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SDMIMD collaboration with TCS on Academic Enhancement

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The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the Educational Partnership between SDMIMD and Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) in the presence of Chairman of SDMIMD Dr. D. Veerendra Heggade, Dharmadhikari of Dharmasthala, is scheduled on Friday, December 17, 2021, at 11:30 AM in the SDMIMD Auditorium situated in the Chamundi Hill Road Mysore.
The partnership envisages corporate professional inputs for eight select courses followed by an internship in an area of relevance to management. The educational partnership will offer Supplementary Study for the SDMIMD’s flagship program Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) students on TCSiON Platform. SDMIMD students will also undergo TCS's reputed National Qualifier Test (NQT) as part of the supplementary study.  Students will get a joint certificate issued by SDMIMD and TCSiON certifying the supplementary study experience.  This agreement is path-breaking in its potential to given enormous value add to students and in SDMIMD being able to leverage this association with a leading company of the stature of TCS.  The agreement is valid for 5 years.
The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) will be exchanged by Dr. N.R. Parasuraman, Director, SDMIMD and Sri. Ravindra Kembhavi, Head Sales and Chief Education Evangelist, TCS iON, in the presence of Dr. D. Veerendra Heggade, Chairman SDMIMD during this occasion.
The partnership is in line with the core vision of the New Education Policy 2020 for preparing the students for the real work scenario.

2nd Annual Convocation of the One-Year PGCM Program

The 2nd Annual Convocation of the One-Year Post Graduate Certificate in Management (PGCM) Program offered by SDMIMD, the premier Business School in Mysore, will be held on December 17, 2021, 10:30 AM at the institute campus situated at the foothill of Chamundi. 
The Chairman of SDMIMD, Dr. D. Veerendra Heggade, Dharmadhikari of Dharmasthala, will award certificates and deliver the convocation address. 
The PGCM program was launched during the Silver Jubilee Celebration of the institute in 2019 which is designed for industry readiness and professional growth in the corporate world.

International Partners Research Conference 2021

SDMIMD is partnering with the University of Dundee School of Business to jointly organize the International Partners Research Conference 2021 on 29 November 2021. The focus of this conference is on issues related to socio-economic development and submissions from all disciplines related to this overarching theme are welcome. The conference’s aim is to encourage research collaborations across the participating institutions and between individual researchers.

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Management Development Programs 2021

Quick Contact
Ms. Rekha Ganapathy,Coordinator – MDPs
Mobile: 97427 22906
Email : mdp@sdmimd.ac.in 
SDM Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD) like to present the 2021 edition of Management Development Programs (MDPs). MDP 2021 is focused on changing demands in business and needs of professional executives. Over the years SDMIMD’s MDP is known for its Executive Education offering in different sectors at different levels in an organization.
The MDP 2021 will introduce the participants with the latest tools, techniques and skills in Strategic Management, Leadership, HR, OB, Marketing, Finance, Operations Management and General Management.
MDP 2021 is designed to meet the needs of the working executives of all levels. The sessions are planned to take the participants from unlearn to relearn to enhancing the learning.
Online MDP 2021 Calendar | MDP Guidelines

Budget Conclave 2021

SDMIMD in association with CII, Mysuru and Mysuru Chapter of The Institute of Company Secretaries of India jointly organized Union Budget Conclave 2021- Post Budget analysis through virtual mode on February 03, 2021.
The panellists comprising of Dr. N.R. Parasuraman, Director, SDMIMD, Mr. Amit Kumar, Chairman CII Mysuru, Mr. Pavan Ranga Vice Chairman, CII Mysuru, Mr. S. Ranganathan, Convener, CII Finance and Taxation Panel were unanimous in the opinion that the budget was growth oriented with more focus on healthcare, agricultural and rural development, and infrastructural development. According to them, there were few areas like education and defence where the focus of the budget was limited. The fiscal stimulus by the Government as suggested in the economic survey was factored in the budget through announcement of special packages and incentives on infrastructural development and impetus to ‘make in India’ as part of ‘Atmanirbar Bharath’.
Highlights and salient features of the Union Budget 2021 was well captured by the PGDM students of SDMIMD.
Mr. Ganesh Krishnamurthy, Mr. Sandesh Kumar and Mr. Faneel Shah, partners from PWC (Price Waterhouse Coopers) highlighted the salient features of the Union Budget with respect to direct and indirect taxations.
Dr. M. Sriram, Associate Professor-Finance, SDMIMD welcomed the gathering and briefed on the program and the budget. The session was moderated by Mr. Devanathan, Co-convener, finance and taxation panel, CII Mysuru who also proposed vote of thanks.

