flows and are insulated from the vagaries of changes in macro-economic factors. He also touched upon how the automation process through AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ML (Machine Learning) is changing the landscape of the finance function and the business at large. Dr.N.R.Parasuraman, Director, SDMIMD released the conference proceedings in the form of a CD. During his speech, he highlighted the recent developments in the corporate finance and financial markets. Earlier, Dr.M.Sriram, Associate Professor-Finance, SDMIMD and the conference chair welcomed the gathering and introduced the conference theme for the year 2021.
Technical session delivered by Mr.Bharathram, Lokkur Finvestt Pvt Ltd, Bengaluru focused on the factors driving the capital market. He also briefed the audience on the various aspects which need to be looked into before making any investments. Mr.Jacob Thomas, Delivery Manager, TCS Ltd, Germany spoke on block chain and cryptocurrency. His talk covered the nuances of blockchain technology and its application in various aspects of management. There were about 50 research papers which were presented by participants from India and abroad.
The valedictory address was delivered by Ms.Rajni Thakur, Chief Economist, RBL Bank Ltd, Mumbai. She provided an outlook on the current state of the financial markets and discussed how the global pandemic has impacted the economies in large and the functioning of financial markets. She was emphatic that fundamentals of the economy have started to rebound and the same was reflected in the performance of the financial markets in India.

International E-Conference on “Adapting to the new business normal - The way ahead”

For several years Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD) has been organizing multiple international conferences every year. Keeping the COVID-19 situation in mind, SDMIMD organized the first International e-conference on “Adapting to the new business normal- The way ahead”, on 3-4 December 2020. Read More>

International E-Conference on “Adapting to the new business normal - The way ahead”

Conference Proceedings

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Ms. Rekha Ganapathy
Conference Secretary
Mobile: 97427 22906

For several years Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD) has been organizing multiple international conferences every year. Keeping the COVID-19 situation in mind, SDMIMD organized the first International e-conference on “Adapting to the new business normal- The way ahead”, on 3-4 December 2020.
Welcoming the participants, Dr. N. R. Parasuraman, Director, SDMIMD, spoke on the challenges and opportunities on doing business in the pandemic era and released the Conference Proceeding CD. Dr. Mousumi Sengupta, the Conference Chair, briefed the participants about the objective of the conference and emphasized on the need to get virtually connected, for the purpose of collaborative research.
During his keynote address, eminent international academician, and researcher, Dr. Moez Bennouri, the Director of the MSc Programs, Montpellier Business School, France, spoke on the issue of female leadership in organizations. In the context of Corporate Governance in the current business scenario, he emphasized on the significance of the involvement of female leaders at the top management level.
The keynote was followed by paper presentation session. More than 100 participants and paper presenters have taken part in the conference. Papers have been presented in different tracks grouped under Marketing, Finance, HRM, Economics, Operations, Analytics, and IT.
In a panel discussion on “Adapting to the new business normal” distinguished corporate personalities, such as, Mr Ravikumar, Head – HR, Feedback Consulting; Mr Hemant Galagali, Associate Director – Enterprise Digital Strategy, IQVIA Inc; and, Mr Divakar Gupta, Global Product Manager, Expedia; shared their experiences on the various challenges at work, in the present time. They emphasized on several strategic decisions, companies need to make, to cater to the new normal business context. Dr. Sugant, Professor, SDMIMD acted as moderator, during the panel discussion.
During the valedictory session, Mr. Anujeet Varadkar, CEO, Svatantra Microfinance, delivered the address and spoke on the importance of microfinance in the Indian economy. He highlighted the issues, which are typically faced by microfinance companies.

