Campus News

Webinar on Creativity, Design Thinking and Innovation

The interplay of creativity, design thinking, and innovation has become crucial in today's rapidly evolving business landscape. This webinar aimed to enlighten students with the knowledge and skills required to harness the power of imagination, embrace innovation, and leverage design thinking to drive organizational success.  By nurturing creativity within individuals and teams, organizations foster a culture that encourages experimentation, risk-taking, and a fresh perspective. By adopting a human-centric approach, design thinking encourages interdisciplinary collaboration and promotes a deep understanding of customer requirements. Innovation, the tangible outcome of creativity and design thinking, involves the implementation of novel ideas to bring about transformative change. Embracing creativity, design thinking, and innovation will allow aspiring managers to become visionary leaders capable of driving organizational success in an ever-evolving business landscape.

SDMIMD’s PGDM Program re-accredited for another 3 years

Recognizing the quality of management education and Internationalization at Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD), Mysore, the global accreditation body European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) has reaccredited SDMIMD’s flagship program – Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM), for a further period of 3 years from 2023.  It may be recalled that the program was first accredited in 2017 for 3 years, followed by a renewal of this in 2020 for 3 more years.
SDMIMD was the first Indian B-school to receive this accreditation in 2017 The recognition puts SDMIMD on the global map. The Institute hopes to strengthen its international tie-up arrangements and joint research in the months to come using the contact base of EPAS-accredited institutions world-wide.

28th Annual Convocation

Our Institute wore a festive look on Wednesday, March 29, 2023 on the occasion of 28th Annual Convocation. Students from PGDM 2021-23 batch were awarded the Post Graduate Diploma in Management by our respective Chairman Dr. D. Veerendra Heggade. Four students shared six gold medals for their best performance in Academics, Marketing,  Finance,  Human Resources Management, Systems and Best overall performance. These winners received the gold medals from the Chief Guest Shri. L Ganesh, Chairman and Managing Director, Rane Holdings.

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SDMIMD Overall Champion in ELIXIR 2023

In the recent B school event, ELIXIR 2k23, conducted by School of Management Studies, Palakkad on 3rd March, 12 students from SDMIMD participated in various events and won prizes. Karumbaiah KK, first year student won Best Manager event. Marketing event was aced by SDMIMD team comprising of Sachin Kamath K, Pavan Kumar T, Chaitanya BN and Amith Kumar HL. HR Event was topped by HR: Sanjay K, Aravind S, Jayaprakash Naidu and Alen J David. Druva N and Yashas MD won the Business Quiz event. Since SDMIMD students won majority of the events, SDMIMD won the overall trophy.

Visit of students from Porto Business School, Portugal

A group of 11 executive students and 2 faculty from Porto Business School, Portugal visited us from 5th March to 11th March 2023, as part of the exchange arrangement with them. The week-long orientation included talks, corporate visits and a social project exposure.

Research Development Program on “How to Write a Research Paper for Indexed Journal? Editor’s Perspective”

SDMIMD organised one-day Research Development Program on “How to Write a Research Paper for Indexed Journal? Editor’s Perspective” on March 3, 2023. The key focus of the program was to disseminate the fundamental ideas of a journal’s expectations from a research paper and build the capacity of the participants to write a good-quality manuscript. The day-long program covered pertinent topics such as overview of different types of research, conceptualization of research theme, structuring a research paper, research ethics and journal selection. The event was attended by 42 participants who were research scholars, Faculty and industry executives affiliating to organisations of different parts of the country.
Dr.B.Venkatraja, Associate Professor of Economics at SDMIMD Mysore was the Resource Person of the program. 
Dr.N.R.Parasuraman, Director- SDMIMD Mysore delivered inaugural talk to the program and Dr.S.N.Prasad, Deputy Director-SDMIMD Mysore addressed the participants with concluding remarks. Participation certificates were distributed to the participants by the Director, Deputy Director and the Resource Person. 

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3rd Annual Convocation of the PGCM Program

Speaking on the occasion of the Convocation of the 1-year PGCM program held on February 24, 2023, Dr. N.R. Parasuraman, Director, SDMIMD, alluded to the popularity of 1-year program in management in Europe and how these have a different orientation, like the just concluded PGCM.
Dr. N.R. Parasuraman, Director, awarded the PGCM certificates to the eligible candidate and delivered the convocation address. Presenting the concluding remarks, Deputy Director, Dr S.N. Prasad, said 'SDMIMD have put together a curriculum and pedagogy for this 1-year program which differentiates itself from the 2-year program and yet retains the basic tenets of the Dharmasthala ethos – excellence blended with high values'.
Ms Prakruthi Bharadwaj received the gold medal for her Best Overall Performance from the Director.

Heilbronn University Students and faculty visit SDMIMD

Faculty and 15 Students from Heilbronn University, Germany led by Dr. Susanne Wilpers, Professor of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Business and Transport Management, Heilbronn University, Germany, and Program Coordinator Ms Debi  arrived at Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD). SDMIMD had arrangements with Heilbronn university for student and faculty exchange. They have visited the SDMIMD from 21 February 2023 to 28 February 2023.

Pratigam 2023 - SDMites Coming back Home

On campus, the SDMIMD alumni members' annual meet Pratigam was organized on February 25, 2023. The event was a great success and witnessed active participation from both alumni and current students. 
The Pratigam 2023 was inaugurated by the Director, Dr N.R. Parasurman, who addressed the gathering. Dr Parasuraman spoke about the importance of alumni engagement and how it contributes to the growth and success of the institute. Mr Niranjan Naik, President of the Prerana SDMIMD Alumni Association, shared about various activities that the Alumni Association did during the past year. Deputy Director Dr Prasad S.N. stressed the importance of meaningful engagement with the alumni and suggested forming an Alumni Placement Coordination team to assist with college placements.
The event began with the Annual General Body Meet (AGM) of Prerana - SDMIMD Alumni Association. It was followed by panel discussions for the students on the PGDM Batch 2022-24. The panel discussed the summer internship assignment, the selection of electives and the preparation for placements. 
The post-lunch session was the interaction by alumni with various student committees. The alumni then participated in events organized by student clubs and committees, followed by the box cricket tournament and fun games organized by the committees. 
The cultural performance by students and alumni and a short speech on "AI - how it's changing the industry landscape" by Distinguished Alumni Award Winner for 2022, Mr N. Ravi Shankar, concluded the celebration of Pratigam 2023.