International Women's Day 2021

“Investing in women means investing in the people who invest in everyone else.”  - Melinda Gates
Every year, March 8th is celebrated as International Women’s Day to honor women and assess how far they have come and what more can be done to empower her. The pandemic has highlighted the central role that women play in society and the disproportionate burden that they bear. Creating an ecosystem that helps women balance the multiple roles they play in life is essential to the empowerment of women. 
This year, the theme for the International Women’s Day 2021 is #ChoosetoChallenge which highlights the importance of challenging biases and misconceptions in the interest of creating a more inclusive and gender-equal world.  

On this Women's day, we at SDMIMD take pleasure in inviting you to join us for a virtual panel discussion on ‘Women in Leadership’. 

The event is scheduled for today (March 8, 2021) at 3 PM.

One-Day Workshop for Women Professionals

The event will be rescheduled in the month of May 2020. The Exact date will be updated very soon
“Investing in women means investing in the people who invest in everyone else.”  - Melinda Gates
Women don multiple hats today as an entrepreneur, an executive, a leader, a manager, a homemaker and so on. Creating an ecosystem that helps women balance the multiple roles they play in life is essential to the empowerment of women. Every year, March 8th is celebrated as International Women’s Day to honor women and assess how far they have come and what more can be done to empower her. 
This year, the theme for the International Women’s Day 2020 is ‘Each for Equal’ – which is aimed at creating an equal world for an enabled world. Equality is not a women’s issue, but a business issue and each of us needs to strive to achieve a gender equal world. A recent McKinsey report reveals that in the last five years, more women have risen to the top levels in their companies. A large number of companies are consciously encouraging gender diversity and the companies where men actively champion gender diversity are much more likely to progress than the rest. 
On the occasion of Women’s day this year, which is also our Silver Jubilee year, we at SDMIMD, have put together a one-day training program “Empow(h)er” on Friday, March 6, 2020, for women, by women. This program is aimed at women professionals and will comprise of sessions to empower women. The program has been conceived and executed by the women faculty at SDMIMD under the guidance of the Deputy Director, Dr. H. Gayathri. 
To encourage greater participation in the sessions, we have limited the number of participants to 30. Since registration is on first come first served basis, we request you to register at the earliest. As a special gesture towards women professionals, the  registration fee is only Rs. 2000. 

Program Schedule


Session Details

9:30 AM - 9:45 AM

9:45 AM - 10:00 AM
  • Welcome Address by Dr. N. R. Parasuraman
  • Overview of the workshop by Dr. Neetu Ganapathy
  • Group Photo

10:00 AM - 11:15 AM

The Power of Self  by Dr. H. Gayathri

11:15 AM - 11:30 AM

Tea Break

11:30 AM - 12:45 PM

Work Life Balance by Dr. Mousumi Sengupta

12:45 PM - 2:00 PM

Lunch Break

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Social Media and its role in a Digital World by Prof. Malathi Sriram

3:15 PM - 3:30 PM

Tea Break

3:30 PM - 4:45 PM

Communication Strategies for Women in the Workplace 
by Dr. Neetu Ganapathy

5:00 PM

Feedback and Valedictory

Resource Persons
Dr. H. Gayathri
Deputy – Director & Professor - Marketing
SDMIMD, Mysore

View Profile
Dr. Mousumi Sengupta
Professor - OB/HRM
SDMIMD, Mysore
View Profile
Prof. Malathi Sriram
Associate Professor - Systems
SDMIMD, Mysore
View Profile
Dr. Neetu Ganapathy
Associate Professor - Systems & Business Communication
SDMIMD, Mysore
View Profile

Registration fee is Rs. 2000. 
Registration Link: https://www.sdmimd.ac.in/empower

Payment Option
Online Payment link: https://www.sdmimd.ac.in/sdmpayment/


The Federal Bank Ltd
Branch Mysore, Jayalakshmi Puram
Beneficiary: SDM Institute for Management Development
SB A/C: 16890100038823 | IFSC Code: FDRL0001689
D.D. / Multicity Cheque should be in favour of The Director, SDM Institute for Management Development, Payable at Mysore, D.D. / Multicity Cheque No.

