Campus News

9th International HR Conference 2021

”Top leaders would need  to change the overall attitude towards the workforce welfare in the new normal business”, according to  Mr. Amit Kumar, the Vice President & Business Head Metering & Protection Systems L&T Electrical & Automation (A Unit of Schneider Electric India Private Limited). Mr. Amit Kumar was addressing the audience during the inaugural function of the 9th International E-Conference on “Talent management and Leadership challenges in the New Normal Business” at SDMIMD held on 16-17 December 2021.  Read More>

The Week Hansa B School Survey 2021

The Week Hansa B-School Survey 2021. has ranked SDMIMD in 41st place in overall ranking of 165 Private B-Schools; 15th in 67 B-Schools of South Zone (Govt. & Private); and, 11th in 63 Private B-Schools of South Zone.   

Careers360 - B School Survey

Career 360 has listed SDMIMD in 24th Place among Top 55 Private B-Schools in India with AAAA rank. Further, the institute is in 1st Place in the Mysore area.    

Education Post - B School Survey 2021

SDMIMD is placed in 15th position among the Best private B-Schools in the Southern Region by Education Post. It is Placed in the 14th Cluster at the National Level (Total- 50 Clusters) among Best B-Schools. SDMIMD has secured 46th place among Top 100 private B-Schools in the country and 15th among 49 Best private B Schools in the southern region.    

100th Meeting of the Toastmasters' Club

SDMIMD Toastmasters club conducted its "100th Milestone Meeting" on December 12, 2021 in hybrid mode. TM Nandha Kumar, the President of the club, commenced the meeting by welcoming the guests. He shared the several accolades that the club had won this year including the "President's Distinguished Club" award . Dr. N. R. Parasuraman, Director SDMIMD, and  Dr .S. N. Prasad, Deputy Director addressed the gathering and shared their views on the club and motivated the club members with their generous words. 
Several dignitaries from Toastmasters District 121 spoke about the club and congratulated the members. Distinguished Toastmaster Abhijit Roy from Kolkata delivered the keynote on the topic "Rejection isn't the end of the road".  The key highlight of the meeting was the "Down Memory Lane" section. In this section, the past presidents of the club, mentors and club coaches shared their memories of the club. Ms.Sujata Rajpal and DTM Haris, who helped the club in its initial days, encouraged the members to keep up their efforts to improve their communication and leadership skills. Dr. Neetu Ganapathy, the club faculty mentor, recalled her journey with the club since its inception in 2014 and expressed gratitude to everyone who had made this journey possible.  

International Partners Research Conference 2021

SDMIMD partnered with School of Business, University of Dundee, and other premier Universities across the Globe in organizing the International Partners Research Conference 2021 on 29 November 2021 through online mode. 
The focus of the conference was on issues related to socio-economic development. The research papers, concept notes and survey reports on the topic received from different countries were presented and discussed during the conference. It was a platform for the researchers to discuss the issues and seek the experts’ views from different universities partnered for the conference. 
The faculty members from SDMIMD presented the papers and chaired the sessions during the conference. Dr. Mousumi Sengupta, Professor – OB/HR & Chairperson – Conferences, SDMIMD, represented the institute. 

6th International Economics Conference

Indian economy though is affected by COVID-19 pandemic, responding positively to the quantitative easing and fiscal measures and reviving appreciably, said Prof.N.R.Bhanumurthy, Economist and Vice Chancellor of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar School of Economics University, Bengaluru. 
While delivering inaugural address to the 6th International Economics Conference organised by Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD) Mysuru on the theme of “Economic Growth and Sustainable Development: Emerging Trends” Bhanumurthy further says, “fiscal policy should not be the first line of defence during economic crisis and unlike economic crisis of 2008, India executed more prudent policy measures to manage the COVID-19 triggered economic downturn wherein monetary policy dominance over fiscal measures was evident”. Read More>