SDMIMD collaborates with the University of Dundee, UK, for Research Conference 2020

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Conference Proceedings

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Dr. Mousumi Sengupta

SDM Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD) Mysore, collaborated with the conference host University of Dundee, UK, as a partnering organization in hosting the University of Dundee School of Business (UDSB) International Partners Research Conference 2020 focused on the issues related to socio-economic development, held during November 24 & 25, 2020.
Prof. Orley Ashenfelter, Professor of Economics, Princeton University, delivered the keynote address on "Comparing Real Wages: the McWage Project”. Prof. Ashenfelter shared his views on the topic with different dimensions focusing on labour economics, econometrics, and law & economics.
The conference experienced presentations of more than research 60 papers on the conference theme received from across the world. The conference discussed several contemporary issues faced by the organizations in the context of education, sustainability, SMEs, rural development, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), and COVID-19.  
Dr Mousumi Sengupta, Professor - OB/HR, SDMIMD,  Chaired a session of paper presentations.  Dr Mousumi also took part as a  member of the Scientific Committee from SDMIMD in the conference. SDMIMD faculty member Dr G. Lakshminarayana, Associate Professor - Quantitative Techniques, presented a research paper at the conference
The Director of SDMIMD Dr N.R. Parasuraman and faculty members participated in the virtual conference. 

8th International HR Conference 2019

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Dr. N.  Muthukumar, President and Whole Time Director, Meritor Limited., delivered a Special Address as the Guest of Honor during the inauguration of the 8th International Conference on ‘Managing Human Resources at the Workplace’ organized by SDMIMD during 6th and 7th December 2019.  

Dr. Muthukumar said ‘today there is no dearth to funds or technology; if India wants to be in top 100 countries in the world by 2030, it all depends on how we make average person into extraordinary. You can’t manage everybody the same, they are not machines, people are not same, everybody needs different treatment that is where leadership is making much more important and leadership counts. According to research, in intellectual productivity, India is four times higher than America but unfortunately, we are failing to deliver’.
Earlier, while welcoming the gathering, Dr. N. R. Parasuraman, Director, SDMIMD, emphasized on the role of HRM, as the strategic business partner, and stressed upon the need for an organization specific HRM policy framework, at place. Dr. Mousumi Sengupta, Conference Chair, presented the theme of the conference and highlighted the need for managing human relations and intelligence, in the context of emergence of Industry 4.0. 
Dr. Susanne Wilpers, Director International Programs, Faculty of Business and Transport Management, Heilbronn University, Germany, in her virtual keynote address, indicated that, using mobile technology, social network and predictive analytics have been the recent trends in HRM practices in Germany. 
Distinguished speakers from India and abroad, Dr. Ashly H. Pinnington, Dean of Research, the British University in Dubai; Mr. Tajas S J, CEO, GI TAGGED, Bengaluru; delivered invited talks. In a panel discussion, distinguished women leaders, Ms. Suchitra Royroth, Vice President – Operations, Cyient DLM; Ms. Mary Vinay Uttarkar, Training Consultant, Theorem Inc; Ms. Nisha , Manager – HR, Mypol; and, Dr. Juin Choudhury, Director, Acharya School of Management, Bangalore; deliberated on issues and challenges for women executives at work.  
The conference witnessed participation from 200+ delegates, across the country. During the conference, over 120 selected highly researched papers presented. 

5th International Economics Conference – 2019 (IEC 2019)

The 5th International Economics Conference - 2019 was organised on November 15 & 16, 2019 on the theme of “Economic Growth and Sustainable Development: Emerging Trends”. The two-day conference was inaugurated by Dr. Sébastien Chantelot, Director of La Rochelle Business School & Vice Dean-Academics of Excelia Group, France. Read More>

5th International Economics Conference – 2019 (IEC 2019)