Quick Contact
Dr. Neetu Ganapathy
Email: neetug@sdmimd.ac.in
Phone: 0821-2429722 Extn: 1110

One Day Workshop on Experiential Learning through Creative Thinking

Pedagogy: Interactive sessions, with hands-on exercises using games, puzzles, simulation, numerical exercises, and spreadsheet models.
To learn, understand and acquire:
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Problem solving techniques
  • Leadership qualities
  • Critical thinking skills
  • Ability to generate ideas
  • Better decision making skills
Learning approach: Individual and group activities
Resource person: Dr. R. Jagadeesh, Professor - Operations
Participants’ profile: Junior to mid-level, from any discipline in the organization.
Session From  To
Registration 9.30 9.45
Inauguration, Introduction and group photo  9.45 10.00
Session 1 10.00 11.15
Tea/ coffee break 11.15 11.30
Session 2 11.30 1.00
Lunch break 1.00 2.00
Session 3 2.00 3.30
Tea/ coffee break 3.30 3.45
Session 4 3.45 4.45
Valedictory, Feedback, Certificate distribution 4.45 5.00
Workshop Fee: Rs.2000.00 + applicable GST.
  • 10% group discount for 3 or more nomination from same organization
  • SDM Institutions – 25% Discount
  • Students/Research Scholars - 25% Discount
Payment Procedure

Option 1: 

Online Payment link: https://www.sdmimd.ac.in/sdmpayment/
Option 2: Payment may be made in the form of DD/Cheque drawn in favour of “Director, SDM Institute for Management Development”, payable at Mysore.
Option 3: Participants may also avail the facility of Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) using the following account numbers:
The Federal Bank Ltd
Branch Mysore, Jayalakshmi Puram
Beneficiary: SDM Institute for Management Development
SB A/C: 16890100038823
IFSC Code: FDRL0001689

FDP on Case teaching in Management

Case study method has gained immense importance as a pedagogical tool for management education. Decision making in management involves multidisciplinary approach and analysis of relevant information.  Case studies bring managerial situations into the classrooms which can provide students an understanding about the business environment. Most of the cases are real life situations in which students are exposed to managerial problems and issues. It will enhance student’s logical and analytical skills. The workshop is intended to provide faculty with an idea about case method of teaching. It also equip participants how to handle the case discussion session and enhance the effectiveness. It also focuses on preparing case teaching plan and note so that teachers and students can make the best out of this teaching methodology. 

Objectives of the FDP
  1. To provide insights about case teaching and writing.
  2. To help the participants to design a teaching plan for cases. 
  3. How to effectively use cases to connect with concepts.
  4. How to prepare teaching notes for cases.

Faculty member(s) offering the FDP: Dr. Jayakrishnan.S & Faculty from areas of  Finance, Human resource Management, Marketing,  Quantitative methods, Systems and Operations. 

Pedagogy: Lecture methods and Case Discussions 

Registration Form
Proposed fee: Rs. 4,000

Payment Procedure

Option 1: Payment may be made in the form of DD/Cheque drawn in favour of “Director, SDM Institute for Management Development”, payable at Mysore.
Option 2: Participants may also avail the facility of Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) using the following account numbers:
The Federal Bank Ltd
Branch Mysore, Jayalakshmi Puram
Beneficiary: SDM Institute for Management Development
SB A/C: 16890100038823
IFSC Code: FDRL0001689

Contact Us:

Dr. Jayakrishnan S
Mobile : +91- 9886287474
Email : jayakrishnan@sdmimd.ac.in

Dr. Sunil M.V.
Mobile : +91- 9986439832
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