Campus News

'Banking Needs Autonomy and Governance', said Dr Narayan Kayarkatte, Ex-Banker

Dr Narayan Kayarkatte, Ex-Banker & Academician speaking on the topic of “Current Banking Crisis in India and Growth Implications” to the participants of the one-day Pre-Conference Workshop on “Development Banking and Inclusive Growth: Emerging Trends” on November 14, 2019, said that trust and bank go together. While there may not be any crisis in banking sector now, problems that exist today might affect the banking sector in future. He postulates two major banking issues. Firstly, recognition and recovery of loans, that is not happening, is the major issue to tackle. Secondly, mismatch between assets and liabilities is growing. He said that in order to overcome these problems, NPAs should be managed well with which Bank shares will increase. Talking about good governance, as Government is both the owner and manager of public sector banks, more autonomy is required to the banks. 

Mr. K P Pradyumna, Ex- Chief Lead District Manager Spoke on Banking Crisis

Mr. K P Pradyumna, Ex- Chief Lead District Manager, SBI, while speaking to the participants of the one-day Pre-Conference Workshop on “Development Banking and Inclusive Growth: Emerging Trends” on November 14, 2019, said that Indian banking is not in crisis regardless of what financial indicators are indicating. Talking on to the topic of “Current Banking Crisis in India and Growth Implications” he said that Indian banking system is strong, robust and can survive any type of problem it comes across because of the principles that banking in India has. He stated that NPA is a hurdle for development and regulatory provisions such as IBC, Sarfasi act etc are improving the situation. He strongly believes that microfinance will not sustain in long run as people in India still believe in savings than borrowing, and microfinance will survive temporarily until banks become sensitive to the rural masses.

Invited Talk on Co-operative Banking

Dr. Yashavantha Dongre Rtd. Professor-Commerce, University of Mysore, Mysore, delivered a talk on co-operative banking and related issues of dual regulation, size and governance held on November 14, 2019 during the one-day Pre-Conference Workshop on the theme “Development Banking and Inclusive Growth: Emerging Trends.” Co-operatives are the vehicles of inclusive and sustainable models as: they lead to financial inclusion, provide development finance, they have local focus, and are resilient during crisis. The problems faced by the cooperative banking were outlined in the session which broadly includes dual regulation policy, efficiency not getting reflected by size and the shortcomings in governance. The session also covered other aspects such as the requirements cooperative banks need to fulfil, how cooperative banks can benefit the members more and how the future for cooperative banking looks like. The talk was highly insightful and threw light on several dimensions pertaining to cooperative banking.

Talk on Microfinance by Mr. Surya Panda

Mr. Surya Panda, Head-Credit, Samasta Microfinance Ltd as resource person to the one-day Pre-Conference Workshop on the theme “Development Banking and Inclusive Growth: Emerging Trends” held on November 14, 2019 addressed the participants on the current scenario of the microfinance institutions in India. He spoke comprehensively about how the microfinance institutions operate in India, the benefits of having microfinance institutions, the challenges faced and the contemporary trends. He has elaborated how the microfinance institutions are playing pivotal roles in the upliftment of the underserved communities and propagation of the economy. He also talked about the internal and external risks that the microfinance institutions face, and the mechanisms need to be adopted in order prevent them. The session also discussed issues like how to ensure the loans provided are not squandered, social accounting, interaction between the self-help groups and the microfinance institutions etc. The entire session was immensely insightful and enlightening, and it threw light on several dimensions of microfinance.

Talk on Development Banking Regulatory Issues

Mr. Pankil Sanghvi, Partner (Tax & Regulatory Services) at BDO India LLP, Bengaluru was an invited resource person to the one-day Pre-Conference Workshop on the theme “Development Banking and Inclusive Growth: Emerging Trends” held on November 14, 2019. He spoke on the topic – ‘Development Banks – Indian Policy and Regulatory Aspects: The Macro Economic Impact’.  overviewed and presented the audience with evolution of development banking in India, the core challenges the sector is facing, and the factors contributing to the shutdown of development banks. Reforms and liberalisation starting from 1991 was the key for growth of development banking, said Mr. Pankil. He emphasized the role played by Government in choosing development banks to reconstruct India economically after independence. He also deliberated that Development banks channel money from people to project as a coordinator and hence ought not to make any profits from it themselves.

Blood Donation Camp 2019

"The blood you donate gives someone another chance at life" thus said Mr C.V. Sridhar, Manager Administration, SDMIMD, inaugurating the Blood Donation Camp 2019 on Friday, November 8, 2019. In his address said 'SDMites are always seen coming forward with great enthusiasm, to address social issues whenever situations call for the same'. The event was a reinforcement of the principles for which SDMIMD stands and the social responsibility attitude demonstrated by the students. The camp was organized by SDMIMD in collaboration with HDFC Bank with the medical support from Jeevadhara Blood Bank, a unit of Cauvery Social Services Trust, Mysore. Faculty, Staff members and students participated in the camp. 

SDMIMD Featured in Times Now PathFinder

Times Now telecasted a special feature about SDMIMD in the PathFinder series on Saturday, October 19, 2019. The program focused on SDMIMD’s 25 Years journey in management education and included interview with Chairman Dr. D Veerendra Heggade, Dharmadhikari of Dharmasthala and discussions with our key functionaries. 

Exchange Program Visit to BUiD, Dubai by Prof. Gandhi

Prof. L. Gandhi, Faculty – OB/HR, SDMIMD, visited British University in Dubai (BUiD), Dubai during October 21 to 23, 2019 on a Faculty Exchange Program (FEP). Prof. Gandhi conducted the sessions for MBA Program in the University. Students of the program are the working executives who are pursuing their MBA from BUiD. The sessions focused on Organization Behaviour (OB) covering the global scenario. Several case studies and situations from Indian scenario were introduced to the students. 

2-Day Workshop by Kennesaw State University professor

Dr. Sheb True, Professor of Marketing, Interim Director – MBA Programs, Coles Colleges of Business, Kennesaw State University, Atlanta, United States, conducted 2-Day workshop on ‘Strategic Positioning and Leadership’ on October 18 &19, 2019 at SDMIMD. The workshop was organized for the focused group of PGDM 2019-21 Batch marketing specialization students.