HR Dasara 2021: Industry-Culture-Conference

SDMIMD & Edin Bridge Foundation in association with Excelsoft Technologies organized a one-day Industry - Culture Conference on “HR Dasara - An insight to Mysuru Industrial Prosperity” recently at SDMIMD on November 26, 2021.
The conference was inaugurated by Chief Guest & Keynote speaker Shri. Pratap Simha, Member of Parliament, Mysuru-Kodagu Lok Sabha Constituency & Guests of Honour Dr. N R Parasuraman, Director & Professor - Finance, SDM IMD, Mysuru & Shri D Sudhanva, Co-founder & CEO, Excelsoft Technologies, Mysuru. 
Speaking on the occasion Shri. Pratap Simha, in his keynote address, highlighted the history of mysuru industrial development under Wodeyars. Shri Simha appreciated the concept of ‘One City One Industry’ with which Wodeyars set up industries in Mysuru, Mandya, Nanjangud, Bengaluru, Shimoga, etc. Further, he said that the contribution by the Wodeyars to the erstwhile Mysore state was immense. The hydel power project at Shimsha in the early 1900s, Mysore Lamps factory, Sandalwood oil factory, Mysore Paints and Varnishes, & Ideal Jawa are some of the major industries which were established during Wodeyars regime. 
He also spoke on the status of some of the ongoing industrial development projects like the 10-lane Bengaluru-Mysuru Economic Corridor project of ₹8172 crores which will reduce travel time between the two cities from three hours to just 90 minutes & the Multi-Modal Logistic Park (MMLP) which is coming up at Kadakola near Nanjangud in 61 acres of land which will have a cold storage unit, state-of-the-art first-of-its-kind in Karnataka warehouses, two Railway lines — loading line and engine escape line, facility for Customs clearances for export and import cargo, hi-tech signaling and telecommunication units, CC Block Pavement, administrative block, connecting roads and drainages, pump house, rainwater harvesting units and a host of other features needed for shipping and receiving goods.
The inauguration was followed by 2 Panel Discussion focusing on the - Mysuru City: Challenges in balancing Heritage & Growth; and during the post lunch on the topic - Mysuru City: the next Industrial & IT hub of India.
The conference focused on the industrial development & overall growth of Mysuru, ongoing & upcoming industrial projects of Mysuru, the challenges faced by the industries & the growth potential of mysuru. The conference also emphasized the economic development of Mysuru, the contribution of various sectors to the GDP, & new job opportunities. 
The conference was concluded with a special session on start-ups & how mysuru can become the next IT hub of India by Shri D Sudhanva, Co-founder & CEO, Excelsoft Technologies, Mysuru. 
About 200+ Delegates which include Industrialists, Business Leaders, CEOs, CHROs, HR Professionals & Management Academicians & Students attend the conference.

SDMIMD ranked 14th among Standalone B-Schools in India

The recently released Outlook - ICARE India MBA Ranking 2022 has ranked SDMIMD at the 24th position among the 52 top Private B Schools in India; 6th among 34 Top private B schools in South Zone; & 14th among 46 Private Standalone Institutions.  

B-Schools Ranking 2021

Business Today - MDRA - B Schools Ranking 2021
Business Today-MDRA Best B-Schools Ranking 2021 has ranked SDMIMD in 57th position among Top B Schools overall ranking. SDMIMD is in 32nd position among 100 Private B Schools; 60th among 99 in the 'Placement Performance' category; 30th among 100 in the 'Selection Process'; 48th among 100 in 'Future Orientation; and our institute is in 14th position among 20 B Schools in the South Zone.

SDMIMD is placed in the 9th position among the Top Leading B Schools of Super Excellence category. Among the 21 Top Private B Schools in Karnataka, SDMIMD is in the 3rd rank. Faculty, Publication, Research, Consultancy, MDP & Other programmes, Placement, USP, Social Responsibility, Networking & Industry Interface are some of the core criteria considered for the evaluation. B-school Rankings -2021 B-school Rankings -2021 has ranked SDMIMD in the 39th position among 85 B Schools (including both government and private B Schools).