The 5th International Economics Conference - 2019 was organised on November 15 & 16, 2019 on the theme of “Economic Growth and Sustainable Development: Emerging Trends”. The two-day conference was inaugurated by Dr. Sébastien Chantelot, Director of La Rochelle Business School & Vice Dean-Academics of Excelia Group, France. 
In his keynote address, Dr. Sébastien elucidated that the future corporate managers need to possess the core skills such as complex problem solving, critical thinking, emotional intelligence, creativity, judgement and decision making, people management and coordination with stakeholders to implement sustainable business practices. He said that every company needs to justify the triple bottom line such as economy, environment and society. People, planet and profit are postulated as the central aspects of sustainability. He also raised concerns on increasing pressure on the environment and opined that sustainable development goals (SDGs) could be achieved through responsible management education. Dr. Sébastien argued for the need for industry-academia collaboration to instil sustainability practices. Further, he expressed his apprehension over ethical dilemmas and sustainability practices in business.
Dr. H. Gayathri, Deputy Director, who spoke on 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of United Nations which is built on the principle of “leaving no one behind” focussed on the holistic approach to achieve sustainable development for all. 
Dr. B. Venkatraja, Conference Chairperson, introducing the conference theme said the event had been organised to deliberate on the factors driving growth and causing economic slowdown in the emerging global open market. 
The two-day event featured technical sessions, panel discussions and paper presentations on different issues related to the conference theme. 
Ms. Anjana K R, General Manager – HR, Tata Consultancy Services, Dr. M. Indira, Ex-Chairperson & Professor of Economics, University of Mysore, and Sri. Bharathram Lokkur - Director, Lokkur Investment Advisors Private Limited delivered talks during technical sessions. 
A panel discussion on “Sustainability & Business Economy” had Dr. Gavin Melles, Professor of Sustainability, Swinburne University, Australia, Dr. Rajagopal R, Founder & CEO, KnowGenix, Mumbai and Jyotsna Belliappa, Head- CSR Assurance at BlueSky as panel speakers. The panel was moderated by Dr. M.R. Suresh, Professor, SDMIMD. 
Sri. K.R. Viju Parameshwar, Former President & CEO of Kluber Lubrication India Private Limited was the Chief Guest to the valedictory session of the conference held on November 16.
Members from academia, industry and research scholars from different parts of the country and abroad presented 140 research papers and case studies on the theme. The conference was attended by 200 delegates. 

Panel Discussion on “Sustainability & Business Economy”

As a part of the 5th International Economics Conference-2019 on the theme of “Economic Growth and Sustainable Development: Emerging Trends” held on November 15-16, 2019 a panel discussion was organized. The topic of the was ‘Sustainability & Business Economy’. Dr. Gavin Melles, Professor of Sustainability, Swinburne University, Australia, Dr. Rajagopal R, Founder & CEO, KnowGenix, Mumbai and Ms. Jyotsna Belliappa, Head- CSR Assurance at BlueSky were the expert panel speakers. The panelists highlighted that the Indian corporates possess adequate knowledge about sustainability and CSR, but they also need to invest in their systems and people. The transformation of CSR from a philanthropic perspective to a sustainability was also discussed and the panelists opined that CSR should be more from a humanitarian perspective than a business practice. The discussion was moderated by Dr. M.R. Suresh, Professor-Marketing at SDMIMD. 

Marketing Conference 2019

SDMIMD organized 2nd International Conference on Marketing on Friday, October 18, 2019 on the theme Value Driven Marketing. 
Dr. Sheb True, Professor of Marketing, Interim Director – MBA Programs, Coles Colleges of Business, Kennesaw State University, Atlanta, United States, inaugurated the conference and delivered the keynote address. Dr. Sheb True said “Studying or teaching a popular course is right, but everybody will be learning the same. So, what is the differentiator? How we change what we do? Should be the focus of the institutions or university”. The address introduced various studies on the keynote topic and the speaker shared the resources for further readying. He also focused on relooking at the value created by business education and how business education is changing globally.
Dr. H. Gayathri, Deputy Director and Professor – Marketing, SDMIMD who also spoke on the occasion said when marketing has shifted from product driven to customer driven, the discussion and deliberation on the ‘value driven’ is more appropriate as value driven is oriented for customer in a value chain.
Dr. Jayakrishnan, Conference Chair presented the theme of the conference and said over the years marketing moved from product centric era to human centric era. “Marketers need to identify, understand the anxieties and desires of the consumers to fulfil their needs. The Triple Bottom Line Concept is being embraced by several firms bringing together – economic value, environmental health and social progress. In the current changing market environment, the objective of ‘International Conference on Marketing’ is to provide a platform for the industry, marketing practitioners and academia to share their knowledge and experiences of marketing in the value driven marketing” he added.
The conference attracted more than 43 research papers on the conference theme and the papers were presented during the track sessions. Mr. Aditya Singh, Head – Jewellery International Business, Titan Company Limited; was part of the technical sessions of the conference. Valedictory speech was delivered by Mr. Nagachethan S.M, Senior Vice President & Product Head, Chaitanya (CRIDS).
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